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Практические упражнения. Англ. грамматика

5.11 Mб


3. Особые случаи употребления артиклей

Упражнение 1. Поставьте артикли, где необходимо.

a) 1. Children go to ... school to learn. 2. ... youngest brother is at ... school now. 3. If you want to go to ... school, you must take ... bus number 6. 4. Though our village is small there is ... big school in it. 5. At ... time of Dickens people were often taken to ... prison for debt. Dickens had to visit his father in ... prison. 6. In winter we go to ... bed earlier than in summer. 7. I want to have ... room with ... comfortable bed. 8. Mary woke up suddenly and lay in ... bed thinking. 9. ... bed on ... left is mine. 10. She goes to ... town once ... week. 11. Though there is ... large number of big buildings in ... town, it is not as big as ... city. 12. My friend mostly lives out of

... town in his country-house. 13. Burns, ... great Scottish poet, was born in ... small town of Alloway. 14. Next morning I caught the early train to ... town. 15. She was out of ... town for ... day.

b) 1. At ... present Palermo is ... capital city and ... provincial town. ... century ago it was still in ... hands of ... rich, but today ... rich Palermitans prefer ... conveniences and comfort of... modern apartments in ... Milan or ... Paris. ... houses of...

poor, however, have remained unchanged since the Middle Ages. 2. Dostoyevsky was ... passionate advocate of ... oppressed. 3. In capitalist countries ... contrast between ... rich and ... poor is becoming greater and greater.

c) 1. Popov invented ... radio in 1895. 2. We can find ... radio almost in every home nowadays. 3. ... cat and ... tiger belong to ... same class of animals. 4. ... tiger has big claws on its paws. 5. ... tiger is ... wild animal. 6. ... greatest writers of all times have been fond of ... novel. 7. There are more characters in ... novel than in

... story.


1. Будущее неопределенное время (The Future Indefinite Tense)

Упражнение 1. Назовите формы Past Indefinite Tense и Participle II нерегулярных глаголов, приведенных ниже.

to take, to give, to seek, to go, to hear, to tell, to know, to sing, to find, to write, to get, to read, to understand, to speak

Упражнение 2. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные, отрицательные и вопросительно-отрицательные.

1. We shall take our examination in History on Monday. 2. They will leave Moscow in July. 3. We shall meet in the University. 4. She will call on them tomorrow. 5. We shall stay with my parents for a month. 6. Nina and her sister will be busy in the evening. 7. He will return in three hours. 8. There will be many students there. 9. There will be a meeting here today. 10. He will go to the country this Sunday.

Упражнение 3. Поставьте разделительные вопросы к следующим утверждениям.

1. Next year your brother will write his degree paper. 2. In some years there will be more faculties at the University. 3. He will be glad to hear from her. 4. There will be an interesting lecture at the Institute. 5. They are going to visit their lecturer. 6. She will wire us on the day of her arrival. 7. As usual there will be four entrance


examinations. 8. We shan't be able to take part in this conference. 9. We shall have to go to the language laboratory tomorrow. 10. They will not translate the article without our help.

Упражнение 4. Дайте краткие утвердительные или отрицательные ответы.

1. Will you come tomorrow? 2. Will your brother have classes only three times a week? 3. Will your course run for five years? 4. Shall we be able to listen to records? 5. Will this help you to improve your pronunciation? 6. Will you have to join the library of the University? 7. Will your sister be able to read this book in two days? 8. Will he be able to go to the watchmaker today? 9. Will she have to speak to the dean? 10. Will the student have to write a test-paper at the end of the week?

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски вспомогательными глаголамиshall и will, где необходимо.

