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Read and be ready to reproduce the conversations.

Calling a travel agency

AGENT: Johnson’s Travel. Can I help you?

HERB: Yes, I’d like some information about the special plane fares to New York I read about in your ad.

A: Okay, when’ll you be going and how long do you plan to stay?

H: Well, I’d like to leave three weeks from Friday and stay about two weeks. A: Then you qualify for our two-week advance purchase excursion fare. That’s $442 if you leave Friday through Sunday, and cheaper during the week.

H: I guess I could leave Thursday afternoon. Are there any other restrictions? A: There’s a minimum required stay of eight days.

H: Well, that’s no problem. Can I get my ticket now?

A: Sure. Come right in to our downtown office and I’ll have the whole thing written up for you in a jiffy.

H: Okay. Can I pay with traveleers checks?

A: Yes. If you bring some form of identification with you, that’ll be all right. H: Okay, thanks. I’ll be there in about an hour.

A: Thank you. Bye.

At an information desk

FRANK: Could you tell me where the post office is, please?

ATTENDANT: Well, the post office is down that hall. But if it’s stamps you want, there’s a machine right over there, but they cost more in the machine. F: Thank you, but I need a telephone.

A: A telephone? Well, you won’t find a telephone at the post office. The phones are right over there. See the blue and white sign?

F: Yes, I see. Thank you.

A: Hey, you got any change? You’re going to need it if you want to use the phone.

F: Eh, no, I haven’t got any.

A: Well, then you’d better look for a change machine or go to the bank first. Let’s see… let me check the time… Yeah, the bank’s still open. Just down there and to the right.

F: Thank you very much. A: Yeah, it’s all right.

At a ticket window

CLERC: Can I help you?

JILL: Yes, I’d like some information about trains to Chicago. C: Okay. What would you like to know?

J: Well, how many are there per day?


C: One via Pittsburgh leaving at 2:45 p.m. and one via Buffalo leaving at 6:45 p.m.

J: How long does it take to get there?

C: The Broadway – that’s the one that goes through Pittsburgh – takes about eighteen hours, but the Lake Shore takes a little longer.

J: I see… What about eating and sleeping arrangements?

C: Both trains have dining cars and snack bars. And there are roomettes and slumber coaches on both of them.

J: Well, uh, what are roomettes and slumber coaches?

C: They both sleep one or two people, but the roomette has a toilet and wash basin. It costs more, too. Are you ready to make a reservation?

J: Uh, no, I don’t think so.

C: Well, here’s a copy of the timetable. Why don’t you take a look at it and let me know when you’ve decided.

J: Okay. Do I have to pay for the ticket when I make the reservation? C: No, you can do that later.

J: All right, thanks.

At a tourist information center

ATTENDANT: Hi! What can I do for you?

TOURIST: Well, I’m trying to find Rocky Mountain National Park, but I haven’t seen any signs, so I’m not sure this is the right road.

A: It sure is. It’s well marked starting on the far side of town. After that, just follow the signs. You can’t miss it.

T: Thanks very much.

A: Sure. Have a nice day!

Here are some words to help you check your understanding of the dialogues. You should know the bold words to make your communication easier. advance (adj.): earlier than usual, before

excursion fare (n): a round trip fare at a reduced price fare (n): the price charged for transportation

jiffy (n): a moment

qualify (v): to fit the requirements restriction (n): limit; limitation

timetable (n): a schedule showing arrival and departure times of trains and buses

via (prep.): by way of

wash basin (n): a small sink where you can wash your hands and face.



Find English equivalents.






a) Have you got any change?

информацию о …







b) Just follow the signs.

чтобы добраться туда?




Вы будете бронировать?

c) The phones are over there.


Следите за знаками.


d) I’d like some information








Телефоны вон там.


e) You can’t miss it.


Я не уверен, что это нужная

f) How long does it take to get







У вас есть мелочь?


g) Are you ready to make a








Вы не проедете мимо.


h) I’m not sure this is the right road.

Look at the sentences (a-h) below and put the conversation in order.

a)Shall I pay you now?

b)Yes, sir. There are a few seats left.

c)How long does the whole excursion take?

d)That’s right.

e)Have you got any seats left for the Stratford excursion?

f)If you don’t mind, sir.

g)Approximately ten hours, sir.

h)Is that the one that goes to Oxford as well?



