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three times in the night. 6. Flying always makes me feel ... . 7. Sorry I’ve missed all those classes: I’ve been ... . 8. I’m ... and tired of listening to your advice.

see – look at

see” – видеть

It was too dark. We couldn’t see anything. “look at” – глядеть на

Don’t look at me in such a way.

1. Henry! Stop crying: everyone is ... you! 2. When did you ... him last? 3. The bookseller wanted to ... her library. 4. She ... them with her colourless eyes. 5. He can ... almost nothing without spectacles. 6. He ... me but he didn’t recognize me.

hear – listen (to)

hear” – слышать

Do you hear that strange noise? “listen (to)” – слушать

to listen to music/a lecture

He usually listens to the teacher’s explanations attentively.

1. She had often ... that books cost a lot of money. 2. He told her about the play. She ... in silence. 3. I was driving across the countryside and ... the local radio station. 4. When I woke in the night I could ... the wind blowing. 5. They ...

the whole story with attention.

Ex. 11. Study the following phrases and (a) translate them into Russian, (b) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text and (c) use them in sentences of your own.

сompare with;

be built in the eighteenth century; talk of;

be slow in one’s movements and mind; put smth back;

explain smth to smb;

write one’s name on the card; include into;

turn over in one’s mind;

at the head of the stairs (table); get up from one’s chair;

look at smb.


Read & Speak English

Ex. 12. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. The house was built ... the twentieth century. 2. He is ... sixty, but he doesn’t look his age at all. 3. We cannot compare this beautiful vase ... the one we saw in the store. 4. They are constantly talking ... this accident. 5. She invited

... me to her place three years ago ... the first time. 6. I liked the man ... the moment I saw him. 7. This painting costs ... a lot of money. 8. He invited ... us and explained the plans for the next year ... us. 9. We decided not to include ...

him ... the list. 10. When I saw her last, she was nervous ... excitement. 11. We are turning ... ... our minds every detail of our trip to Paris. 12. ... a quarter ...

twelve I will be waiting for you at the metro station.

Connectives and Transitional

Phrases of Affirmation and Generalization Соединительные слова и выражения, употребляемые для подтверждения и обобщения



of course

in general


on the whole


for the most part

Ex. 13. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying special attention to the use of the italicized connectives and transitional phrases of affirmation and generalization.

(For reference see Appendix 7).

1. The house could not, of course, compare with Gordontown, where the American Lady Gordon had all modern conveniences. 2. Will you come over to see us tonight? – Certainly, I will. 3. In general it is quite an interesting book. 4. For the most part, the music of this composer is rather difficult. 5. On the whole, he knows the subject quite well. 6. What time do you generally get up?

Ex. 14. Translate the parts of the following sentences using the connectives and transitional phrases of affirmation and generalization.

(For reference see Appendix 7).

1. The film, конечно, is not so interesting as the book. 2. В целом, we liked the exhibition. 3. Большей частью, the article is devoted to his latest novel. 4. В



целом, they were quite satisfied by the results of the conference. 5. Боль шей частью, they spend their time in the countryside. 6. I обычно go to the theatre on Sundays. 7. Вообще то we are used to spending our summer vacation on the seaside.

Ex. 15. Have you ever failed to do something? Were you very much upset? Speak about it using the connectives and transitional phrases of affirmation and generalization.


Ex. 16. Memorise the idioms and use them in retelling the text.

1.bear/carry/one’s age well – хорошо выглядеть для своих лет, выглядеть моложе своих лет

2.green with envy – снедаемый завистью, позеленевший от зависти

3.crash a party – (разговорное) явиться без приглашения, нагрянуть

Ex. 17. Retell the story according to the following plan using the words and expressions given below.

1 Miss Annabel Rochfort Doyle Fleace

Be the last of the family; over eighty; untidy; the present home; be built; be rich; compare with; have all modern conveniences; be dangerously ill; be better; slower in one’s movements and mind.

2 The visit of Bella’s heir

Invite one’s heir; dislike smb; come to smb carrying a few books; library; ask a question about the books; lie; first editions; tell smb to put smth back.

3 Bella sells the books

Hear; cost a lot of money; write a letter; bookseller; leave; pay a thousand pounds; six books.


Read & Speak English

4 Bella decides to give a party

Call one’s butler; explain the idea to smb; start the preparations; cheerfully; write the names of the guests; cards; address the envelopes; not to include; the list.

5 The day of the ball

Wake up early; nervous with excitement; turn over in one’s mind every detail; take one’s place; the head of the stairs; look wonderful; candlelight; strike eight; wait; get up from one’s chair; have some supper; not to feel well.

6 The arrival of the guests

Leave the dining room; movement; arrive; meet smb; announce; face smb; not invite; look at smb; colourless eyes; expect this honour; forgive smb; be unable; entertain smb.

7 After the party

Suddenly; be going on; carry smb to a sofa; a day after; die; come from London; find in one’s desk; invitations to the ball; stamped; addressed; unposted.

Ex. 18. Tell the story as if you were


b)her heir;

c)Lady Mockstock, Lady Gordon.