1. Ask if they ... go in for their examination on Tuesday. 2. I have no idea when I

... finish reading this book. 3. The students will receive grants if they ... study well. 4. We do not know when we... have a test in Grammar. 5. The applicants will go in for entrance examinations before they ... become students. 6. Tell me when the meeting of the first-year students ... take place. 7. My friend asks me if I ... go to the library with him. 8. If the applicants ... attend preliminary courses they will have a good command of the subjects in which they are going to take examinations. 9. As soon as the applicants ... enter the University they will take part in one of many students' societies. 10. They will work in the country till the classes...


Упражнение 6. Следующие предложения относятся к будущему. Заполните пропуски, используя правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. He ... the door if you ... him the key. (to open, to give) 2. I... a letter if he ... me his address. (to write, to send) 3. If you... to work here next year you... to study at the evening department. (to want, to have) 4. He ... as a school-teacher as soon as he... (from) the University. (to work, to graduate) 5. Every student ... to improve his pronunciation if he ... to English records. (to be able, to listen) 6. Come to me when you ... your entrance examinations. (to pass) 7. Let us buy the tickets after you ... your stipend. (to get) 8. Try to see him before he... to the university. (to go) 9. You must translate this text before the teacher ... . (to come) 10. If he ... me this article in an hour I ... to translate it on time. (to bring, to be able) 11. He ... that he

... his exam. (to say, not to fail) 12. She ... that she ... in French. (to hope, to do well)

Упражнение 7. Дополните следующие предложения.


1. You will easily catch up with your group if you ...

. 2. He will remain a part-time

student as long as he ... .

3. Ask if the students ... .

4. We shall have to draw some

cartoons for the wall-newspaper unless ... .

5. The students will not be able to read

difficult texts till they ...

. 6.1 don't know when ... .

7. She will go to the language

laboratory as soon as... .

8. Our teacher asks us if....

9. What will you do if ... ? 10.


We shall know English well in case we ... . 11. You will see him when ... . 12. Tell me when ... . 13. I shall do the room before ... . 14. They will go to the country as soon as ... .

Упражнение 8. Translate into English.

1. Я стану студенткой университета, если хорошо сдам все вступительные экзамены. 2. Подождите меня здесь, пожалуйста, пока я вернусь. 3. Не представляю себе, когда я смогу написать контрольную работу по грамматике. Я все еще больна. 4. Мой брат поедет в Киев, как только закончит свою работу. 5. Скажите, пожалуйста, студентам, когда они смогут получить стипендию. 6. Он пойдет сегодня в лингафонную лабораторию, если получит текст. 7. Он еще не знает, когда студенты второго курса поедут на практику. 8. Я буду слушать эту передачу по радио, когда вернусь из университета. 9. Мы не знаем, надо ли нам будет сдавать экзамен по английскому языку в зимнюю сессию. 10. Студенты будут заняты в Доме Дружбы, пока не уедет делегация.

Упражнение 9. Переведите на английский.

Аня сказала, что она будет участвовать в телевизионной передаче«Английский язык для взрослых». Она будет играть роль преподавательницы. Она уже выучила текст наизусть и собирается записать его на магнитофон, чтобы послушать, как звучит ее голос.

Когда начнутся передачи, она будет очень занята, так как утром она будет на занятиях в университете, а днем — на репетиции. Аня уже познакомилась со своими коллегами по телестудии(TV colleagues). Вместе с ней в программе «Английский язык для взрослых» будут участвовать опытные преподаватели и студенты третьего курса. Аня сказала, что они постараются сделать новую программу интересной и полезной для тех, кто изучает английский язык.

2. Будущее время модальных глаголов

Упражнение 1. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в Past Indefinite и Future Indefinite. Придумайте естественный контекст, чтобы оправдать использование данных временных форм.

1. My daughter can sing very well. 2. Everybody can do this work. 3. One of our students can write plays of his own. 4. Can you play chess? 5. This girl cannot take part in the discussion. 6. The Orlovs must move to another town. 7. He must have teaching practice in his fourth year. 8. We must do three foreign languages at the University. 9. The boys must run to get to the station in time. 10. Must he read all the books on the reading-list?

