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Практические упражнения. Англ. грамматика

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cold January day. As he (to walk) along the street, he (to see) a good restaurant and (to enter).

As John (to eat), he (to take in) the atmosphere of the place. It seemed a good restaurant. The dark-eyed Italian waitresses (to rush about) and (to exchange) jokes with their customers. While he (to observe) this, John (to finish) his enormous lunch. He (to order) coffee and a cigar, and (to call for) the bill. Then he (to get up) to go. He (to walk) over to the counter, where the proprietor (to talk) to a friend, and (to put) his hand into his breast-pocket to get out his wallet. To his surprise, his breast-pocket (to be) empty. He (to search) the other pockets. His heart (to thump) as he (to turn) to the proprietor. "I'm awfully sorry," he (to say) to him, "but I have lost all my money." "Well," said the proprietor, "if you find it you might come back and pay the bill." John (to look) at him in amazement. "Thanks awfully, I will certainly come back."

He (to go) to the nearest police-station and (to tell) them that someone (to rob) him of all his money. Then he (to go) to collect his luggage at the station. And great was his surprise when he (to see) his wallet lying on the floor near his luggage!

Упражнение 6. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Five o'clock had hardly struck on the morning of the nineteenth of January when Bessie brought a candle into my little room and found me already up and nearly dressed. 2. Hardly had I read more than the first three chapters when I heard a conversation going on in the next room. 3. No sooner had I discovered that the wolves could only run-on the ice in a straight line, than I decided to turn aside whenever they came too near. 4. Scarcely had the wolves heard the barking of my dogs, when they stopped and after a few minutes turned and fled. 5. Hardly had we made ourselves comfortable in the parlour when an old fellow came in smoking a long pipe; we naturally began to chat. 6. No sooner had he left the room than another man came in. 7. No sooner had he arrived when the accident took place. 8. Scarcely had I finished my work when my friends arrived. 9. Hardly had we closed the door when a snowstorm broke out. 10. No sooner had I come home and switched on the TV set when the figure-skating began.

Упражнение 7. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Он не прочел и трех страниц, как его прервали. 2. Не успела мисс Бетси узнать, что у миссис Копперфилд родился сын, как она уехала из дому. 3. Я не пробыл и пяти минут в приемной, как меня пригласили к директору. 4. Едва дверь закрылась за ней, как я вспомнила, что хотела ей рассказать. 5. Едва Оливер успел покончить со вторым ломтем хлеба, как мистер Бамбль вернулся и объявил, что мальчик должен немедленно предстать перед советом. 6. Не успела я войти сегодня в университет, как встретила девочку, с которой училась в школе. 7. Едва мы успели кончить писать контрольную работу по грамматике, как прозвонил звонок на следующее занятие. 8. Не успели мы дойти до набережной, как начался салют.

Упражнение 8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы устно. (Книги закрыты)


1. What were you doing all evening yesterday? 2. Had you finished reading the book by 5 o'clock yesterday? 3. Were you working at home from 7 till 9 o'clock yesterday? 4. Had you already returned home when he called on you on Sunday? 5. What were you doing when he rang you up? 6. Had he ever studied English before he entered the University? 7. What argument were you having when you heard someone enter the room? 8. Had you worked with tape-recorders before you entered the philological faculty? 9. Had you improved your pronunciation by the end of the year? 10. Were you working hard at your English during the past academic year? 11. Had your friend known the difference in the curriculum for full-time and part-time students before he applied to the University?

Упражнение 9. Поставьте глаголы в подходящее по смыслу время (Present Indefinite, Present Perfect, Past Indefinite, Past Perfect или Past Continuous).

One rather drowsy afternoon we ... in the classroom and ... what the teacher ... monotonously. (to sit, to take down, to read) Most of us ... honestly to get down the essence of it, but Robert... a better way of spending the time. (to try, to find) He ...

listening to the lecture altogether, and ... delightedly over a pen-and-ink drawing which he ... . (to give up, to smile, to make) This was the first time I ... him really drawing something. (to notice) Though I ... next to him I ... what he ... at first. (to sit, not to see, to draw) But after a few minutes he ... to me and ... the paper towards me. (to turn, to push) What he ... me was a rapid but very energetic sketch of the teacher on skates. (to show) "It's great," I ... .(to whisper) Then a shadow...

across the sunlit desk, and the next second the teacher ... the drawing and … it off to his table. (to fall, to snatch, to bear)

"Artistic creation," he said in his horrible dry voice. "But I ... we ... here for this purpose." (not to think, to assemble) Then he ... at the picture and ... it clearly for the first time. (to look, to see) For a moment the teacher could think of nothing to say. He just ... the drawing across. (to tear) Then he... the two pieces together and

... them across again. (to lay, to tear)

Упражнение 10. Переведите на английский язык.

