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4. Она мечтала преподавать музыку. 5. Осенью они собирались поже ниться. 6. Она не подозревала, что Джо не берет уроки рисования. 7. По вечерам они говорили о музыке. 8. Его слова звучали (to sound) обещаю ще. 9. Она смотрела на свою подругу и смеялась. 10. У него действи тельно не было денег купить эту картину. 11. Дети часто проливают чай на скатерть (a tablecloth). 12. Я попросила подругу сказать мне правду.

Ex. 7. Match the words in column A with those in column B to form a phrase.



























































some milk


leave for
















the truth









about art




















under a famous painter









a pianist




























































8.Translate the following words and idiomatic expressions. Use them in the translation below.

Take care of; give lessons; give up; hurt; tell the truth; happen (to); pay attention to

1. Врачи посоветовали ему бросить курить. 2. Мой друг даёт уроки по информатике. 3. Пора (It’s time) сказать правду о своей работе. 4. Он не хочет заботиться о своем младшем (younger) брате. 5. Вчера он опять обидел меня. 6. Она уделяет много внимания гостям. 7. В субботу что то случилось с моей машиной, и я не смог поехать за город.

Ex. 9. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the verb “take”.

1. We are going to take a flat in London. 2. Do you take a bus or a train when you go home? 3. When I was in Paris I was taking a lot of pictures. 4. You


Read & Speak English

never take my advice. 5. Did you take your medicine? 6. The city was taken by the enemy. 7. She took his arm and led him across the road. 8. Jane took the second place in the competition. 9. He never takes part in arguments. 10. If you take 5 from 7 you get 2. 11. He took all my money. 12. He took the news calmly. 13. Take the second road on the left. 14. She always takes lessons before examinations. 15. Do you take me for a child? 16. I forgot to take your temperature in the morning. 17. I’m sorry, I was rude; I take back what I said. 18. It took a lot of time to paint the outside of the house.

Ex. 10. Translate the following sentences using:

How did you happen to be there? Как ты оказался там?

I happened to meet him at the theatre. – a) Я случайно встре тил его в театре. b) Случилось так, что я встретил его в театре.

1.Они случайно оказались в одной (the same) студии. 2. Случилось так, что Джо и Дилия встретились в Нью Йорке. 3. Джо и Дилия, оказывает ся, познакомились в студии. 4. Она случайно оказалась там, когда мы приехали. 5. Он случайно оказался в парке. 6. Ты, случайно, не знаешь генеральскую дочку? 7. Он случайно оказался в прачечной, когда Дилия обожгла руку. 8. Случилось так, что меня не было дома (be out), когда ты звонил. 9. Когда я позвонил (call), он случайно оказался дома.

Ex. 11. Choose the right word and insert it in the proper form.

to become – to come


1.grow to be, begin to be – становиться

He became a doctor.

He has become a famous man.

2.happen – случаться

What will become of the children if their father loses his job?

3.suit – подходить (к внешности)

This dress really becomes her.

“come” – move to a place – приходить, прибывать, идти (к) ... …

Come here!

Are you coming to the party?

The train came to the station at 5.

1.Christmas is ... soon.

2.The sky again ...… cloudy.



3.Her coat ...… rather old fashioned.

4.She is …... to the dance.

5.It ...… clear that he was lying.

6.My work is ...… more and more interesting.

7.I recognized him as soon as he ...… towards me through the door.

8.What will ...… of the boy if he fails his examinations?

9.The train …... slowly into the station.

10.My new blouse does not ...… me.

good – well

“good” (adj)

1.having the right qualities – доброкачественный, хороший

a good fire; a good soil

2.efficient, competent – умелый, искусный

a good programmer/driver

be good at (mathematics, etc.) – хорошо знать/владеть чем либо

He is good at programming.

3.pleasing, advantageous – хороший, приятный

It’s good news.

4.Запомните выражения:

a) It’s good for you (to do smth)… – Вам полезно (делать что либо) … b) It’s not good for you (to do smth)… – Вам вредно (делать что либо) …

Sun is good for you.