Упражнение 2. Вставьте a) can, b) must или их эквиваленты. Поставьте to перед инфинитивами, где необходимо.

a) 1. ... you play chess a little? I ...when I was at school but I... now. (2nd verb neg.) 2. He has been ill for a long time. I suppose he ... write this paper. (neg.) 3.I... remember her address. (neg.) I ... even remember the street. (neg.) 4. You've put too much in your rucksack; you ... never carry all that. 5. When I was a child I

... understand adults, and now that I am an adult I ... understand children. (neg.,





neg.) 6. Don't try to look at all the pictures in the gallery. Otherwise when you get

home you

... remember any of them. (neg.) 7. When I first went to England I ...

read English but I ...

speak it. (2nd verb neg.) 8.... you ... come to my place tomor-

row?—Yes, I... come at 8 o'clock.


b) 1. Last term she...

leave home at eight every morning. 2. He sees very badly; he

... wear glasses all the time. 3. You ...

read this book. It's really excellent. 4. She

felt ill and ...

leave early. 5. Bob ... cook his own meal». His wife is away. 6. D о с

t о r: I can't come now. Caller: You ...

come; he is terribly ill. 7. The buses were

all full; I ...

get a taxi. 8. Tell her that she ... be here by six tomorrow. I insist on it.

9. I got lost and ...

ask the passerby to show me the way. 10. If you want to have

this book, you ... come to my place in the evening.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте must, have, will have, had. Поставьте to перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.

D a v i d: I ... go soon, I'm afraid, because I ... be at the station at 10.30 to meet my sister. I... be late, or she won't know where to go. (neg.).

J o a n: I thought you ... be there at 10.15, not 10.30. David: Yes, I.... but now the time of the train has been changed. It... go rather slow for a few miles because they are repairing the railway-lines.

J о a n: When ... your sister leave again?

D a v i d: Well, she... be back at her job at 8 a.m. on Monday, so she ... leave on Sunday evening. J o a n: Can't she stay a little longer?

D a v i d: I'm afraid not. She is coming for the week-end. She is a nurse and works at a hospital.

J o a n: Oh, I see. My daughter is training to be a nurse too. She ... study for one year more, and then she ... take an examination.

D a v i d: Well, I... stay here any longer (neg.), or I... run all the way to the station. J o a n: Yes, you... go. Good-bye.

D a v i d: Good-bye.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте can, could, shall (will) be able, was able. Поставьте to перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.

S.: When John was six, he... swim across the swimming-pool, and now he ... swim from one end to the other. Soon he ... swim a quarter of a mile, and then we ... take him out in a sailing-boat quite safely, which we... do now. (neg.)

A.: Yes, I ... quite understand that.

S.: I ... swim until I was fourteen. (neg.) Children ... learn things much earlier now than when we were children, ... they?

A.: Yes, they certainly... . And their children ... learn even earlier, I suppose.

S.: Last week was John's birthday. I gave him a bicycle, and he ... ride it already. A.: Oh, good. Then he ... go to the swimming-pool on it.


1. Косвенная речь в будущем времени

Упражнение 1. Преобразуйте следующий диалог в косвенную речь.


Mike took up the receiver and answered the telephone. He said: "Hullo!"

A woman's voice answered: "Hullo!" and asked: "Is that you, Mike?" Mike answered: "Yes." The woman's voice said: "This is Lucy, Mike. I shall have a party at my house tomorrow evening. Can you and Mary come? The party starts at eight o'clock."

Mike answered: "Yes, thank you, Lucy. We'll come. We are free tomorrow evening."

Lucy said: "I shall borrow Tom's records. If it's fine, we shall sit outside and play the records. If it's wet we'll sit inside."

Mike said: "That sounds nice. If you like, I'll bring some records too. Who else will be at your party?"

Lucy answered: "Alice and Tom will, Ted won't be able to come because he will go to the country tomorrow on business." .

Mike asked: "Will Bob be there?"