Когда мы готовились к вступительным экзаменам в университет, мы еще не решили, на какое отделение поступать— на вечернее или дневное. Мы не знали, есть ли разница в программах для студентов дневного и вечернего отделения.

Перед самыми экзаменами у нас было собрание. Декан объяснил нам, что различие в программе довольно значительное. Хотя перечень предметов приблизительно одинаковый, но на каждый предмет на дневном отделении отводится гораздо больше времени, так как студенты-вечерники занимаются только четыре раза в неделю. После того как мы поговорили с деканом и некоторыми преподавателями, мы решили поступать на дневное отделение филологического факультета.

Когда мы сдали вступительные экзамены, мы стали студентами университета. Мы поселились в общежитии, недалеко от филологического факультета. В комнате нас трое: две мои подруги и я. Каждое утро мы встаем в8 часов,


чтобы успеть приготовить плотный завтрак. Мы делаем это по очереди. Пока одна из нас греет чайник и накрывает на стол, две другие убирают постели и убирают комнату. Без четверти девять мы выходим из общежития. Мы успеваем дойти пешком до университета за10 минут. Без трех минут девять мы уже сидим в аудитории и ждем начала занятий.

2. Past Continuous и Past Perfect в косвенной речи

Упражнение 1. Переведите в косвенную речь.

1. My friend said: "Moscow University was opened in 1755." 2. He asked his friend, "Have you written this poem yourself?" 3. He said, "I am working hard as I want to pass my exams by the first of January." 4. Margaret asked me, "Have you brought any English books with you?" 5. The speaker said, "Conditioned reflexes were first researched in Russia." 6. The librarian said to the students, "We have just received some new books on travel." 7. The students said to their new teacher, "We read David Copperfield last term." 8. I asked John, "Was Mary at home when you called on her yesterday?" 9. The boy asked his little sister, "What are you writing in your note-book?" 10. The lecturer said, "Lomonosov was a great Russian scientist."

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения в косвенную речь.

1. "How long are you going to stay here?" the aunt asked me. 2. "What are we going to have for dinner tonight?" he said. 3. "How many letters did you write last week?" my friend asked me. 4. "How much does this dress cost?" the customer asked. 5. "The teacher is going to give us a test tomorrow," the pupil remarked. 6. "We took a test a week ago," the student said. 7. "Are you coming to see us today? Mother said. 8. "Tom won a gold medal yesterday," John said. 9. "Are you going to be at home all day tomorrow?" Mary asked. 10. "He is playing football now," my friend's sister said. 11. "He started his tour last week," the secretary said.

3. Употребление артиклей с вещественными существительными

Упражнение 1. Вставьте артикли a(n), the или местоимение some, где необходимо.

1. I like to have ...

good breakfast of ...

bread, ... butter, milk or ...

cream. 2.


is ...

butter? — It is in the fridge. 3. Put...

milk on the gas-stove. 4. There is ...


in the jug. 5. Pass me...

cream, please. 6. In England friends often meet at

... tea-

time for ... chat while they have their cup of ...

tea, ... cake or ...


7. ...

chalk is white. 8. You must not drink ... cold water. 9. Give me

... piece of ...

chalk, please. 10. ...

water in ... lake is warm. 11. Give me

... paper to write

... let-

ter. 12. Some kinds of...

glass are as strong as

... metal. 13. Look here, there is ...

glass on the floor. I think some naughty boy has broken ...

glass in ...

window with

... stone. 14.... stone-breaker is ... machine for breaking ... stone. 15. Different kinds of ... artificial silk are very common nowadays. 16.... silk of... curtains was the same colour as that of... cushions. 17.... gas and ... electricity are the conveniences we have in every flat.



1. Будущее длительное время (The Future Continuous Tense)

Упражнение 1. Задайте к следующим предложениям общие и специальные вопросы.

1. My cousin will be staying at my place for a few days. 2. We shall be approaching Moscow tomorrow morning. 3. Our children will be sleeping when we return home. 4. The guests will have arrived by the time you return home. 5. I shall have already dined by the time you call on me. 6. In an hour we shall be seeing the New Year in. 7. The children will be dancing around the New Year tree the whole evening. 8. Many people will be celebrating the New Year in their country houses. 9. By eleven o'clock we shall have already decorated the New Year tree. 10. By the time the guests come she'll have already laid the table.