Ex. 19. a) Find in the text the adjectives and expressions describing Bella’s appearance and emotions.

b) Give a character sketch of Bella.

Ex. 20. Topics for discussion and essays.

1.What impression do you form of Bella?

2.What killed Bella Fleace? Can unhappiness kill a person?

3.Speak on the problem of envy. Have you ever envied anybody?



Ex. 21. Give a free translation of the following text. (For the Past Perfect Tense see Grammar Review p. 105–106).

Однажды друзья позвонили Сьюзен и Дереку и пригласили их пообе дать в ресторане. Друзья давно не виделись, но Сьюзен купила билеты в театр на этот вечер. Они очень хотели посмотреть эту пьесу (play), так как мама Сьюзен ее уже видела и рекомендовала им посмотреть ее. Сью зен смогла достать билеты только потому, что кто то вернул их в кассу (booking office) театра. Однако Сьюзен и Дерек очень хотели повидать своих друзей и договорились встретиться с ними перед театром в баре.

Они проговорили целый час, когда Сьюзен обнаружила (find out), что пропала (disappear) ее сумочка. Они сказали хозяину (owner) бара о том, что случилось (happen). Он был очень расстроен (upset) и заверил (assure) их, что такого никогда ранее не случалось. Официанты (waiters) искали сумочку повсюду, но так и не нашли. Вора (thief) никто не видел, никто также не возвращал потерянную сумочку хозяину бара. Сьюзен была очень расстроена, так как в сумочке была довольно большая сум ма денег. Они решили пойти в театр и забыть о сумочке хотя бы на не сколько часов. Но оказалось (turn out), что Сьюзен положила билеты в сумочку и совершенно забыла об этом.

К этому времени пьеса уже началась, и они решили, что идти в театр уже поздно, тем более, что (the more so) билетов у них уже не было. Они пошли пообедать с друзьями. Даже если кто то и нашел сумочку, ее еще не пере дали в полицейский участок (police station). После обеда они пошли в поли цию. К огромному удивлению Сьюзен, сумочка была там. Деньги и билеты лежали в сумочке. Ее подобрал (pick up) на улице ребенок и отдал своим родителям, которые немедленно отнесли ее в полицейский участок.

Сьюзен и Дерек немедленно отправились в театр и купили четыре самых дорогих билета на следующее воскресенье.


The Past Perfect Tense

The Past Perfect Tense показывает, что действие завершилось к мо менту в прошлом. Этот момент может быть обозначен обстоятельством времени или другим прошедшим действием.

We had finished the work by 5 o’clock yesterday.

When I came, the guests had already left.


Read & Speak English

Характеристика действия


Past Indefinite

Past Perfect









Описание событий (факт)

Действие закончилось к опреде


в прошлом.

ленному моменту в прошлом.



















had done














by the end of the last week


last month

by last Monday

in the XVth century

when we came/called/...



many years ago

before she left









We went to the seaside

He had been very ill before he


last summer.



I left school many years

I looked at the present after he



had left.


Did you see him last

The theatre had been built by



the end of the last year.








(For Spelling Rules see Appendix 2; for Irregular Verbs see Appendix 3).

Ex. 22. Complete the following sentences, using the Past Perfect Tense of the verb in brackets.

Model When John and I got to the theatre, the play (start already). When John and I got to the theatre, the play had already started.

1. She went for a holiday after she (pass the exams). 2. When she went to bed, she remembered that she (not lock the door). 3. I didn’t look at the present until he (go). 4. I didn’t know that she (change her address). 5. He didn’t start eating until (wash his hands). 6. When I got to the station the train (already leave). 7. I was not hungry because I (have lunch just an hour before). 8. When he (finish his work) he went to bed. 9. I recognized her immediately because my brother (describe her to me very well). 10. When we came back, the telegram (arrive already).

Ex. 23. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect Tense.


1. By 8 o’clock yesterday I (do) my homework. 2. When I (get) to the cinema, the film (start). 3. She (feel) sick after she (eat) a whole box of chocolates.



4. The new bus driver (have) an accident after he (drive) a few yards. 5. The students (do) the exercise very well after the teacher (show) them how.

6.Mary (finish) her homework when her father (come) home from his office.

7.I (throw) away the newspaper after I (read) it. 8. The sun (rise) when the farmer (start) the work. 9. After she (lock) all the doors, she (go) to bed.

B His Likes and Dislikes

A railroad ticket collector who had retired after forty five years of service (talk) to his neighbours about the bright side of his work. He decidedly (enjoy) everything, everything: his fellow workers, the management, the work itself. There (be) only one unpleasant thing in all of it. And when the neighbours (want) to know what the unpleasant thing (be), he (say): “Oh, the passengers, certainly the passengers!”


Mark Twain (be) very bad at answering letters. Once a friend of his who (wait) for a long time to get an answer from the writer (send) him a sheet of writing paper and a stamp to remind him to write a letter.

A few days later he (get) a postcard saying, “Thanks for the sheet of writing paper and the stamp. Please send an envelope. Mark Twain.”