Lucy answered: "I don't know, Mike, I must telephone him but I don't know his number."

Mike said: "Well, I shall see him tonight. I'll be at the University, and he'll be there too. I'll ask him if you like, and I'll phone you tomorrow morning."

Lucy said: "Thanks very much, Mike."

Mike said: "That's all right, Lucy. Well, I'll phone you in the morning and see you tomorrow evening. Good-bye, Lucy."

Lucy said: "Good-bye, Mike, and thank you very much."

2. Употребление артиклей с абстрактными существительными

Упражнение 1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. School begins on ... 1st of September. 2. ...

meeting of our scientific society will

be on

... 19th of October. 3. Winter exams will be from

... 1st of January till...


of January. 4. Dickens was born on ...

7th of February, 1812. 5. I handed in my ap-

plication on

... 3rd of July. 6. He borrowed this book from ... library on ...

2nd of

November. 7. I received his letter on

... 31st of March. 8. Pushkin was born on ...

26th of May, 1799. 9. Gagarin flew into space on ... 12th of April, 1961.10....


group flight into space took place on ...

11th of August, 1962. 11. He put...


and ...

jam on his bread. 12. Have ... butter, please. 13. ...

fish was fried in butter.


2. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.



a)1. It is sometimes very cold in Petersburg on ... New Year's Eve. 2. I like to see... New Year in somewhere out in ... open. 3. On ... New Year's Eve I always write letters to my friends and wish them ... Happy New Year.

b)1. ... whole world tuned in to Moscow to hear ... news of Gagarin's flight. 2.

She brought... whole basket of mushrooms yesterday. 3. She wanted to know ... whole truth about the matter. 4. ... whole country rose against the enemy. 5. My friend has bought ... whole bag of New Year presents for his children.



1. Прошедшее длительное время (The Past Continuous Tense)

Упражнение 1. Объясните использование Past Continuous; задайте общие и специальные вопросы к этим предложениям.

1. My granny was sewing in the drawing-room when I returned home. 2. The students were working at the language laboratory all evening yesterday. 3. We were sitting for the examination from five till six. 4. At eight o'clock yesterday the students were watching a TV programme. 5. Mary was always losing her gloves when she was a little girl. 6. While walking in the garden I saw children who were making their first steps in sport. 7. I noticed that little children were jumping and dancing in the gym-hall. 8. The workers were doing morning exercises during their five minutes' interval when I opened the door of the shop. 9. My grandson was swimming and diving in the Black Sea all summer. 10. I was waiting for a friend of mine at 5 o'clock sharp.

Упражнение 2. Дополните следующие предложения, используя Past Continuous во второй части каждого предложения.

1. While I was speaking to the dean my friend ... .

2. The weather got worse while

we ....

3. When I called on him he

.... 4. I switched on the radio and listened to the

news while ... .

5. When my daughter came into the kitchen I ... .

6. What was Jane

doing while Mary ... ? 7. When I rang him up in the evening he....

8. While I was

writing on the blackboard John ....

9. My colleagues were playing chess when I ... .

10. While children were skiing grown-ups ... .



Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола, данного в скобках.

1. I... to a record at the phonetic laboratory when my friend came in and asked me to help him with the translation. (to listen) 2. They ... for Vladivostok on Thursday. (to leave) 3. I ... to the wireless programmes in English all day yesterday. (to listen) 4. She ... always ... mistakes in her dictations. (to make) 5. In July I... for the entrance exams to the University. (to revise) 6. My friend ... tbe essay from 5 o'clock in the morning till one in the afternoon. (to write) 7. When I entered the assemblyhall the dean ... the difference in the curriculum for full-time and part-time students. (to explain) 8. On Monday I ... still ... on the text. (to work) 9. I ... still ...

with the tape-recorder at 5 o'clock in the evening. (to work) 10. While some students ... the texts on tape the others ... their homework. (to record, to answer)

Упражнение 4. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы.

