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Английский язык учебник

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and recall, but where the psychologist’s interests lie is in the strategies of learning and reasoning which the situa tion imposes on the child, and the lasting influence these might have on the way that child tackles problems. Learn ing tactical skills of approaching a task in an open minded fashion and selecting the important aspects in arriving at solutions may well be enhanced or inhibited by the learn ing methods we encourage in the classroom.

Third, we have long been interested in the interac tion between cognitive and non cognitive variables. Doubtless, there are aspects of personality, motivation and will which are involved in creativeness. The adop tion of particular thinking strategies, in addition to be ing acquired as part of learning at home or in school, may also be a function of personality. Creative ability has long been associated with personality.

D. Child. Psychology and the Teacher, L., 1995, pp. 216–217

Task 3. Suggest the Russian for

This has prompted many governments to sponsor research dedicated to the task;

The relationship between creative capacity and IQ is not straightforward;

…the knowledge explosion which has tended to render conventional modes of learning and teaching of limited efficiency;

examinable subjects;

…the lasting influence these (strategies of learning and reasoning) might have on the way that child tackles problems;

The adoption of particular thinking strategies, in addition to being acquired as part of learning at home or in school, may…

Task 4. Find in the text parts of sentences correspon ding to the following Russian ones.

столкнуться с понятием;


Unit II

обнаружить возросший интерес;

постоянное появление все большего числа творческих людей;

(этому) могут способствовать или мешать методы обучения;

приобретение практических навыков непредвзято подходить к решению задач;

когнитивные и некогнитивные переменные.

Task 5. Turn to Task 1 of the exercise and discuss the same problems again after reading the above text.

Task 6. Express your opinion about how our school and University cultivate students’ creativeness.

Exercise 4.

Task 1. Discuss with your partner and be ready to say a few words on what is meant by ‘creative process’.

Task 2. Scan the text below and find

the names of four stages in the creative cycle;

the main task at the preparatory stage and the way it is carried out;

the reason why the incubation period is essential;

the main distinguishing feature of the inspiration stage;

verification as an indispensable part of the creative process.


Psychologists and teachers alike have long been in trigued by the processes of creative thought and after






many years have little more than a handful of specula tions. The most popular method of investigation has been the study of famous men of literature, science, and mathe matics, using biography and interview.

Graham Wallas, after studying Helmholz and Poincare, recognized four stages in the creative cycle, namely, preparation, incubation, inspiration (or illumi nation) and verification.


The forerunner of the preparatory stage is the abi lity to spot a problem. The existence of a problem often excites and obsesses the creative mind so much that it becomes restless and disturbed. Preparation then takes place and involves a detailed investigation of all the pos sibilities surrounding the problem from reading, discuss ing and questioning to making notes and trying out so lutions.


Following a period of deliberate activity in search of evidence and solutions comes a time when no conscious effort is made. This incubation period may be short or very extensive. Some authors in both arts and science have remarked on the time it sometimes takes for the germ of an idea to take shape. We have no idea what goes on during this period, but speculation has it that ideas are ‘worked on’ at a subconscious level to reform and evolve new combinations of ideas.


This is the sudden flash of insight we all experience when a confusion of ideas suddenly takes shape. Some times it happens after sleep, during a walk or in the bath (Archimedes). Tchaikovsky, in a letter to his patron, Frau von Merck, describes his fourth symphony and makes a general comment about creative inspiration: ‘As a rule the germ of work appears suddenly and unexpect edly. If the soil is fertile – that is to say, if the composer


Unit II

is suitably disposed – the seed takes root, rapidly shoot ing the stem, leaves and finally blossom’. We have here a classical example of the inspiration stage.


Having bright ideas is one thing: they then require confirmation. Often the creator is fairly convinced of the veracity of the solution long before he or she puts it to the test. But there follows a stage of active revision, ex pansion and correction.

Weseefromthiscreativecyclethatcreativityisrarely, if ever, an event which happens over coffee. There is usu ally a time consuming, tenacious and detailed period of mental activity. The inescapable conclusion from Wallas’s work is that creative output needs time and effort.

