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II cеместр

Time allowed: 80 minutes

I. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-form.

Universities in Britain

(1) Universities in Britain are the summit of the educational system and ……. (be) of colossal prestige. The first come Oxford and Cambridge, which are often called Oxbridge for short. Oxford was built in the twelfth century by the British scholars expelled from Paris university who ……. (start) a university of their own at a rather damp and unsuitable place called Oxford. Some time later, in an even damper place, a breakaway group started another university called Cambridge.

(2). Nowadays Oxford and Cambridge ……... (be) known all over the world. Public and grammar schools measure their success by the number of their students enrolled at these institutions. Each of these universities ……… (be) a federation of colleges, mostly independent from each other, with its own administration. Each can, for example, decide who will be admitted and who will be kept out. So, when we are talking about getting into Oxford or Cambridge, we really ……. (talk) about getting into one of thirty-six separate institutions at Oxford and twenty-three in Cambridge.

(3) Unlike all the other institutions of higher learning, Oxford and Cambridge are not and have never been controlled either directly or indirectly by the Ministry of Education or the local education authorities. Even though nearly three quarters of their income comes to them from the Treasury with Parliamentary approval, they are not accountable either to Parliament or the Treasury for the way they spend it.

II. Indicate the tense and voice of the verbs underlined in the text; translate the

sentences into Russian.

III. Give answers to the following questions:

1. Who was Oxford and Cambridge created by?

2. How many separate institutions does Oxford consist of?

3. What organizations control the majority of institutions of higher learning in Britain?

4. What organizations are Oxford and Cambridge accountable to?

5. Why are Oxford and Cambridge known all over the world?

IV. Here are the answers to some questions. Work out the questions.

1. in the twelfth century.

2. at a rather damp and unsuitable place

3. twenty-three

4. thirty-six

5. nearly three quarters

V. Translate passage 2 and 3 into Russian.

VI. Translate into English using the Present Simple, the Past Simple, the Present

Perfect, the Present Perfect Continuous, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Сегодня я еще не читал газеты. 2. Сколько раз вы уже были в Лондоне? Я знаю, что вы ездили в Лондон в прошлом году. 3. Вы давно знаете Анну? -Я знаю ее всю жизнь. 4. Я очень люблю путешествовать. Я побывала во многих столицах Европы. 5. Семь лет назад он уехал в Москву, и с тех пор я его больше не видел. 6. Мартин недавно купил новый компьютер. Он откладывал на него деньги 3 года.7. Я устал. Я работал весь день. 8.Когда я вошел в зал, фильм уже начался. 9. Когда я пришел домой я увидел, что мой сын играл в шахматы со своим другом.10. Сколько лет вы изучали английский до того как стали говорить свободно?

Составила: Недоспасова В.Г