1. You... hardly find a grown-up person or a youngster who is not enthusiastic about sport. 2. She will hardly ... go there again. 3. Every school... have good sports facilities. 4. I think it... rain today. 5. How ... he say such things about me! 6.... I come to see you next Saturday? 7. We ... have a five minutes' interval now

because I am tired. 8. Mother thinks he ...

come tonight. 9. He ... be more careful.


I carry your bag for you? 11.... we get up early to meet him? 12.... I ask you

to close the window? 13. You ... eat less bread and potatoes not to be fat. 14.


... know her because she is also a member of a Dynamo team. 15. No one ...


him about the accident.




We ... all work hard so that pur country

... be prosperous.



2. Модальные глаголы should, ought (to)

Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски глаголами must not, need not. cannot, may not, dare not, could not, should not, ought not и объясните свой выбор.

1. You ...write to him for he will be here tomorrow. 2. We... make any noise or we'll wake the baby. 3. They ... to take the exam. 4. I am sure they ... understand the text because it is too difficult. 5. They... talk to each other yesterday. 6. You ...

waste much time because time is money. 7. Children... be heard when guests come. 8. Peter ... drive so fast, because he is not a very good driver. 9. You ... say such things if you don't mean them. 10. She ...play in the concert last night as she hurt her hand. 11. She ... be at the stadium now because she has broken her leg. 12. He

... go to the cinema because the students are waiting for him at the tennis court. 13. She... to ask him about it. 14. Students ... bring books into the examination room. 15. You ... take an umbrella. It isn't going to rain. 16. Mother to child: You ... tell lies. 17. People ... smoke in a non-smoking compartment. 18. You ... eat so many sweets, Ann. Bad for your figure, you know.

Упражнение 2. Используйте в следующих предложениях эквиваленты модальных глаголов to be able, to have, to be и to be allowed в подходящей по смыслу грамматической форме.

I. The ambulance... to arrive in some minutes because a student broke his leg in the gym-hall. 2. They... to attend the laboratory regularly because they had no textbooks. 3. Our sportsmen ... to win the first prizes in figure-skating at the previous Olympic Games because they were in good form. And we hope that they ... to show the same results in future. 4. We have such old wall paper that we ... to paper the room. But we... to paint the floor. 5. May I come in and take the skis? We... to do it. 6. Last year we ...to start our journey on July 5th. 7. Last week I ... not to attend classes in physical training because I had a cold. 8. Though my son was only six he ... to play chess as a grown-up person. 9. ...the first-year students ... to learn poems by heart last year? Yes, they did. 10. The children ... to go to the skatingrink after they have done their homework. 11. You ... to hurry if you don't want to be late. 12. I can't come today, because we... to have a picnic this afternoon.

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения, выражающие следующие понятия при помощи модальных глаголов согласно образцу.

Образец: A possibility of snow (возможность снегопада). It may snow tomorrow.

1. Polite request to borrow a newspaper. 2. Granting permission to leave early. 3. Agreeing to someone's spending their time how they please. 4. Asking for permission to ask a question. 5. Prohibiting passengers getting off a moving trolley-bus. 6. Forbidding students to speak any other language but English in class. 7. The possibility of meeting some friends at a party. 8. A prohibition against bringing books into an examination room. 9. The possibility that someone has lost his way. 10. An order against smoking in the room. 11. A refusal of permission to stay out late at night. 12. The possibility that someone's car has broken down. 13. A polite request for another cup of tea. 14. The possibility of spending a holiday in the


country. 15. The possibility that someone has missed the bus. 16. A prohibition against talking during a lecture. 17. An offer of help to carry someone's luggage (may).18. The advisability of sending a letter immediately.

19. An obligation to look after one's pets well.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, используя модальные глаголы.