Упражнение 2. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в более вежливые вопросы о будущих намерениях, используя Future Continuous по образцу.

Образец: When are you going to have your next lesson? When will you be having your next lesson?

Is he going to meet us at the station? Will he be meeting us at the station?

1. Are you going to stay here long? 2. When are you coming again? 3. When are you going to post your letters? 4. When are you going back to the University? 5. Are you going to visit him tomorrow?

Упражнение 3. Переформулируйте следующие предложения, используя Future Continuous, чтобы показать, что что-то уже заранее намечено или решено.

1. I am seeing him tomorrow. 2. He is leaving in a few days. 3. The leaves are going to fall soon. 4. She says she is going to do the washing tomorrow. 5. I shall write to you later. 6. He is coming home soon. 7. We are going to have fried fish for supper. 8. I am having coffee after dinner as usual. 9. He is lecturing on Byron tomorrow. 10. We are going to celebrate Mother's birthday tomorrow.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующий текст в косвенную речь. Попытайтесь не пользоваться глаголами to say, to tell, to ask. (см. Грамматический справочник Unit 32.2)

The owner of the house — Mrs Maylie —was sitting in her room. With her was her niece Rose. Mr Giles was telling them about the events of the night.

"When will the doctor come?" asked Miss Rose.

"We can expect him any minute," answered Giles. "Brittles went for him a long time ago."

At that very moment the door opened and the doctor stepped into the room. "How do you feel, Mrs Maylie?" said the doctor. "And you, Miss Rose?"

"Oh, we are quite all right," said Rose. "But upstairs there is one who wants your help immediately."

"Where is he?" asked the doctor. "Giles, show me the way, please. I'll come to you again, Mrs Maylie, after I have finished with the patient."

He came back only in an hour.

"He is not in danger, I hope?" asked the old lady. "No, he is not in danger," said the doctor.

"May we then go and see him?" asked Rose.


"If you like," said the doctor.

And offering his hand, he led the two ladies to the room where Oliver lay.

"No!" exclaimed the old lady. "This boy could never be the pupil of thieves and murderers!"

"Who knows, who knows," said the doctor.

"There is one thing that we must do first of all," said Rose. "We must tell Giles and all of them not to say a word about him to the police. Otherwise they will put him in prison and — who knows — perhaps even hang him!"

"You are quite right, my dear," said the old lady. "I shall give orders to Giles immediately, though of course I should like to know something more about him." "He will wake up soon and then we can ask him to tell us all about himself," said the doctor.

(From Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. Adapted.)

2. Будущее завершенное время (The Future Perfect Tense)


1. Завершите следующие предложения, используя Future Continuous или

Future Perfect.



1. I shall still be studying at 8 o'clock, and my friend ... .

2. Don't come between six

and eight, I ...

. 3. At this time tomorrow my mother ....

4. By that time tomorrow

we ....

5. We ...

for a few hours tomorrow. 6. While you are revising for your ex-

amination, I....

7. Before you ring me up I.... 8. He will be living in the Crimea all

next year while.... 9. By this time next week I.... 10. At this time the day after to-

morrow we ....

Упражнение 2. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Future Continuous или Future Perfect.

1. My friend's brother will be a graduate next year, he... his studies by spring. (to finish) 2. Don't you know what Peter ... at 7 o'clock? (to do) 3. When the guests arrive, we... the fir-tree. (to decorate) 4. When I call on her, Mary ... the table. (to lay) 5. When the hands of the clock are close to eleven, our train ... Vladivostok. (to approach) 6. While you are writing this exercise we... Home-Reading. (to prepare) 7. I think she ... dinner by the time Mother comes home. (to cook) 8. She...

by the end of winter holidays. (to recover) 9. Everyone … for the moment to bid the Old Year good-bye. (to wait) 10. By the end of the week I ... my fancy ball dress. (to make)

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски глаголами в необходимой по смыслу форме.

a) Mrs Y.... her son John's school tomorrow. (to visit) When she ...

there at 2 p. m.,

he ... games, but this ... as she ... first

... to see the headmaster. (to get, to have, not

to matter, to go) By the time they ...

to talk, the lesson ... and John

... a shower, so

that he ... ready to go home with his mother. (to finish, to be over, to have, to be) In

two hours John ...

all his homework and ... quite free. (to do, to be) When I...


their house, John and his parents

... dinner. (to arrive, to have) After dinner we ...


new records. (to listen) Mrs Y....

some coffee by the time we stop listening.

