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Английский язык учебник

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The Infinitive may be used in the following func










a predicative

Our purpose is to find out some pecu



liarities of the phenomenon.


a part of a compound



verbal predicate



a) with modal verbs

The subjects must be kept in isolation.


and verbs expressing






b) with verbs

The client began to remember his early


denoting the begin



ning, duration or end



of an action



an object

The child learned to do the task very





a subject (more often

To investigate the problem first is very


with the introducto

important for me. It is very important


ry subject it)

to investigate the problem first of all.


an adverbial modifi

(In order) to obtain reliable results


er of purpose

your experimental sample must be



much larger.





an adverbial modifi

He was intelligent enough not to ask


er of result

any questions.





an attribute

The problem to be investigated is of



great importance


a parenthesis ( to tell

To put it mildly, he felt embarrassed in


the truth, to cut a

his presence.


long story short,








The Infinitive is also used in two constructions, namely, the Complex Subject and the Complex Object.

The Complex Object

Subject + Predicate + Object (Noun or Pronoun) + Infinitive


Unit I

Examples: I expect you to take part in the investiga tion. Я рассчитываю, что ты примешь участие в этом исследовании.

They reported the experiment to have been completed successfully. Они доло жили, что экcперимент был успешно завершен.

I saw him look embarrassed. Я видела, что он выглядит смущенным.

(After the verbs to see, to hear, to watch, to make (заставлять), to let the Infinitive in this construction is used without to)

The Complex Subject

Subject + Predicate + Infinitive

Example: Experimental research is known to be widely used in psychology. Известно, что эксперимен тальные исследования широко используются в психологии.

It is clear from the example above that in sentences with this construction the Subject of the sentence is logically connected with the Infinitive, not with the Predicate. The Complex Subject is usually used with the following groups of verbs as predicates:

A)to know, to believe, to expect, to consider, to re port, to say, to think, to understand, to hear, to see, to assume, to suppose, to show, etc. These verbs are used in the Passive Voice.

Example: The scientist is reported to have made a great contribution to the development of psychodiag nostics. Сообщается, что этот ученый внес большой вклад в развитие психодиагностики.

B)to seem, to appeаr (казаться), tо prove (оказать ся), to turn out (оказаться), to happen (случиться). These verbs are used in the Active Voice.






Example: The subject proved to be able to perform the task. Оказалось, что испытуемый в состоянии выполнить это задание.

C) to be likely (похоже), to be unlikely (вряд ли, маловероятно), to be sure (наверняка), to be certain (наверняка).

Example: He is sure to take part in the investiga tion. Он наверняка примет участие в этом исследо вании.

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian, find and comment on the func tions of the Infinitive in them.

1. It should be noted that to say the defence mecha nisms are largely unconscious is to stress, that they are always to some degree self deceptive. 2.Various as pects of the patient’s behavior begin to be designated as desirable or undesirable. 3. To appreciate the social basis of Freud’s views, it is useful to recognize from the very beginning that he was a liberal critic of bour geois society. 4. I was fortunate enough to arrive at some promising findings in a relatively short time. 5. The thesis to be developed in this chapter is that man’s destructiveness and cruelty cannot be explained in terms of animal heredity or in terms of destructive in stinct. 6. To begin, let’s consider research on the rela tionship between the content of parents’ beliefs and children’s intelligence. 7. If we are to predict behavior, we must deal with probability of response. The busi ness of science is to evaluate this probability. 8. The re sponses were similar to each other and to the response to be predicted. 9. To do without theories altogether is too much to expect. 10. To help these children, psy chologists must better understand the causes of the disorder. 11. An idea may seem quite obvious, and yet it can combine with other ideas to produce something very original. 12. Parental goals and values influence


Unit I

both parenting style and the behaviors and strategies parents exercise to meet their goals. 13. Motor coordi nation was one of the five characteristics most fre quently mentioned by American college students to de scribe both an intelligent 6 month old and an intelli gent 2 year old. 14. A child who is intelligent is one who works to achieve good grades.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences with in finitives in the attributive function

A) into Russian

1.The chairman may need the list to be read out at any stage. 2. The methods and terms appropriate to the events to be explained differ from methods and terms of the explaining events. 3. Research would be aimless without a theory to guide it. 4. Another datum to be examined is the rate at which a response is made. 5. The first conclusion to be reached about the relation ship between parents’ marital (брачный) status and chidren’s cognitive ability is that IQ is not diminished by divorce (развод).