1. Вам бы следовало слушать, что говорят старшие. 2. Детям не следует играть с огнем (со спичками). 3. Ей следует быть более осторожной, когда она переходит улицу. 4. Вам следует прочесть эту книгу в оригинале. 5. Ему нужно больше работать в лингафонной лаборатории. 6. Ей не нужно ходить в эту квартиру, там больной ребенок. 7. Вам следует писать диктанты каждый день. 8. Вам следует побольше читать. 9. Вы не должны опаздывать на занятия. 10. Сергей должен записаться в один из спортивных кружков Дворца спорта, если он хочет серьезно заниматься спортом. 11. Спортивную тренировку ему следует начинать с утренней гимнастики. 12. Ему не нужно больше тренировать школьную команду. 13. Он может стать профессиональным футболистом, если захочет. 14. Кто может рассказать о победах российских спортсменов на Олимпийских играх? 15. Знает ли она, что прежде чем стать членом нашей команды, ей нужно получить права? 16. Каждый ребенок должен научиться плавать как можно раньше. 17. Вам приходилось когданибудь участвовать в соревнованиях по боксу? 18. Завтра ему нужно участвовать в соревнованиях по прыжкам в воду. 19. В будущем году мне придется поехать в летний спортивный лагерь вместе с моим сыном.

3. Конструкция used to для обозначения обычного действия в прошлом.

Упражнение 1. Поставьте разделительные к вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. You never used to smoke so much. 2. Mother used to take you to the tennis court when you were small. 3. They used to live in that house. 4. You didn't use to watch figure-skating ten years ago. 5. Athletics used to be popular. 6. Wrestling used to be one of the oldest forms of sport. 7. We didn't use to have indoor icerinks fifty years ago.

Упражнение 2. Составьте утверждения по образцу со словами данными ниже.

Образец: I used to play hockey at school but I haven't played it ever since. basket-ball, table-tennis, chess, draughts, football, volley-ball

4. Способы выражения значения «тоже, также».

Упражнение 1. Измените следующие предложения сначала по первому образцу, а затем по второму образцу. Используйте в качестве подлежащих слова, данные в скобках.

Образец 1.

She speaks French. (I) - She speaks French. I also speak French. I speak French too.

She speaks French. So do I.


Образец 2.

I haven't read it. (he) - I haven't read it. He hasn't read it either. I haven't read it. Neither has he. Nor has he.

1. Students have a busy time in January and June. (teachers) 2. He got quite excited over the new plan. (the students) 3. Mary works by fits and starts. (Kate) 4. He doesn't lag behind the group in English. (Nelly) 5. I can't catch up with the group. (she) 6. Kate will do the shopping in the afternoon. (I) 7. I spent the week-end skiing in the country. (my parents) 8. He isn't tall. (his brother) 9. Saturday's match was not very exciting. (Sunday's) 10.I didn't win the prize. (my friend) 11. They didn't have a chance to win. (we) 12. He mustn't take part in sports competitions for a month. (she) 13. He was late for the game. (his friend)

Упражнение 2. Дайте краткие утвердительные ответы.

1. He didn't have any dinner, and what about Bob? 2. I can't speak English fluently yet, and Mary? 3. She is not well enough to go skating on Sunday, and you? 4. I haven't copied the time-table yet, and Pete? 5. Vera has left her student's record' book at home, and you? 6. They must be here at 10 sharp, and Nina? 7. I have to see him on Sunday, and Kate? 8. I heard the results of the match over the radio, and Peter? 9. I shall not go to the football match, if it rains, and you? 10. We are already revising for the examination, and Peter?

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я люблю смотреть по телевидению соревнования по легкой атлетике.— Я тоже. 2. Я не «болею» за «Зенит».— Мы тоже. Мы «болеем» за «Динамо». 3. Мой младший братишка тоже любит ходить на лыжах. 4. Лена — тоже очень хорошая теннисистка. 5. Мне не нравится наш плавательный бассейн.— Мне тоже. Он очень маленький. 6. Максим тоже еще не выбрал спортивную секцию, но я уверена, что он выберет альпинизм; он блестящий скалолаз. 7. Я не видел эту игру по телевидению. — Я тоже. Я поздно вернулся домой. 8. Он тоже никогда не тренируется по субботам. 9. У них тоже хороший стадион.


