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1. Read the conversation

Stephen York is being interviewed for a job. D: Why did you leave your company?

S: The management structure was changed, and as a result my job became unnecessary.

D: Why? Could you tell me a little more about that?

S: Well … they decided to combine the position of Foreign Sales Director with the position of Domestic Sales Director.

D: And you were in charge of foreign sales? Is that right?

S: Yes. The person who was in charge of domestic sales was senior to me. D: In what way?

S: He’s older and he’s been with the company since it began, so he has a higher position.

D: I see. Well, now, what brings you here? S: What brings me here?

D: Yes. Why do you want to work for us?

S: Because it’s the kind of job that I’m interested in. I think my previous experience and qualifications could help me to do it well.

D: Hmm, I see. That’s very interesting. But there’s one more thing I’d like to ask you, Mr. York.

S: Yes? What’s that?

D: Are you good at working under pressure? You see, the person who had this job before had a nervous breakdown.

S: A nervous breakdown? You mean because of the pressure he was under?

D: Yes. He didn’t really organize the work in his department very well. That was the real problem, I think.

S: In other words, you think that one cause of the pressure was poor organization.

D: Yes, in fact, I think it was and still is the main cause of the problem. And if you want the job, Mr. York, it will be your problem too. The first thing I’d want you to do would be to reorganize the department.

S: Do you mean … fire people?

D: No. I hope that won’t be necessary. I really mean “reorganize”. The whole department has to be reorganized from top to bottom and that won’t be easy.

2. Read and keep in mind the following useful words and expressions:

to be in charge of smth. – отвечать за что-либо, заведовать

to be good at smth.

– быть способным к чему-либо

to be senior to smb.

– быть выше кого-либо по должности, положению


- причина


- отдел


to reorganize from top to bottom – реорганизовать сверху донизу,


to work under pressure – работать под давлением, в затруднительных обстоятельствах

3. Act out a job interview

Here is some advice on what kind of questions to expect in a job interview.

1.Tell me about yourself.

2.What are your strengths?

3.What are your weaknesses?

4.What do you do in your spare time?

5.Describe a difficult situation you were in not so long ago and what you did about it.

6.What do you think you can bring to this position?

7.Why did you leave your last job?

8.What were some of the most important things you learned in that job?

9.How well do you work in a team?

10.Tell us something about your previous experience and the other jobs you have had.

11.How have you changed over the last five years?

12.What sort of salary are you expecting?

13.What was your best subject at school/university?

14.What did you like most about that subject?

15.Tell us about your ambitions.

16.What would you like to be doing five years from now?

17.What attracts you about this kind of work?

18.Why did you apply to us?

If you are planning to apply for a new job you must write down your curriculum vitae (resume). Here is an example of CV.


Curriculum Vitae: Anne Brooks



Date of Birth:

15 July 1974



Home Address:

6 Carlswood Street





Tel. No.:

Redhill 62196

Business Address:



17 Stringer Road





Tel. No.:

Croydon 52319

Marital Status:





Secondary: Redhill






School 1985 – 1992



Higher: South Surrey



College 1992 - 1995




«0» Level


English Language



English Literature













«A» Level


English Literature




HND Business Studies



Pitmans Typing and Shorthand



RSA Shorthand 100 wpm







1995 – 1996

Personal Secretary to



Marketing Manager



of Universal Toys in






Personal Assistant to



Finance Director



of EMF in Croydon



Squash, tennis,



reading, traveling



1. Read the conversation

Nick Armstrong is the Sales Director of Software Company. He is talking to his boss, John Brad.

N: Our sales have risen by ten per cent this quarter.

J: Do you think that’s good news? N: Well, it’s better than last quarter.

J: Have you seen all the figures, Nick? N: Yes, I have.

J: Have you studied them carefully? N: Yes, of course, I have.

J: Then perhaps you’ve noticed that our main competitor has increased sales by a hundred per cent this quarter. How do you explain it?

N: Well, we’ve had some problems with our distributors and … J: That isn’t an explanation. That’s an excuse.

N: Please, let me finish. I was going to …

J: For me, a twenty per cent increase at a time like this is very bad news.

N: Yes, I know. Sales have been disappointing, but it’s a good product. I think there are two reasons for poor sales.

J: Yes? What do you think the first reason is?

N: Our product isn’t very user-friendly. It takes too long to learn how to use it?

J: And what is the other reason?

N: The user manual is not clear enough. Not in the French translation, at least. J: Hmm, I see. So, how do you think we can increase sales?