D. Child. Psychology and the Teacher, L., 1995, pp. 223–224

Task 3. Suggest the Russian for

psychologists and teachers alike

to have little more than a handful speculations

to spot a problem

the germ of an idea

to reform and evolve new combinations of ideas

that is to say

creative output

Task 4. Find in the text parts of sentences corre sponding to the following Russian ones.

если почва плодородная, семечко укоренится, быстро пустит росток, листья и, наконец, расцветет

ecли композитор настроен соответствующим образом

обычно это период длительной, настойчивой, обстоятельной умственной работы

Task 5. Say a few words about the four stages of the creative process.






Exercise 5. Choose one of the following topics con nected with creativity and prepare a re port on it.

1.Defining creativity

2.Creative abilities of children and adults

3.The way school and University environments influ ence creativity

4.Creative people and their characteristics

5.Studying creative output as a way to understand cre ativity

6.Dependence of creativity on the mode of thinking (convergent – divergent)

7.The creative process and its stages

8.The biography of an eminent creative person

9.The main means and techniques to study creativity


Exercise 1. Write a short summary of the report on creativity you have made.

Exercise 2. Render the text on creativity tests into English making use of the active vocabu lary given in the box.

to involve, venturesomeness, verification, to result (in), to contrive, assessment, novel, flexibility, ob session, inventiveness, novelty, veracity, ambiguous, fluency, evaluation

Тесты креативности – методики для изучения и проверки наличия творческих способностей. Способность придумывать новое, отклоняться (to di vert) от привычных схем мышления, быстро решать проблемы называется креативностью.


Unit II

Изучение креативности включает анализ жиз ненного опыта и индивидуальных особенностей твор ческой личности; анализ творческого мышления и фактoров, с ним связанных (таких как гибкость, быстрота, изобретательность, рисковость, одержи мость, оригинальность (новизна), чувствительность (sensitivity) к проблемам и т.д.); а также анализ результатов.

Вопрос о креативности как о самостоятельном, независимом от интеллекта свойстве остается не ясным. Сложно найти способы оценки креативности, проверки достоверности оценки.

Возрастная изменчивость креативности, ее зави симость от внешних воздействий приводят к низкой прогностичности (predictability) тестов креативности.


The Participle

The Participle is a non finite form of the verb. There are two participles in English – Participle I (or the Present Participle) and Participle II (or the Past Participle).

Participle II has only one form, that is the third ba sic form of the verb, and conveys a passive meaning:

written – написанный translated – переведенный

Participle I is formed by adding suffix ing to the stem of the verb. It has the following forms.





telling – рассказывающий,

being told – будучи








having told – рассказав

having been told – будучи












The Participle may have the following syntactic functions.










1. The work done is of great importance for



the future of the science. 2. They were try



ing to memorize all the words written on



the blackboard. 3. The sleeping girl was



unaware of the noise around her. 4. The boy



asking questions is very clever.


Adverbial modifier

Pavlov noticed the phenomenon carrying



on his experiments on digestion.




The experience was satisfying.





As a part of a com

We watched the subjects filling in their


plex object







Frankly speaking, I don’t like to be asked




such questions.


A part of a finite

1. I like the way she is bringing up her son.


form of a verb

2. The experiment was successfully com








The Participle is also used in the so called Absolute

Participial Construction.

The work having been completed, they published its results in a scientific magazine. – Когда работа была закончена, они опубликовали ее результаты в научном журнале. The prob lem being of vital importance, many scientists are trying to in vestigate it. – Так как эта проблема очень важна, многие ученые пытаются еe исследовать.

It is a construction where the Participle has the “sub ject” of its own, different from the subject of the sen tence. The absolute construction is connected with the rest of the sentence logically, but not formally. This logi cal connection is only implied, but not expressed for mally, though, as a rule, the construction is separated from the sentence by a comma. Most often the construc


Unit II

tion is rendered in Russian by means of an adverbial clause of time, cause, condition, etc. and is introduced by conjunctions так как, когда, после того как, хотя and others. The construction is used in written speech.