When a little boy (arrive) home from school his mother (ask) him if he (be) a good boy. He (reply): “Sure I (be) good in school today! How much trouble can you get into standing in a corner?”

Ex. 24. Translate the following sentences into English using the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect Tense.

1. Когда она пришла, мы уже обсудили первый вопрос. 2. Он был взвол нован, потому что получил телеграмму из дома. 3. Когда я нашел их дом, уже стемнело (get dark). 4. Она получила плохую оценку на экза мене потому, что сделала очень много ошибок. 5. Когда я вернулся из театра, гости уже разошлись (ушли). 6. Они сказали, что приехали сюда на поезде. 7. Он не хотел обедать у нас потому, что уже поел в институ те. 8. На лестнице стояли гости, которых она не приглашала. 9. В апре ле она чувствовала себя лучше. Однако перед этим, зимой, она была опасно больна.


Read & Speak English

Три основные модели, по которым чаще всего строятся сложные предложения в прошедшем времени


Past Indefinite


Past Continuous

В течение одного дей ствия вклинивается дру гое действие.


1 + 2

Past Past

Indefinite Perfect

Одно действие закон чилось до начала другого.



































Past Indefinite













Перечисление действий в прошлом, цепь событий.

He came when we were having dinner.

He called when I was watching TV.

It was raining when I left the house.

He was writing a letter when I entered the room.

When we came to the station the train had already left.

She went to the post office when she had written the letter.

The secretary typed the letter, put it into the envelope and gave it to the messenger boy.

Then dinner came to an end, and Eva remained to clear away while the three men sat on the verandah.

Ex. 25. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect Tense.


1. The telegram (arrive) five minutes after you (leave) the house. 2. He (not see) me as he (read) when I (come) into the room. 3. When I (go) to the room the next day, I (find) the books exactly where I (leave) them. 4. It (rain) hard



last night when I (leave) my office. 5. I (shout) to him to stop, but he (run) too fast and (not hear). 6. He (thank) me for what I (do) for him. 7. We (walk) to the station when it (begin) to rain. 8. We (sit) in the garden when the storm (break) out. 9. When I (wake) up this morning, the sun (shine) high in the sky.

B Misunderstood

Two Americans, when travelling in Spain, (come) into a small restaurant to have their lunch. They (not speak) Spanish and the waiter (not speak) English. The Americans (want) to get some milk. They (pronounce) the word several times. They (spell) it. They (draw) it with the finger on the table. All in vain, the waiter could not understand them. At last one of the Americans (decide) to draw a cow. He (take) out his notebook and his pencil and (draw) a cow. The waiter (smile) and (rush) out of the room. In a quarter of an hour he (come) back and (put) in front of his clients two tickets for a bullfight.

C The Dog and His Shadow

A dog, who (run) away with a large piece of meat which he (steal), (come) to a stream over which there (be) a little bridge. As he (cross) the bridge, he (look) down and (see) another dog with another large piece of meat in his mouth. Not knowing that what he (see) was only the reflection of himself in the clear water, he greedily (drop) his own meat and (make) a snatch at the other. But, instead of getting anything, he only (lose) the meat he (steal).

Ex. 26. Translate the jokes into English, using Past Tenses.


Вчера в 7 часов Джон смотрел по телевизору хоккейный матч и заснул. Разбудила его жена:

Вставай, уже двенадцать.

В чью пользу?! – в ужасе (in horror) закричал Джон.

2 Два друга

Два друга отправились в Лондон. В Лондоне они зашли в ресторан пообедать. На столе стояла горчица (a jar of mustard). Друзья никог да в жизни ее не видели. Один из них положил себе в рот целую лож ку (spoonful) горчицы. Слезы сразу же появились (fill) у него на гла зах.

Его друг спросил, о чем он плачет. Он ответил, что плачет о смерти сво его несчастного отца, которого повесили (be hanged) 20 лет назад.


Read & Speak English

Вскоре второй путешественник (traveller) также попробовал (took) гор чицы. Как только он это сделал, слезы потекли по его щекам. Друг спро сил его, о чем он плачет, и он ответил, что плачет потому, что его друга не повесили много лет назад вместе с его бедным отцом.

Ex. 27. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers.

1.The American Lady Gordon had all modern conveniences in her house.

2.Bella had often heard that books cost a lot of money.

3.She wrote a letter to a Dublin bookseller.

4.She called her butler and explained the idea to him.

5.At a quarter to eight Bella took her place at the head of the stairs.

6.Guests were arriving.

Special Difficulties in the Use of Articles

The Use of Articles

With the Names of Months, Days, Seasons, Meals, Languages, Some etc.



The – при

A – при



без артикля

наличии инди










ющего опре

ного опре













I saw him in

We’ll always

A cold


дни не#


remember the

May is a




May of 1945.

usual thing


















I like sum#

We met in

It was a


на года:


the winter of


spring (autumn,

















I had lunch

The lunch

We had a

• to have


at school.

we had yester

good din#




day was very

ner yester

(lunch, dinner,





tea, coffee)







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