B)into English

1.Проблема, которую предстоит обсудить здесь, крайне актуальна. 2. Доклад, который будет сделан в феврале на университетской конференции будет посвящен современным проблемам психологии. 3. Экс перименты, которые нужно провести, требуют тща тельной подготовки. 4. Задача, которую нужно ре шить, не из легких. 5. В нашей библиотеке нет книги, на которую можно сослаться.

Exercise 3. Replace the italicized words by infinitives.


He was the first who completed the test. → He was the first to complete the test.






1. He was the first who memorized the words after two presentations. 2. There is no theory that covers all aspects of personality. 3. Charles Spearman was the first who introduced statistical measurements to the study of intelligence. 4. The result of the investigation is a body of accumulated knowledge that can be used to analyze criminal behavior. 5. He was the last who be lieved in our research.

Exercise 4. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using an In finitive.


He went to University. He wanted to study Psycholo gy. → He went to University to study Psychology.

1. He is working hard. He wants to graduate with honours. 2. She follows doctors’ recommendations. She wants to recover as quickly as possible. 3. I avoid tak ing sedatives. I don’t want to become drug dependent. 4. I am trying to do my work well. I want to be promot ed. 5. He has sent a paper with the results of his experi mental research to a magazine. He wants it to be pub lished there.

Exercise 5. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using “enough” with the Infinitive.


The pupil is bright. He can master the language fairly quickly. → The pupil is bright enough to master the language fairly quickly.

1. The teacher is strict. He keeps good discipline in class. 2. The test is good. It measures mental abilities.


Unit I

3.He is sleeping soundly. He won’t be woken up easily.

4.His IQ is not high. We can’t include him in the group of gifted children. 5. The peers were friendly. They made him feel relaxed in their company.

Exercise 6. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one using “too” with the Infinitive.


The test is complicated. It can’t be completed quickly. → The test is too complicated to be completed quickly.

1. I was puzzled. I couldn’t answer. 2. Time of ex posure was short. He couldn’t perceive the chart clearly. 3. His insight into the problem was superfi cial. He couldn’t make correct predictions. 4. Circum stances were unfavourable for us. We failed to achieve our goals. 5. Your overall test score is low. I can’t hope you will be a success in your professional career.

Exercise 7. Translate the sentences into English us ing the models.


Приятно поговорить с тобой о ней. → It’s pleasant to talk about her with you.

1. Необходимо создать подходящие условия для успешного обучения. 2. Нелегко проводить такие те сты. 3. Трудно предсказать будущие успехи только по результатам тестов. 4. Важно время от времени подкреплять условный ответ безусловным стимулом. 5. Было бы интересно рассмотреть взаимосвязь меж ду общей способностью и специальными способ ностями.






Exercise 8. Use the infinitives in the appropriate forms.

1. The bird continued (to respond) for the next hour. 2. It is the chairman’s duty (to state) the problem at the beginning of the session. 3. The experimenter made the subjects (to repeat) the words after him. 4. Vocational guidance enables school leavers (to be) more realistic in choosing their future career. 5. The problem was too complicated (to investigate). 6. The thought was too absurd (to take) seriously. 7. All the attributes of this phenomenon must (to describe). 8. You shouldn’t (to behave) like that. 9. The idea may seem quite obvious and trivial, and yet it can combine with other ideas (to produce) something very original. 10. The function of the chairman is (to guide) the ses sion without in any way controlling or directing it.

Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences with the Complex Object.

1. In speaking of what causes a response to be learnt, Hull argued that motivation was essential. 2. Parents want their children to develop their intellec tual potential. 3. Japanese mothers expected their chil dren to develop emotional maturity at an earlier age than their American peers. 4. US parents don’t usually encourage their children to work harder to achieve more in school as long as they are satisfied with their performance. 5. Teachers have found films to be in valuable as a teaching aid. 6. We watched the children acquire the skill without the help of the teacher. 7. I would like you to give me an example of positive emo tions which improve the performance of easier tasks. 8. We watched the boy look confused in uncertain situ ations. 9. We may observe the conditioned response gradually diminish and eventually stop if it is not occa sionally reinforced with the unconditioned stimulus.