“well” (adv) – in a right or satisfactory manner – хорошо

The children behaved well.

He is a well known painter.

1.The view of the garden is very ...… from the window.

2.Peter can… understand ... the enthusiasm of huge crowds at stadiums. He is a football fan.

3.She is ... …prepared for the test. She is such a …... student.

4.She looks ...… after a long journey.

5.The test is ... …done. You are a …... researcher.

6.It is a ... …known fact that this resort is …... for health.

7.Everybody likes ...… news.

8.We deserve a …... rest after so much hard work.

9.It isn’t ...… for you to have everything you want.

10.We met this ... …dressed young man at the meeting.

11.It is …... for him to go in for sport.


Read & Speak English

Ex. 12. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. Delia was going to teach music …... a general’s daughter. 2. Joe left …... New York when he became twenty. 3. The young people met …... a studio. 4. He wanted to give …... lessons and begin to work. 5. A number ...… students spoke …... composers, painters and many other things. 6. Delia was studying …... a famous pianist. 7. Joe went ...… Central Park to paint pictures. 8. The general’s daughter spilt milk ...… her hand. 9. …... a week Joe sold one picture and brought home some money. 10. Delia came home ...… her hand bandaged. 11. Joe worked ...… the machine room ...… the same laundry.

Ex. 13. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying special attention to the use of the temporal connectives and transitional phrases.

(For reference see Appendix 7)

1. They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile, let’s have a cup of coffee. 2. She had her supper and then went to bed. 3. At long last we found out what had really happened. 4. Initially, she didn’t like the plan, but afterwards she changed her mind. 5. He tried many times to pass the examination, and in the end he succeeded. 6. He will be here in a while. 7. He wanted to listen to his story from the very beginning once again. 9. Just wait a little and later I’ll help you.

Ex. 14. Translate the parts of the following sentences using the temporal connectives and transitional phrases.

(For reference see Appendix 7)

1. When Joe was twenty he left for New York наконец то. 2. The relatives gave Delia some money and вскоре she went to New York. 3. They fell in love с

самого начала. 4. Вначале they took lessons but впоследствии they had to give up the lessons. 5. Delia told her husband that she would teach music. Тем временем she worked in one big laundry. 6. В конце концов Delia told the truth to her husband. 7. Joe took her hand in his and затем asked what had happened.


Ex. 15. Memorize the proverbs and use them in retelling and discussing the text.

1.To make both ends meet. Сводить концы с концами.

2.A light purse is a heavy curse. Легкий кошелек – тяжелое проклятие.



Ex. 16. Retell the text according to the plan.

I. Joe and Delia meet in the studio.

II. Joe and Delia get married.

III. Joe and Delia have to give up the lessons.

IV. Delia begins to work.

V. Joe paints his pictures in Central Park.

VI. Joe and Delia have to tell the truth.

Ex. 17. Give the gist of the story in three four sentences.

Ex. 18. Tell the story as if you were:



Ex. 19. Now when you’ve read the story, could you change its title?

Ex. 20. Topics for discussion and essays.

1.What impression do you form of a) Joe; b) Delia?

2.Sacrifice or Love? Do you approve of Joe’s and Delia’s idea to give up their lessons?

3.Have you ever heard or known about such love before?

Ex. 21. Give a free translation of the text.

Дары волхвов

по О. Генри

Один доллар восемьдесят семь центов. Делла пересчитала (count) три раза. Завтра Рождество, а у неё только один доллар восемьдесят семь центов на подарок Джиму! Долгие месяцы она экономила (save) каждый цент, но расходы (expenses) оказались больше, чем она думала. Много часов она провела, придумывая (plan) что нибудь особенное для её Джима.

Делла стояла у окна и грустно смотрела на улицу. Вдруг она броси лась (rush) к зеркалу. Глаза её сверкали. Она быстро распустила (pull down) волосы1.