(to make) We ...

in the dining-room and ... hot coffee. (to sit, to have) Then I


home. (to go)







b) My friend's brother ...

his studies by spring and he ... to teaching. (to finish, to

look forward) After he ....

he... to a village to teach and I think he...

a good teacher

and children ... him. (to graduate, to go, to become, to like) Now he

... hard as he ...

that time ... quickly and it may happen that he ... no time to revise everything thoroughly. (to work, to know, to fly, to have) Yesterday we ... together, I... him with his degree paper. (to study, to help) Tomorrow he ... all day long and in the evening we ... for a walk as I think he ... his work by that time. (to work, to go, to finish)

Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.

Люся только что окончила библиотечное отделение Университета культуры. Завтра она впервые пойдет на работу в библиотеку. Она очень волнуется накануне своего первого рабочего дня, хотя она прекрасно знает свои обязанности библиотекаря.

Завтра ей предстоит работать в отделе иностранной литературы. Ровно в 10 часов она будет стоять за барьером, готовая встретить своих первых читателей. Ровно в 12 в читальном зале библиотеки начнется читательская конференция. Она должна будет присутствовать на ней вместе со своими читателями. Они обсудят последние произведения советских писателей. Один из читателей сделает доклад о В. Распутине, а она должна будет записать основные мысли доклада, чтобы потом написать о нем статью в стенгазету библиотеки. Я уверена, что к концу недели она уже напишет эту статью.

К двум часам конференция кончится, и Люся вместе со своими товарищами по работе пойдет в ближайшую столовую. Я полагаю, что по дороге в столовую они будут расспрашивать Люсю о ее первом рабочем дне. После трех часов Люся уже опять будет выдавать книги своим читателям.

3. Местоимения other и another.

Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски местоимениями (the) other, another, (the)


each other, one another.



1. These two friends are always ready to help......

. 2. These three boys hardly

know...... .

3. If you don't like this novel, you may choose some ... book. 4. I can't

come tomorrow. I'll come some ... day. 5. Homer was greater than any ...


poet. 6. Some students have already passed the examination,... are going, to do it on Monday. 7. Here are the books we must take to the laboratory. I'll take these

three books. Will you please take ...

? 8. Their house is on ...

side of the street. 9.

Have you got any ... magazines? I'm sorry, but there are no ...

. 10. I don't like this

dress. Will you show me ... one? 11.

I've made two mistakes in my paper. One is a

slip of the pen (описка), but ... is a bad grammar mistake.


Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык.

1. По-моему, театр находится на другой стороне улицы. 2. Некоторые студенты нашей группы останутся на каникулы в городе, другие поедут в спортивный лагерь института. 3. Возьмите эти книги для своего доклада. В одной вы найдете рассказы Джека Лондона, а в другой — его биографию. 4. Хотя


мы и очень дружны, мы редко видимся, так как мы очень заняты. 5. Мне не нравится этот портфель. Покажите, пожалуйста, другой. 6. Эта семья очень дружная (friendly). Они все любят и уважают друг друга.

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски словами else, more, still, another, other, yet.

1. What...

medicine did the doctor prescribe? 2. Who...

wants to go to a sanatori-

um? 3. She will stay at the sanatorium several days....

4. Will anybody...

call on

Peter in the evening? 5. Isn't the medicine ready...? 6. I don't think he is ...

in hospi-

tal. 7. What... did the doctor tell you? 8. I shall drink ...

glass of tea. I'm ...


9. What...

remedies do you take for a headache? 10.1 think that he will ...

be keep-

ing to his room on Monday. 11. The doctor did not allow her to go out... .

12. We

hope that some ... doctors will take part in the discussion. 13. The doctor was sure that... week in the country would do him a world of good.


1. Времена группы Perfect Continuous в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем

Упражнение 1. Объясните использование времен в следующих предложениях переведите их на русский язык.

a)1. The book I am reading now has completely carried me away. 2. He has been looking for this exciting novel in many libraries.

b)1. They were revising for the coming exam all the day yesterday. 2. He had borrowed books at the lending department of this library before he moved to another district. 3. She had been working with tape-recorders at the language laboratory for hours until she improved her pronunciation.

c)1. Don't ring me up at 11 o'clock tomorrow. I ki shall be taking my examination in the History of England ?' at that time. 2. The librarian will have found the books of reference you need by Monday.