Unit I

Exercise 10. Translate the

following sentences with

the Complex Object from English into Russian and say if the particle “to” should or should not be used in them.

1. Franz Alexander considered the emotionally ma ture person …be not so preoccupied with himself as the adolescent. 2. The greater mental and emotional matu rity of the adult enables him …be more creative, pro ductive, and altruistic than the adolescent. 3. But at times we can watch even the most mature person … be have in an irritable, depressed, ill tempered and unrea sonable manner. 4. Alexander thinks the mature per son …be able to face the realities of the world around him realistically. 5. We see many grown ups … react to life difficulties adequately and realistically. 6. Psy chologists find somatic and psychic processes … be closely correlated. 7. I would like you …supply reasons for behaving as you do. 8. Identification of causal fac tors in behavior enables psychologists … make more ac curate predictions.

Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences into English using the Complex Object.

1. Я считаю Фрейда самым выдающимся психо логом ХХ века. 2. Я хочу, чтобы Вы помогли мне понять разницу между различными психоаналити ческими школами. 3. Я полагаю, что в этих условиях его поведение будет совсем иным. 4. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы Вы выступили на конференции по этому вопросу. 5. Я видел, что ребенок испугался, увидев змею. 6. Все знают, что он очень занят: он проводит важный эксперимент. 7. Все признают, что это правда.

Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences into Russian and underline the Complex Sub ject in them:






A.1. These factors are assumed to have special powers.

2.Hyperactive children have been considered to have special powers. 3. We are all familiar with the changes that are supposed to take place in the ner vous system when an organism learns. 4. Latency is seen to be irrelevant to our present task. 5. This idea is easily shown to be wrong. 6. Rationalization is said to occur when a person is convinced that he or she is carrying out or avoiding an action for some neutral or acceptable reason in order to re main unaware of the unacceptable but largely un conscious motive which may lie behind the action.

7.He is believed to have attained the goal. 8. If re inforcement is withheld, the response is observed to occur less and less frequently.

B.1. On closer examination their differences appear

to be related to cultural factors. 2. The writer’s suggestion seems to have been taken seriously.

3.There appears to be no universally accepted defi nition of organizational behavior. 4. The young man turned out to possess a deep insight into hu man nature. 5. It would appear to be necessary to make the conditions prevailing during extinction identical with the conditions prevailing during conditioning. 6. He seemed not to know how to deal with the situation. 7. The group proved to have been encouraged by the instructor.

C.1. We are unlikely to close our eyes to the problem.

2.Parents of high achievers were more likely to want their children to complete some college train ing after high school. 3. They are certain to have been under pressure from the social environment.

4.The conference is unlikely to open next Friday.

5.He is sure to be investigating all the facets of the problem. 6. Learning is certain to take place be cause reinforcement is pleasant and satisfying.


Unit I

7. A human infant is unlikely to survive without adult assistance.

Exercise 13. Transform Sentences A (2, 5, 7), B (1, 4, 6), C (3, 4, 5) from Exercise 12 into com plex sentences according to the following pattern.

A)Latency is seen to be irrelevant to our present task. → It is seen that latency is irrelevant to our present task.

B)There appears to be no universally accepted defini tion. → It appears that there is no universally ac

cepted definition.

C) We are unlikely to close our eyes to the problem. → It is unlikely that we’ll close our eyes to the problem.

Exercise 14. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Infinitive as a part of the Complex Subject.

1. He seems (to complete) the worksheet some mi nutes ago. 2. The report is likely (to present) at the next conference. 3. They seem (to work) on the problem for quite a while. 4. Introduction of the experimental method is said (to affect) further development of psy chology. 5. The laboratory working on the problem of aging now seems (to get) new promising data. 6. Girls have been found (to enter) adolescence two years earli er than boys.

Exercise 15. Complete the following sentences using the Complex Subject.

1. The investigation seemed… 2. The problem turned out… 3. Human character is said… 4. Children are believed … 5. Human intelligence is known… 6. Autism appears… 7. The man is unlikely…