2. Focus your attention on the words and expressions you could use in business talks:

distributor – распространитель, оптовик

to increase sales by … per cent – увеличить сбыт на … процентов main competitor – основной конкурент

to study the figures carefully – проанализировать цифровые данные reason for – причина чего - либо

user-friendly – учитывающий возможности потребителя user manual – руководство пользователя

3. Talk about the sales problems in your company.


Part IV

Written Communication


1.The layout and parts of a business letter

Date (дата)

The inside address

(внутренний адресадрес получателя)



An opening

(первый абзац письма)

This says why you are writing.

The main message

(содержание письма)

This gives the details.

The close

( заключительный абзац)

This usually talks about the future.



The date

Write the date in full, not just in figures.

Example: 10 October 2000

The inside address

Address the correspondence direct to the company's representative for whom it is intended, specify the company. After the name of the company the number of the house and the name of the street are given, then the name of the town, postcode and the country.


Mr. J. Brown

Sales Manager

Johnson and Smith Ltd

11 New Fetter Lane

London EC4P



The opening salutation and signature

Here are some ways to open a letter.

Dear Sirs – to a company

Dear Sir – to a man if you do not know his name

Dear Madam – to a woman if you do not know her name Dear Mr. Brown – to a man

Dear Mrs Brown – to a married woman Dear Miss Brown – to an unmarried woman

Dear Ms Brown – to a woman if you don't know whether she is married or not.

Dear Peter – to a friend or someone you know well

The way you close a letter depends on how you open it.

Dear Sirs / Sir / Madam

– Yours faithfully

Dear Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms Brown

– Yours sincerely

Dear Peter

– Best wishes

The opening

Here are some ways to begin a letter.

We are writing to enquire about …

We are writing in connection with …

We are interested in … and we would like to know …


We are interested in buying your cars and we would like to know the prices.

Мы заинтересованы в покупке ваших автомобилей и хотели бы узнать цены.

If you are answering a letter, you can start:


asking if …

Thank you for your letter of (date),

enquiring about …

We have received your letter of (date),

enclosing …


concerning …


Thank you for your letter of 15 December enclosing your new price list.

Спасибо за ваше письмо от 15 декабря, к которому вы прилагаете новый прейскурант.

The close

Here are some ways to end a letter

I look forward to receiving your reply / order / products / etc. Looking forward to hearing from you


If you gave some information in the letter, you can close:

I hope that this information will help you.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.


We look forward to receiving your order. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information.

С нетерпением ждем получения заказа от вас. Непременно свяжитесь с нами, если вам потребуется дополнительная информация.


How would you write these dates in a letter?


b)3 rd Feb 1990


d)Sep., 16th 1998

e)7 / 8 / 1995

Put in the missing openings and closings.

a) Export Manager

b) Ms M Darvin

Smith and Sons Ltd

Western Wheat Co

5 Queen Victoria

64 Darvin Road



Dear …

Dear …

Yours …


c) Trufit Shoe Co


841 Pacific St


Los Angeles






How would you start these letters?

a)A company wrote to you on 13 July. They wanted to get your new catalogues.

b)You want to know the result of the tests.

c)A company sent you a telex on 2 June. They wanted to know if you had received their order.

d)You would like to get information about agents for your products.




Find English equivalents.



Мы получили ваше письмо от...

a) We look forward to receiving your





С нетерпением ждем известий

b) I hope this information will help

от вас.



Мы заинтересованы …

c) Do not hesitate to contact us

4.Надеюсь, эта информация по- d) We have received your letter of ...

может вам …

5.Мы пишем вам, чтобы навести e) We are interested in …

справки о …

6.Благодарим за письмо с f) Looking forward to hearing from

приложением …


7. Непременно свяжитесь с нами

g) We are writing to enquire about...

8. С нетерпением ждем получения

h) Thank you for your letter enclosing

вашего заказа.

Translate into English.

1.Благодарим вас за письмо от 17 ноября, в котором вы спрашиваете, продаем ли мы персональные компьютеры.

2.Мы заинтересованы в вашем заказе и хотели бы знать, сколько машин вы собираетесь купить.

3.Мы посылаем вам наши новые каталоги. Надеемся, что эта информация будет вам полезна. С нетерпением ждем ваших будущих заказов.


2. Introducing the subject of the letter, giving good\bad news, giving reasons.

a. Introducing the subject of the letter


With reference to …,

Further to …

I am writing in connection with …

In reply to …


With reference to your order for six computers…

Относительно вашего заказа на шесть компьютеров…


Start a letter about each of the following:

a)a letter of March 15th

b)a request to increase salaries

c)an order for office furniture

d)an enquiry dated September 1st

e)an invoice for a photocopier


request – просьба

salary – заработная плата enquiry – запрос

invoice – счет-фактура

b. Giving good / bad news.








good news

I am




you that …








I am pleased to tell you that we are ready to place an order with your company.

Рад сообщить вам, что мы готовы разместить заказ в вашей компании.


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