Упражнение 2. a) Заполните пропуски предлогамиafter, for, since, from ... to; b) трансформируйте диалог в косвенную речь.

1. J o e: What have you been doing ... last Sunday, George?

G e o r g e: First I was ill... two days on Monday and Tuesday; and ... that I stayed at home ... a day; but ... Thursday I have been working again.

J o e: So you worked ... Thursday ... Saturday only!

G e o r g e: Yes, I haven't been really well ... several months, not ... the New Year, in fact.

2. J o e: What are you doing here?

G e o r g e: I have been waiting for my sister ... 4 o'clock. She has been promising to visit me ... several weeks, but she had to wait until ... the children's holidays. She is going to stay here ... about a fortnight, ... today ... the 11th of May. I haven't seen her ... four months. We are going to Moscow together ... one day tomorrow, and ...

that she will have a rest. She hasn't had a real holiday ... she married.

2. Сравнение времен групп Continuous, Perfect и Perfect Continuous

Упражнение 1. Ответьте устно на следующие вопросы. (Книги закрыты)


A.1. What stories by modern English writers are you reading this term? How long have you been reading the book? Have you read any other stories by these authors? 2. What article are you translating? How long have you been translating this article? Have you ever translated articles like that? 3. What language is his brother studying at the University? How long has he been studying English? Has he ever been to any English-speaking country? 4. What are they showing on TV tonight? Have you already switched the TV set on? How long have you been watching the film? 5. What are the children doing? Have they decorated the New Year tree yet? Since when have they been decorating it?

B.1. Who was speaking when you entered the hall? How long had the dean been speaking when you came? Had you ever heard the dean before this meeting? 2. What were you doing at the language laboratory at 5 o'clock yesterday? How many times had you listened to the record before you began to understand every word of it? How long had you been listening to it before you were able to mark the stresses and the intonation? 3. What were you doing at the watchmaker's yesterday? How many times had your mother taken her watch to the watchmaker's before? How long had your mother been using her watch before it went wrong?

Упражнение 2. Дополните следующие предложения, используя предлоги since или for, как в образце.

I have not been to the li-

for three weeks (a period of time)


since the 25th of October (a starting point of time)



1. He has worked at his report.... 2. I haven't been to the pictures ... . 3. I have

known him ... .

4. My sister's friend has lived in this flat ...

. 5. I haven't Seen much

of him ... .

6. This teacher has taught children at school ... .

7. Peter has read a lot ...

. 8. This author has written a great many books ... .

9. I haven't had a spare moment

... . 10. He hasn't talked to me about the matter ....



Упражнение 3. Дополните следующие предложения.

1. I ... since I last wrote to you. 2. We ... for the last five years. 3. I ... since I came to live here. 4. The Petrovs ... seven years ago. 5. This student of our group ... less than a minute ago. 6. My parents ... for the last two days. 7. They ... since the beginning of the month. 8. How long ...? 9. Since when ...?

Упражнение 4. Поставьте глаголы в правильную грамматическую форму и ответьте на вопросы.

1. How long ago ... you ... here? (to arrive) 2. Since when ... she ... him? (to know) 3. When ,.. you ... your girl-friend last? (to meet) 4. How long … they … in this district? (to live) 5. When ... you … your supper? (to finish) 6. How long ... he ...

you? (not to see) 7. Since when ... she ... a new job? (to get) 8. How long ago ...

World War II...? (to begin) 9. When … be... to the Crimea last? (to go) 10. Since when ...you … here? (to be)


Упражнение 5. Составьте предложения по образцу. Используйте обстоятельства времени, данные ниже.

Образец: 1. ... since last week

I have done a lot of work since last week. 2. ... last week

I attended a lecture on English Literature last week.

1. ... since last year. 2. ... five days ago. 3. ... for five days. 4. ... last year. 5. ...

since I saw him last. 6. ... yesterday. 7. ... for a whole month. 8. ... ever since. 9. Since when ...? 10. ... for an hour.

Упражнение 6. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Perfect или Present Continuous.

1. M r s G.: Where's John?

M r s В.: He ... to his music lesson. He ... musk for six months. (to go, to study) M r s G.: ... you ... a good teacher for him? (to find)

M r s В.: Yes, Mrs Williams... music for the past twenty years. (to teach) M r s G.: ... John ... to play real tunes yet? (to learn)

M r s В.: Yes, he... good progress. He... always ... music. (to make, to love) 2. M r s G.: Are you busy?

