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5.13 Закончите предложения, используя should

1. Peter and Judy are planning to get married. You think it's a bad idea.

I don’t think they should get married.

2. You don't like smoking, especially in restaurants.

I think smoking………………… (be banned)

3. I have a very bad cold but I plan to go out this evening. You don't think this is a good idea.

You say to me: I don’t think you………………………………… (go out).

4. You are fed up with the government. You think they have made too many mistakes.

I think the government …………… (resign).

5.14* Закончите предложения, используя have done (Perfect Infinitive) или be doing (Continuous Infinitive)

1. (your friend on the motorbike is not wearing a helmet) It is very dangerous! You should be wearing (wear) a helmet.

2. –I’m feeling sick. I guess, I ate too much yesterday. – You …………………… (eat) so much.

3. (The speed limit is 50, but your friend is doing 120) You …………………………. (drive) at such a breakneck speed.

4. (Your friend paid the bill. You wanted to make it a Dutch treat) You ……………………… (pay) the bill yourself. I could have paid for myself.

5. (Your friend is not looking where she is going, and she walks into a wall) Dear, you ………… …………….. (look) where are you going.

6. – Why did you give your Good Charlotte disk to Linda? I wanted to take it.

- You ………………………… (ask) me earlier.

7. You …………………….. (say) that before. Now it is too late.

8. (Your friend who is driving a car is not very attentive) You …………………… (look) at me, you …………………………. (look) at the road.

5.15 Переведите с русского на английский, используя must/mustn’t или should/shouldn’t

1. Тебе следует внимательнее слушать, что говорят взрослые.



2. Ты не должен разговаривать со мной в таком тоне.


3. Тихо, мы не должны разбудить детей.


4. Тебе надо надеть что-нибудь потеплее. Уже очень холодно на улице.


5. Ты не должен трогать эти провода. Это очень опасно.


6. Извините, но мы должны уходить. У нас очень много работы.


7. Тебе не следует так говорить. Она может и обидеться.


8. Ты не должен уходить далеко. Ты можешь потеряться.


9 Я считаю, нам нужно позвонить в ресторан и сделать заказ заранее.



10. Ты должен сделать это, пока не поздно.


May and Might

5.16 Прочитайте ситуации. Попросите разрешение

For example: (You want to take your deskmate’s pen for a while.)

May I take your pen for a while?

1. (You want to go out.) ………………………………………………………….

2. (You want to come into the room.) …………………………………………...

3. (You want to ask a very personal question.)


4. (You want to try on your friend’s new jacket.)


5. (You want to have a look at Sarah’s photos.)


6. (You want to add something in a discussion.)


7. (You want to use your friend’s phone) ……………………………………….

8. (You want to join Maria, Paul and Liz to go on a trip to Jamaica)


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