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7. Ответьте на вопросы письменно:

        1. What did the discovery of the hole in the ozone layer show?

  1. Why did the hole in the ozone layer appear?

  2. What can ultraviolet radiation damage?

  3. What caused the damage of ozone?

  4. How are CFCs produced?

  5. Why do CFCs become reactive and damage the ozone layer?

  6. What does greenhouse effect contribute to?

  7. What is the essence of the Montreal Protocol signed in 1987?

  8. How long can it take to close up the ozone hole in the atmosphere?

8. Выпишите предложения из текста, содержащие данные глаголы.

to occur - случаться происходить

to absorb - поглощать

to cause - вызывать, причинять

to affect - воздействовать

to enclose - замыкать, окружать

to destroy - разрушать

to contribute - способствовать, содействовать

to increase - увеличиваться

to reduce - уменьшать

to protect - защищать

to decrease - уменьшать, сокращать


Вариант 2

1. Прочитайте и напишите перевод данных предложений на русском языке.

  1. My mother usually gets up at 6 o’clock.

  2. Does it often snow in St. Petersburg?

  3. When do you have lunch?

  4. He comes from London, doesn’t he?

  5. As a rule I don’t go by bus to work.

2. Заполни пропуски, вставив правильную форму глагола в скобках в Present Continuous Present Simple. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I am ... coffee (have).

  2. My fellow-student is ... Exercise II (read).

  3. We are ... for the bus to come (wait).

  4. They are ... for London this week (leave).

  5. My friend is crazy. He is constantly ... computer games (play).

  6. Are you ... by car (go)?

  7. How long is Carla ... here (stay)?

3. Напишите глагол в трех формах








account, arrange, be, begin, bring, build, buy, calculate, catch, clean, come, concentrate, cost, decide, do, dress, equip, estimate, examine, exchange, explode, explore, find, forget, give, go, graduate, have, investigate, lead, leave, listen, make, melt, pay, plan, play, prepare, process, prospect, provide, put, read, repair, report, run, set, smelt, solve, speak, specify, strip, study, survey, take, think, train, travel, understand, wash, watch, write.

4. Заполни пропуски, вставив правильную форму глагола в скобках в Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I ... never ... a computer before (use).

  2. ... an umbrella? (take) It’s raining.

  3. My friend .. on a business trip to Canada (go).

  4. We ... already ... the table (clean). It’s vacant.

  5. Don’t be late! The lecture ... just ... (begin).

5. Ответьте на вопросы, используя Present Perfect Tense. Подчеркните глагол в Present Perfect Tense. Образец

Have you been to the Mining Institute today?

Yes, I have. I’ve been there for 7 hours.

  1. Have you already had your dinner?

  2. How many classes, seminars and lectures have you had today?

  3. What interesting TV programs have you seen this week?

  4. To what museums, cinemas, theatres or concert halls have you been this month?

  5. Who has passed the exams with excellent marks in your group?

  6. Where have you just come back from?

  7. You have been late for the first lecture, haven’t you?