M r s В.: Yes, I ... since 8 o'clock in the morning. I ... these cakes and how I am cooking the lunch, (to cook, to make)

M r s G.: What lovely cakes! Can you make a birthday cake? M r s В.: Oh, yes! I ... them ever since I got married. (to make)

M r s G.: then you... to make them perfectly, I am sure (to team). I... to make them for a long time, but I ... to make them well. (to try, not to learn)

M r s В.: I can teach you. I ... several of my friends. (to teach)

M r s G.: Thank you. 1... of asking you to give me lessons in cooking for a long time. (to think)

Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски глаголами в Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

Jim ... for Mary for half an hour yesterday. (to wait) She ... never ... so late before, so he thought she ... about their meeting. (to be, to forget) He went to telephone to her, house to find out if she ... . (to leave) He learnt that Mary ... for him outside the cinema for half an hour. (to wait) She ... home twice during that time. (to telephone)

Jim was very much surprised to hear it as he... outside the cinema for half an hour too. (to stand) It was clear that Mary... to the wrong cinema. (to go) Jim ran to the cinema they usually went to. And indeed there she was. They ... to the cinema together for two months, and this was the first mistake they ... . (to go, to make)

As they... the first part of the film they decided to wait for the next show. (to miss) They were awfully hungry as they ... no dinner. (to have) Jim invited Mary to a cafe. She agreed as she ... of her tea for some time too. (to think)

Упражнение 8. Употребите глаголы в скобках в одном из будущих времен.

B i l l : Do you know, Joan, next month I... in this house for 25 years? (to live)



J o a n: Yes, and my family and yours ...

neighbours for 25 years, too. (to be) They

... 25 years together without any quarrels or trouble. (to have)

B i l l: Yes, and how long ... your family

... in this town?(to be)

J o a n: Well, my father was born here, so in March, when he has his birthday, he

... 48 years here. (to complete)

B i l l: How is your father's work getting on?

J o a n: When he has finished the house he is building now, he ... six houses this year. (to build)

B i l l: That's good. When ... he ... this house? (to finish)

J o a n: By the end of November, probably. He ... on it for two and a half months by then. (to work) By the end of this year he ... houses for 20 years. (to build)

B i l l: My father ... a doctor for sixteen years next June, and he... in this town for eight years next January. (to be, to work)

J o a n: ...

you ... your medical studies by 1990? (to finish)

В i l l: I...

the Institute, I hope; but I... my hospital work yet. (to graduate, not to

do) By the summer of 1990 I ... medicine for five years. (to study)

J o a n: Well, by that time I ... my studies and I ... as a teacher for a year, I hope. (to finish, to work)

Упражнение 9. Составьте предложения, начинающиеся со следующих слов. Используйте подходящие обстоятельства времени или придаточные предложения.


I work ...


I had worked ...


I am working ...


I had been working ...


I have worked ...


I shall work ...


I have been working ...

10. I shall be working ...


I worked ...

11. I shall have worked ...


I was working ...



Упражнение 10. Составьте вопросы с глаголамиto speak, to read, to take, to discuss и

попросите других студентов в группе ответить на них.

1.... every day? 2.... at the present moment? 3.... for an hour? 4

.... last month? 5....

when I rang you up? 6....

ihis month? 7....

before you went home? 8.... for two

hours when I saw you? 9....

very soon? 10....

when I come? 11. ...

by that time?

3. Таблица времен действительного залога

Упражнение 1. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Будильник разбудит меня завтра в половине восьмого. 2. Когда я встану, я тебя разбужу. 3. Я не знаю, когда мама придет с работы, но как только она придет, я тебе позвоню. 4. Я думаю, что мне не понадобится много времени, чтобы застелить кровать, подмести пол и вытереть пыль. 5. Я всегда слушаю последние известия по радио, когда завтракаю. 6. Как только статья будет готова, сестра ее напечатает. 7. Я знаю, что у тебя занятия в университете четыре раза в неделю. 8. Вы понимаете меня сейчас, когда я говорю быстро поанглийски? 9. Мы не знаем, когда она будет дома. 10. Когда ты придешь, ужин будет готов. 11. Если твой брат возьмет эту книгу, пусть вернет ее, как только приедет в город. 12. Если поезд не опоздает, я утром встречу своих