Business Conversations



1. Read the conversation

Anne’s boss, Richard Brooks, has offered her a job in the New York office of the company. They are talking about it now.

A:It’s a very difficult decision for me to make.

R:Yes, I can understand that. But I hope you agree that it’s a wonderful opportunity for you. You’ll earn a much better salary.

A:Yes, I know I’ll have a better salary, but ...

R:Yes? But? Go on.

A:Will I have more money?

R:I’m not sure I understand. What do you mean?

A:Well, first of all, the cost of living in New York is much higher than here in London.

R:I don’t agree. Some things are more expensive there. Other things are much cheaper.

A:Let’s come back to that later. It isn’t the only reason it’s so difficult for me to decide.

R:Oh? Isn’t it?

A:No. Another reason is the cost of moving. That will be very expensive.

R:But we’ll help you with the moving expenses. Didn’t I tell you that?

A:No, I’m afraid you didn’t.

R:Oh, didn’t I? I’ll come back to that later too. But now I’d like to help you understand what a wonderful opportunity the job in New York really is!

America is the most important market in the world. Don’t forget these things when you make your decision.

A:I’ll think about all these things, Richard, but you gave me only a week to decide. That isn’t enough.

R:All right. I’ll give you more time. Two weeks from today. That’ all I can give you.

2. Focus your attention on the words and expressions you could use in business talks.

to agree - соглашаться

cost of living – стоимость жизни to earn – зарабатывать

to make a decision – принимать решение moving expenses – расходы на переезд salary – оклад, жалованье

3. Discuss with your partner pros and cons of a new job.



1. Read the conversation

Anne Brown is talking to one of her assistant, Peter Woods.

A: You’re been working here for two months now, Peter. How do you feel about it?

P: I really enjoy it. I feel, I’ve learned a lot about the job.

A: Good. Have you had any problems? P: No.

A: Really? None at all?

P: Well, last week I had … I wouldn’t call it a problem but … difficulty.

A: Yes. Tell me about it.

P: You asked me to get some information for that report on Software

Engineering. I didn’t know where to find it. That’s why it took me so long to get it.

A: Why didn’t you ask for help?

P: Well … because … I didn’t want to say that I needed help to do the job. I didn’t want to make a bad impression.

A: Hmm, I see. Can I give you some advice, Peter? P: Yes, of course. What?

A: You’ll make a far better impression if you ask for help and then do the job really well. If you don’t know where something is or what you should do, you should say so.

2.Focus your attention on the words and expressions you could use in business talks:

to get information on … – собирать информацию о … to give advice – давать совет

to make a good (bad, favourable, negative) impression – производить хорошее (плохое, благоприятное, отрицательное) впечатление report – отчет

How do you feel about – Что Вы думаете о …?

3.Talk to your new assistant and find out if she or he faces any problems working for your company.



1. Read the conversation

Last month Anne Brown was offered a job in the New York office of the company she works for. She is talking to her boss, Richard Brooks, about it now.

A: I’ve been thinking a lot about your offer.

R: I know it’s a very difficult decision for you. But before … A: Yes, it’s been very difficult. But I’ve made up my mind now. R: You … you have?

A: Yes, I’ve decided to accept your offer.

R: What? You mean … you’d like to take the job in New York?

A: Yes. Exactly.

R: But the last time we discussed this, you said you didn’t think you would be happy in New York. In fact, I was sure you were going to turn our offer down.

A: Yes, I know what I said, Richard. But now I’ve changed my mind. I’ve realized that the job in New York is a wonderful career opportunity. In fact,

I’m looking forward to it. You see …

R: Before you go on, Anne, there’s something I should tell you. I hope you won’t be disappointed. Well … we’re changed our minds too, Anne. We want you to stay here in London. We are going to offer you a better job. We intend to promote you.

2.Read and keep in mind the following useful words and expressions: to accept offer – принимать предложение

to turn an offer down – отклонять предложение to make up one’s mind – решить

to change one’s mind – передумать

career opportunity – шанс, возможность продвинуться по службе to promote – повышать в должности

3.Practise the conversation changing the details.



1. Read the conversation

This is Stephen’ s first day back in the office after a business trip. Tom Smith is his boss.