1. Прошедшее завершенное время (The Past Perfect Tense)

Упражнение 1. Назовите формы Past Indefinite и Participle II следующих неправильных глаголов.

to begin, to eat, to fly, to break, to come, to run, to think, to teach, to hang, to fall, to lie, to spring, to choose

Упражнение 2. Задайте общие и специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. He had washed his hands before he sat down to dinner. 2. The students had finished translating the article by 5 o'clock. 3. The watchmaker hadn't cleaned my watch by the time I came. 4. She had trained a lot before the Olympic games. 5. When the taxi arrived, they had already finished packing.


Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски подходящей формой глагола вPast Indefinite или Past Perfect. Переведите предложения.

a) When I was 20, I... to Petersburg to study English. (to go) At that time I thought I... English quite well because I ... it for nearly ten years. (to know, to study) I... already... my studies at the evening classes of Foreign Languages in our town. (to finish) In fact I... the highest mark at the final examination. (to get)

I ... to Petersburg in August. (to come). I... never ... to a big city, so everything...

me very much. (to be, to interest) I... a taxi and ... straight to the hostel where I was to stay till the end of the entrance examinations. (to take, to go) When I... my luggage in my room, I... to go out to see Petersburg. (to put, to decide) I ... never ...

such a beautiful city before. (to see) After I...around for an hour, I ... my way. (to walk, to lose) I ... a militiaman and ... him that I... my way. (to find, to tell, to lose) He ... me the way to the hostel. (to show) It turned out that during the past hour I ...

round in a circle, and I ... quite near the hostel again! (to walk, to be)

b) 1. I ... to enter the philological faculty after I ... to a friend of mine, who is a student of the English department. (to decide, to speak) 2. By the time I ... to the University, the meeting ... already ... . (to get, to begin) 3. After 1 ... the entrance examinations, I ... a student of Petersburg University. (to pass, to become) 4. I ... the true state of affairs even before I... your letter. (to understand, to read). 5. After I...

all the books on the reading-list, I... that I was prepared for the examination. (to read, to decide) 6. He ... to our house before I... breakfast. (to come round, to finish) 7. We ... everything by the time the taxi... . (to pack, to arrive) 8. After I ... the library, I ... the reader's membership card. (to join, to get)

Упражнение 4. Поставьте глаголы в Past Indefinite, Past Continuous или Past Perfect.

1. After Dickens's family ... Chatham and ... down in London, things went from bad to worse. (to leave, to settle) 2. While Charles ... at a blacking factory, he had to live in miserable lodgings, for he ... only six shillings a week. (to work, to earn) 3. Dickens's father ... in prison for two years before he ... into some money. (to be, to come) 4. Dickens ... just... his Sketches by Boz when a firm of publishers ... him to write some short articles. (to publish, to ask) 5. By 1836 Dickens... already...

popular with the English readers. (to become) 6. Dickens ... shorthand before he could do some reporting in the House of Commons. (to study) 7. After he ... school he... a clerk in a lawyer's office. (to finish, to become) 8. Dickens ... already ...

world-wide fame when he ... to write Oliver Twist. (to earn, to begin) 9. Dickens ...

to read at an early age and ... many books in his childhood. (to learn, to read) 10. After Dickens ... much he ... a writer and ... his childhood and youth in some of his famous novels. (to suffer, to become, to describe)

Упражнение 5. Замените инфинитивы в скобках подходящими личными формами глагола.

Last year John (to travel) through Italy on his way to England. His train (to stop) at Turin for a few hours. He (to put) his suit-cases under the seat, and (to go off) to see the town and have lunch. He (to look forward) to a good hot lunch, as it was a