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2.14 Переведите с русского на английский

1. Кто-то пришел 3 часа назад.

Someone came three hours ago.

2. Что-то не то.

Something is not right

3. Я хочу поехать куда-нибудь.

I want to travel somewhere

4. Я встретил какого-то незнакомого мужчину в нашем доме.

I met some strange man in oure house

5. Купи что-нибудь.

Buy something

6. Сделай что-нибудь.

Do something

7. Пригласи кого-нибудь на вечеринку.

Invite someone to party.

8. Давай сходим куда-нибудь.

Lets go somewhere

9. Хочешь чего-нибудь?

You want anything.

10. Знаешь ли ты кого-нибудь из этих людей.

Do you know somebody of this people?

11. «Ты слышал что-нибудь?» – «Нет, ничего».

Did you hear anything? No,nothing.

12. «Ты ездил куда-нибудь?» – «Нет, никуда».

Did you travel somewhere? No,nowhere.

13. Если что-нибудь случится, я дома.

If anything happens, I’m at home.

14. Покупай любое, что тебе понравится.

You cant buy anything that you want.

15. Никто не пришел.

No one came

16. Ничто неверно.

Nobody came

17. Никто меня не видел.

Nothing wrong.

18. Я не люблю никого, кроме тебя.

Nobody saw me.

19. Ничего не происходит.

Nothing happens.

20. «Ты что-то сказал?» «Нет, ничего».

Did you speak anything? No, nothing.

21. Мне нужно тебе что-то сказать.

I need to say you something.

22. Она ничего не может сделать сама.

––––- -She cant do anything herself.

23. Что-то случилось?

Anything happened?

24. Ты хочешь чего-нибудь выпить?

Do you want anything drink?

Much, Many, a Lot of, Few, a Few, Little, a Little

2.15 Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык

1. I don’t take much (много) sugar in my tea.

2. I have so many (много) things to do this morning. I’m not sure, I’ll do everything. I have very little (мало) time.

3. Many (многие) teenagers smoke, but very little (мало) of them think of the effect of smoking on their health.

4. All I have is a few (несколько) bananas, a little (немного) bread and milk.

5. She hasn’t got many (много) friends.

6. Unfortunately you have very little (мало) experience.

7. The boys had a little (мало) money. They could buy just a few (несколько) apples.

8. There were a few (мало) people in the streets.

2.16 Вставьте a lot of/ much/ many/ little / a little / few / a few. Переведите на русский язык

1. We must be quick. We have little time.Мы должны быть быстры. У нас мало времени.

2. Listen carefully. I'm going to give you a few advice. Слушайте меня внимательно. Я должен дать вам неюольшой совет.

3. Do you mind if I ask you …………..questions?

4. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so ………… tourists come here.

5. I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got ………… patience.

6. 'Would you like milk in your coffee?' 'Yes, please ………. '

7. This is a very boring place to live. There's ………….to do.

8. 'Have you ever been to Paris?' 'Yes, I've been there ………. times.'

9. He isn't very popular. He has …….. friends.

10. Ann is free these days. She has free time.

11. Did you take photographs when you were on holiday?

12. I'm not very busy today. I haven't got …………….to do.

13. The museum was very crowded. There were too …………. people.

14. Most of the town is modern. There are ………..old buildings.

15. The weather has been very dry recently. We've had hardly ……… rain.

16. The city was almost empty. There aren’t …… people in the streets.

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