T: How did your trip go?

S:Very well. I’ve almost finished my report.


S:A copy of it will be on your desk before I leave.

T:Glad to hear it. Well, now, Stephen, I’ll come straight to the point. As you know, business has not been very good lately. To be frank with you, this company is in a very difficult situation.

S:Yes, I realize that.

T:I’m sure you do. Perhaps you’ve also heard that as a result of this situation, there are going to be some changes in the company.

S:What kind of changes are you talking about?

T:Well, for one thing, the management structure is going to be changed.

Some jobs will be lost. I’m sorry but that’s the way it is.

S:I see. And … why are you telling me this?

T:Because one of the jobs that will be lost in the reorganization of the company is your job, Stephen.

S:You mean I’m fired?

T:Well, let’s say that your services are no longer required.

2.Focus your attention on the words and expressions you could use in business talks.

copy – экземпляр

to come straight to the point – перейти сразу к главному, сути to fire – увольнять

to be frank – говорить откровенно

to lose jobs – терять рабочие места. Здесь: упразднять должности that’s the way it is – вот так обстоят дела

3.You’re planning to reorganize your company. Discuss the future changes with your assistant. Present your own ideas and ask for suggestions.



1. Read the conversation

Stephen York is an engineer. He has recently lost his job. He is talking to a friend, Mary Page.

M: Have your ever heard of a company called «Software Engineering»?

S: Software Engineering? No, I don’t think so. Why?

M: Well, the company I work for has bought a new computer system. This morning I was talking to the man who’s training us to use it. He works for Software Engineering. It’s a company that gives advice about computer system and trains people how to use them. He said they needed a Training

Director. You see, he quit the day before yesterday and …

S: He quit? You mean the Training Director?

M: Yes, that’s what I just said. Are you interested in the job?

S: Yes, I suppose so.

M: Their telephone number is 851-26-37. Ask for Mr. Dixon. Have you got that?

S: Yes, I think so.

Some time later Stephen called Software Engineering. Helen Grant, Mr.

Dixon’s secretary, answered the phone. H: Mr. Dixon’s office.

S: Hello. My name is Stephen York. I’d like to speak to Mr. Dixon, please. H: I’m sorry he isn’t here today. He’ll be back tomorrow. This is his secretary. Can I help you?

S: Yes. When can I contact him tomorrow?

H: The best time is early in the morning, before 9.

S: All right. I’ll phone around 8.45.

H: In regard to what, Mr. York?

S: In regard to the position of Training Director. I understand that position is open and I’d like to apply for it.

2. Read and keep in mind the following useful words and expressions:

to apply for – обращаться за (работой, помощью, разрешением и т.д.) to contact smb – связаться с кем либо

position – должность

position is open – место не занято to quit – уходить с работы

in regard to – относительно to train – обучать

3. You’re going to apply for the post of Assistant Manager with Watson Ltd, which you saw advertised in yesterday’s Financial Times. Try to contact the boss of the company on the phone.



1. Read the conversation

Stephen had heard from a friend that a company called «Software Engineering» needs a Training Director. He is phoning the Director of the company now.

S: I’d like to speak to Mr. Dixon, please.

D: Speaking.

S: Hello. My name is Stephen York. I’ve heard you’re looking for a Training


D: Yes, we are. But how do you know about that? We haven’t advertised the post yet.

S: Someone who uses the services of your company told me. D: Hmm, I see. Well, what can I do for you, Mr. York?

S: I’m very interested in the job. D: What’s your background?

S: I’m a qualified computer engineer. Until recently I was the Sales Director of Brown Soft, but I also worked as a trainer. Training people to use our software was an important part of my job.

D: Well, that sounds like the kind of experience we’re looking for. Can you come for an interview tomorrow?

S: Tomorrow? Yes.

D: The only time I can see you is eight thirty. Is that a problem for you? S: No, no problem at all.

2.Read and keep in mind the following useful words and expressions: to advertise a post – давать рекламное объявление о вакансии background – прошлый опыт, образование

experience – опыт

to come for an interview – приходить на собеседование software – программное обеспечение

to use services – пользоваться услугами Sales Director – директор по сбыту

Training Director – директор по обучению персонала

3.Enact an imaginary telephone conversation between an applicant and an employer.


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