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Способы выражения прошедшего времени

Past Simple (I did)

Past Continuous (I was doing)

  • описывает исторические события

The Chinese invented printing.

King Henry VIII died in 1547.

  • обозначает законченные действия-факты, произошедшие в прошлом

I went to Italy last year.

We ate an hour ago.

+ I (you, she, he, etc) … ed (прав. гл.)

II (неправ. гл.)

She studied law at university.

He sent an e-mail yesterday.

- I (you, she, etc) did not (didn’t) I

She didn’t study law at


He didn’t send an e-mail


? Did you (I, she, he, etc) I?

Did she study law at university?

Did he send an-email yesterday?

in 1967, last year (weekend, Monday, etc), 3 weeks ago, yesterday, in the past

  • обозначает длительное незаконченное действие-процесс, происходящее в определенный момент прошлого или указанный период времени

I was having a business lunch with my partner at 12.

Определенный момент

прошлого может быть

указан другим действием,

обычно в Past Simple.

She was sleeping when

he came home.

+ I (she, he, it) was + …ing

You (we, they) were + … ing

She was making dinner

when the phone rang.

They were playing football

at 7 pm yesterday.

  • I (she, he, it) was not (wasn’t) +


You (we, they) were not (weren’t) +


She wasn’t making dinner

when the phone rang.

They weren’t playing

football at 7 yesterday.

? Was I (she, he, it) … ing?

Were you (we, they) … ing?

Was she making dinner

when the phone rang?

Were they playing football

at 7 yesterday?

Past Perfect (I had done)

Past Perfect употребляется для обозначения законченного действия, которое произошло до определенного момента прошлого, который часто указан другим действием в Past Simple.

When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home. Когда Сара приехала на вечеринку, Пол уже ушёл домой.

+ I (you, she, he, it, we, they) had + …ed (для правильных глаголов)

III (для неправильных глаголов)

He had robbed three women before the police arrested him.

She had done all the job when he came back.

- I (you, she, he, it, we, they) had not (hadn’t) + …ed (для прав. глаголов)

III (для неправ. глаголов)

He hadn’t robbed a lot of women before the police arrested him?

She hadn’t done all the job when he came back.

? Had you (I, she, he, we, they) …ed?(для правильных глаголов)

III? (для неправильных глаголов)

Had he robbed three women before the police arrested him?

Had she done all the job when he came back?

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