Необходимо сказать, что у четы Диллингхем было два сокровища (possessions). Они были их гордостью. Одно – золотые часы Джима,


Read & Speak English

унаследованные от деда и отца, другое – прекрасные длинные волосы Деллы. Делла стояла перед зеркалом. Ее волосы блестели, перелива лись (ripple) и спускались ниже колен (reach below her knee). Потом она снова их подобрала (do up) и побежала вниз (down the stairs) на улицу. Она остановилась у вывески: «Изделия (goods) из волос».

Вы купите мои волосы? – спросила она.

Снимите шляпу, – ответила мадам.

Она посмотрела на волосы и сказала: – Двадцать долларов. Следующие два часа Делла рыскала по магазинам (ransack the stores)

и искала подарок для Джима. Наконец она нашла. Это была платиновая цепочка для часов (platinum fob chain). Она была достойна (be worth of) Джима и его часов. Делла заплатила двадцать один доллар и поспеши ла домой. Она приготовила ужин и стала ждать Джима с работы. Он ни когда не опаздывал. Вскоре она услышала его шаги. Дверь отварилась, Джим вошел. Его глаза остановились на (fix upon) Делле. Он молча смот рел на неё.

Делла подошла к нему.

Джим, милый, – закричала она, – не смотри на меня так (that way)!

Яостригла волосы (have one’s hair cut off) и продала их. Я должна была что нибудь подарить (give smb a present) тебе к (for) Рождеству. Они опять отрастут (grow out). Ты ведь не сердишься (be angry with) на меня, прав да? Посмотри на мой подарок (gift)! Он такой чудесный!

И Делла показала ему цепочку для часов.

Через некоторое время Джим вышел из оцепенения (wake out of trance). Он достал из кармана сверток и дал его Делле. Это был его подарок для Деллы к Рождеству. Когда она раскрыла сверток, она уви дела набор гребней (the set of combs). Она всегда хотела их иметь, но они были очень дорогие.

Делла, – сказал Джим, – Я продал часы, чтобы купить тебе эти гребни.


1волосы (в русск. яз. – мн. ч.) – hair (в англ. яз. – ед. ч.) – о правилах употребления этого слова см. стр. 26.

Her hair is beautiful.




Questions and Negatives Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения

С точки зрения построения вопроса и отрицания все глаголы можно разделить на две группы:

I.Глаголы, образующие вопрос путем простого изменения порядка слов


II.Глаголы, которым для образования вопроса и отрицания требует ся вспомогательный глагол.

I. Глаголы, образующие вопрос путем простого изменения порядка слов — выдвижения глагола на место перед подлежащим

be (am, is, are, was, were)

Не is a student. – Is he a student?

be working

They are working now. – Are they


working now?

be done

It is well done. – Is it well done?

have (has, had) только для

They have finished the work. –

Perfect Tenses*

Have they finished the work?




He can swim well. – Can he swim well?

Can, could, may, must, will,

We must come at 5. – Must I come at 5?

would, shall, should

They will go to the country tomorrow.


Will they go to the country tomorrow?



Отрицательные предложения

He was not (wasn’t) at home at that

образуются путем добавления


частицы not к соответствующей

He has not (hasn’t) come yet.

форме глагола

You may not (mayn’t) leave the


camp after sunset.



* Глагол have в значении иметь, быть вынужденным, а также в составе устойчивых выражений типа have dinner, have a rest, etc. образует воп рос с помощью вспомогательного глагола do (does, did соответственно)

Does she have a car?

Do you have to go to the library to find the book?

Do you have any money?

Do you have to get up early every day?


Read & Speak English

What time do you have lunch?

Did you have a walk this morning?

Вопрос такого типа называется общим вопросом (general question)

ипредполагает краткий положительный или отрицательный ответ.

Is he sleeping? — Yes, he is/No, he is not.

Do you have a dog? — Yes, I do/No, I don’t.

Ex. 22. Ask questions according to the model. Make use of the words in brackets.

Model 1 – Masha’s Russian. (John)

Is John Russian too?

1.Jane’s pretty. (Mary). 2. These boys are students. (those girls). 3. This kitten is funny. (that puppy). 4. I’m happy. (he). 5. We are busy. (they).

6.St.Petersburg is a beautiful city. (Moscow).