Exercise 1. Translate the following from Russian into English.

Оценивая, оценивающий, оценив, оцененный, будучи оцененным; обладая, обладающий; озада чивая, озадачивающий, озадачeнный, озадачив, будучи озадаченным; подтверждая, подтверждающий, подтвердив, подтвержденный, будучи подтвержден ным; завершая, завершающий, завершив, завер шенный, будучи завершенным; создавая, создающий, создав, созданный, будучи созданным; руководящий, руководимый, будучи руководимым.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English sentences into Russian paying special attention to participles.

1. Increasing attention has recently been given to la tency. 2. Some experimenters wait until the rat is fac ing the door, but to do so is to tamper (искажать) with the measurements being taken. 3. Logicians describe thinking as necessarily involving stages of hypothesis, deduction, experimental testing and confirmation. 4. Beginning with Thorndike’s studies there has been a close and continuous relationship between motivation and learning. 5. The study of motivation is usually not considered as including intelligence and skill. 6. Crime and criminals receive special attention in the media, hav ing been the subject of many movies, books and news re ports. 7. Taken together, these control variable findings offer some interesting speculations. 8. To consider the






frequency of repeated responses in an individual de mands something like the experimental situation just described. 9. The example shows the results obtained. 10. It has been demonstrated experimentally that non verbal signals can also have an operant conditioning ef fect on thought and behavior, reinforcing what is per ceived as approved and discouraging that which is per ceived as disapproved. 11. The responses of approval or disapproval received by the patient from the therapist in the course of therapy become an operant conditioning sys tem shaping hisbehaviorinthe desired direction.12. Start ing out from Breuer’s method, I found myself engaged in a consideration of the mechanism of neurosis.

Exercise 3. Choose the proper form of participles given in brackets.

1. In classroom setting we find practices increasingly (involving, involved) such methods as ‘creative writing’, ‘imaginative’ work in art and drama. 2. At least three factors have contributed to the (increased, increasing) enthusiasm for research in creative thinking. 3. When (looked, looking) at bright boys and girls with high IQ measures it is hardly possible to predict who of them will become creative people in the future. 4. Learning may be enhanced or inhibited by the learning methods (en couraged, encouraging) in the classroom. 5. As (indi cated, indicating) above, IQ tests require people to take information as (given, giving) and use it to arrive at a single correct answer.

Exercise 4. Change the sentences below using partici ples instead of “when” and “while” clauses (without omitting “where” or “while”) as follows.

He was unaware of the noise while he was reading. → While reading he was unaware of the noise


Unit II

1. We’d like to look at other examples while we are investigating the problem. 2. “High creatives”when they were compared with the high IQ group were less conform ist, tended to overachieve and possessed a lively sense of humour. 3. Few students while they were studying li terature on creative thinking failed to see the growing interest in it on the part of the scientific community. 4. Instructional methods are a success when they are de liberately used to enhance creative abilities . 5. The stu dies revealed that children when they were taught in a new way showed greater interest in their studies.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using participles.

1. Наше исследование подтвердило гипотезу, вы двинутую группой российских ученых. 2. Интересуясь проблемой креативности, он старался познакомиться с творческими людьми. 3. Решив проблему, он попытался проверить правильность полученных результатов. 4. После того как его протестировали, eго взяли в группу одаренных детей. 5. Смущенный и испуганный, он не смог правильно ответить ни на один вопрос. 6. Среди ученых, изучающих креативность, много российских психологов. 7. Будучи серьезно больным, он не смог провести давно запланированного эксперимента.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into Russian pay ing attention to the Absolute Participial Construction.

1. A class of bright children being observed, Hudson picked out those whom he expected to be especially good. 2. The research being completed, the conclusion was made that divergent thinking is partially dependent on intelligence and partially on other personality charac teristics. 3. A completely tension free and friendly at mosphere having been created, children were doing their