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Аттестационная Контрольная работа № 3 по английскому языку для студентов I курса экономического ф-та


III cеместр

1.Read the text and supply the correct tenses choosing between the four choices

(A B C D) given below.

Henry Ford

When Henry Ford turned 71 he came out to meet the press wearing two different shoes. When he (1) …… about it by the reporters he said that he always (2) …… one old shoe on his birthday to remind himself that he once (3) …… very poor and might become poor again. Henry Ford was the man who transformed the world. The car he built changed the lives of people everywhere. In 1896 Ford succeeded in building an automobile powered by a gasoline engine. He (4) …… his first engine in the kitchen sink.

In 1903 Henry Ford (5) ….. the Ford Motor Company and introduced the model “Ford”. He wanted to make a car that everyone (6) …… to afford. He was able to lower the price of the Model T-Ford from $850 to $360 by introducing mass production assembly line techniques. On the assembly line each person had one specific job and therefore, could do it faster and more efficiently.

But if he was the same old Ford to the outer world, the employees next to him (7) …… him as a different man. His belief in his own talent, individuality and independence sometimes made him cruel and merciless to those who surrounded him. Thus, he constantly humiliated his son Edsel in front of others canceling the decisions Edsel made as president. When Edsel learned that his another order (8) …… by his father, he used to say, “Well, after all, my father has built all this business…”

1. (A) is asked (C) was asked 5. (A) established (C) has established

(B) asked (D) has been asked (B) was established (D had established

2. (A) wore (C) wears 6. (A) would be able (C) will be able

(B) had worn (D) is wearing (B) was able (D) had been able

3. (A) was (C) had been 7. (A) saw (C) had seen

(B) has been (D) would be (B) have seen (D) will see

4. (A) built (C) has build 8. (A) is turned (C) has been turned

(B) was built (D) is built (B) had been turned (D) was turned

II. Translate the text into Russian.

III. Answer these questions about Henry Ford .

1. What is Henry Ford known for?

2. In what way did he use to remind himself that he had once been very poor ?

3. How did Henry Ford transform the world?

4. How did he treat people who surrounded him?

IV. Here are the answers to some questions. Work out the questions.

1. in 1903

2. Yes, they did. His employees saw him quite a different man.

3. His belief in his own talent, individuality and independence

4. Edsel

V. Read the situations and write a sentence with the Present Perfect Continuous:

1. Greg speaks French like a native. (He / learn French / since childhood)

2. They are nervous and angry. (They / wait for a bus/ for over an hour)

3. We can’t drive a car today because of a snowstorm. (It / snow/ since morning)

VI. Translate into English paying attention to the Sequence of Tenses.

1. Я знал, что она еще не перевела этот текст.

2. Он сказал, что расплатился с долгами (pay one’s debts) более месяца назад.

3. Они не знали, будут ли опубликованы результаты их исследований.

Составила: Недоспасова В.Г.