Model 2 – She has a daughter. (her sister)

Does her sister have a daughter?

1.I have little milk in my glass. (Paul). 2. London has many good museums. (Liverpool). 3. This artist has few pictures. (that artist). 4. That doctor has many patients. (this doctor). 5. We have a computer. (You). 6. Towns have many places of interest. (villages).

Model 3 – I have to pass exams.

Do you have to pass exams?

1.He has to meet his mother. 2. They had to send a telegram. 3. You have to answer my question. 4. I have to help her. 5. She had to go there. 6. We have to visit our director.

Model 4 – He is working in the garden.

Is he working in the garden?

1.I’m writing a letter. 2. He is locking the door. 3. She is smoking again. 4. It is raining. 5. We are cooking dinner. 6. He is brushing his shoes. 7. The tourists are looking at the picture.

Model 5 – You can go now.

Can you go now?

1.We can buy new furniture here. 2. She can buy a dress in the new department. 3. He can go there by bus. 4. She can lend me a book by O. Wilde. 5. They can call us now. 6. I can take you to the airport.



Model 6 – I must stay here.

Must I stay here?

1.He must write a letter to his parents. 2. We must borrow some money from him. 3. She must answer immediately. 4. They must sign the contract. 5. You must believe him. 6. We must remember his address.

Model 7 – We have ordered a taxi.

Have you ordered a taxi?

1.I have forgotten her address. 2. He has locked the garage. 3. They have decorated the hall. 4. He has received the prize. 5. She had bought a new flat.

6.We have seen the film.

Ex. 23. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

Model 1 – Have you been to Chicago? (London).

No, I haven’t been there. But I have been to London.

1.Have you sent a letter to John? (a postcard). 2. Has he translated that poem? (a story). 3. Have you eaten the soup? (salad). 4. Has she washed up the pans? (the dishes). 5. Have they bought a new car? (a cottage). 6. Has she married Pete? (Jack).

Model 2 – Is Gary still delivering the lecture?

No, he isn’t. He has already delivered it.

1.Are you still going to tell him the truth? 2. Are they still repairing the flat?

3.Is she still cooking? 4. Is he still speaking to Mary? 5. Are you still discussing the film? 6. Are they still having their in breakfast?

Model 3 – They are going to the country. (John; to invite).

Will they invite John?

No, they won’t.

1.He is going to water flowers in the garden. (you; to help). 2. I’m going to visit the Hermitage. (Mary; to join). 3. She is going to see her friend. (her friend; to meet). 4. He is going to play the piano. (you; to sing). 5. She is going to wash the floor. (her daughter; to wax). 6. We are going to make a cake. (they; to help).


Read & Speak English

Model 4 – We went to Oxford last Sunday. (to have dinner).

Did you have dinner there?

1.She went to the country a month ago. (to have a rest). 2. I slept well last night. (to have a dream). 3. We went to a restaurant the day before yesterday. (to have a good time). 4. He was at the University in the morning. (to have a lecture). 5. They were in the office after work. (to have a meeting). 6. She went to bed at 9 yesterday. (to sleep). 7. I felt sick two days ago. (to take a temperature).

Ex. 24. Translate the following questions from Russian into English. Give negative answers.

1.Джо был с юга?

2.Он мечтал стать великим пианистом?

3.Джо и Дилия жили в большой квартире?

4.Плата за уроки была низкая?

5.У Джо и Дилии были деньги платить за уроки?

6.Могли они найти деньги, чтобы заплатить за уроки?

7.Продал Джо свою картину?

8.Дилия действительно учила музыке дочку генерала?

9.Смогла Дилия сказать правду Джо?

10.Пролила Клементина соус на руку Дилии?

11.Дилия хотела, чтобы Джо знал правду?

12.Джо был в прачечной, когда Дилия обожгла руку?

II. Глаголы, которым для образования вопроса требуется вспомогательный глагол. Эти глаголы имеют форму:


Глаголы типа

Отрицательная форма

I, you, we, they


¾ do


she, he, it


¾ does

doesn’t + глагол (в начальной форме)

все лица


¾ did







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