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Практические упражнения. Англ. грамматика

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сотрудников. 13. Я пойду домой после того, как закончу работу. 14. Если он будет работать, когда вы вернетесь, посоветуйте ему лечь спать. 15. Не сходите с трамвая (to get off a tram), пока он не остановится.

Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Каким словарем вы сейчас пользуетесь? — Словарем Мюллера. Мама мне подарила его, я пользуюсь им с тех пор, как стала изучать английский язык.

2.Этот студент изучает итальянский язык самостоятельно. Он занимается итальянским уже в течение многих месяцев. 3. Где ваша сестра? —Моя сестра занимается в Публичной библиотеке. Она посещает Публичную библиотеку с 1988 года. Она уже собрала материал для своей диссертации(theses). 4. Мой друг заболел и лежит в постели уже целую неделю; сейчас он чувствует себя лучше. 5. Когда вы начали читать Диккенса в подлиннике? 6. Какую английскую книгу ваша сестра читала с утра, когда я пришла? — Она читала роман «Убить пересмешника» ("То Kill a Mocking-bird"). 7. Мой дядя живет в этом доме уже 4 года. 8. Артур любил Джемму с самого детства. 9. Давид Копперфилд ненавидел своего отчима и его сестру с тех пор, как узнал их.

10. 1-го сентября исполнится 3 года, как студенты изучают английский язык в университете.

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык.

Моя сестра — школьница. Она уже 9 лет учится в школе. Она в девятом классе, а мой брат уже кончил школу и работает. Его зовут Александр. Мы зовем его просто Алик. У него своя семья. Он жил в Горьком в течение трех лет, прежде чем вернулся с семьей в Петербург. Его жена жила там до того, как вышла замуж за брата. У меня еще нет племянников и племянниц, так как у брата нет детей. Нас шестеро в семье: мама, бабушка» сестра, мой муж, моя дочь и я. Дочери 8 лет. Послушайте, как она мило говорит по-английски. Она все лето говорила по-английски, так как жила в оздоровительном лагере, в котором работали студенты английского отделения, и они много занимались с ребятами английским языком.

Моя свекровь с нами не живет. У моего мужа есть брат, и они живут вместе. На праздники у нас обычно бывает еще родственница моего отца, она работает библиотекарем. Она скоро опять приедет. Я жду ее с нетерпением, так как она, если сможет, привезет почитать интересные книги. Тогда я буду читать все вечера. Я уверена, что я их прочту до ее отъезда.

4. Употребление артиклей с названиями болезней

Упражнение 1. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.

Hob's Visit to the Dentist

I had had... toothache for several days, but just hadn't enough courage to go to ...

dentist. As ... matter of fact I went twice, but just as I got on his doorstep and was going to ring... bell, ... toothache seemed to have gone away, so I went home again. But at last I had to go back, and this time I rang ... bell and was shown into ... wait- ing-room.


There were ...number of magazines there, and I had just got into ...middle of

...exciting story when ... maid came in to say Mr Puller was ready to see me. I'll have to wait for ... next toothache to finish that story!

Well, I went into... surgery (зубоврачебный кабинет) and he told me to sit in ...

chair, and then he had.., look at ... inside of my mouth. He put... little mirror on ...

long handle inside my mouth and said, "I'm afraid we can't save that one, it will have to come out. I'll just give you ... injection."

So he filled ... syringe (шприц) with ... liquid. I felt... little prick on ... gum (десна) and that was all. Then he waited for ... minute or so. Then he took ... instrument, got hold of my tooth, gave... twist, then... quick pull, and ... tooth was out. He said, "There's... tooth, ... very nasty one.'

"May I have... tooth, please?" I said. "It has worried me... good deal for... last week, and so now I am going to put it on my dressing-table and watch it ache."

(After Essential English for Foreign Students by C. E. Eckersley)


Залог. Таблица времен страдательного залога (The Passive Voice)

Упражнение 1. Переведите в форму Passive Voice глаголы в следующих предложениях.

a)1. I am doing the bed. 2. I am opening the window. 3. I am dusting the room. 4. I am sweeping the floor. 5. I am cleaning my dress. 6. I am polishing my shoes.

b)1. I have put the plates, knives and spoons on the table. 2. I have placed the bread-basket in the middle of the table. 3. My brother has cut the bread. 4. Mother has brought in the soup. 5. I have not taken the napkins from the drawer.

c)1. Mary wrote a letter to her friends. 2. Then she took it to the post-office. 3. She did her homework. 4. She translated two exercises into English. 5. She transcribed the most difficult words of the text. 6. And finally she learnt the dialogue by heart.

Упражнение 2. Используйте предлоги by или with.

1. The sky is covered ... clouds. 2. The child was covered... a blanket... his mother. 3. This note is written... a very bad pen, that's why you can't read it. 4. Can you open the door of your flat ... this key? 5. A lot of damage (разрушение) was done

... the storm. 6. This book has been written ... three authors. 7. Trams are set in motion... electricity. 8. The dog was killed... the car. 9. The dog was killed ... a stone. 10. The new school building will be surrounded ... a garden. 11. Who has this house been built...? 12. The papers have been scattered (разбросаны) on the floor

... the wind. 13. This room is heated ... a stove.

Упражнение 3. Задайте вопросы всех типов к следующим предложениям.

1. Our students are offered a wide choice of jobs all over the country. 2. Listen! An article about some University graduates is being broadcast. 3. Lectures on medical topics are always listened to with great attention. 4. The use of the atom in medicine has been much spoken of lately. 5. My homework was regularly checked up. 6. His lectures will be delivered in English.


Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски глаголами в пассиве в одном из времен.

Students often come to the language laboratory of the Institute to work at their pronunciation and to improve their intonation and speech habits. They ... special records and they can work as long as they wish undisturbed. (to give) Some of the records ... hundreds of times (to use), but of course many new records come in yearly.

Two days ago some new records ... to the laboratory again. (to bring) They ... from England by one of our teachers who is now teaching Russian in London. (to send) From 6 till 9 o'clock last night the records ... by our phoneticians who tried to write down the texts of the records for teaching purposes. (to listen to)

We hope that by the end of the month the texts of all the records ..., the stresses and intonation ... and students will be able to use them. (to write down, to mark)

Упражнение 5. Составьте предложения с глаголами to take, to give, to write, to build в разных временных формахPassive Voice. Используйте обстоятельства времени, данные ниже.


… every week


… this year

2. … now

6. … two days ago.

3. … from 6 till 8 yesterday


… when I return.


… before I entered the room


… by that time tomorrow.

Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский.

1.На страницах журнала обсуждается много интересных вопросов. 2. Разве газеты и журналы еще не доставлены? (to deliver). 3. Кофе принесут через несколько минут. 4. Работа была сделана в срок. 5. Где идет экзамен (to hold an examination) пo истории Англии? 6. Когда я вошла, читали стихи Ахматовой.

7.К вечеру все вещи уже были упакованы. 8. К началу учебного года в нашем районе будет открыта еще одна школа-интернат. 9. Этот пудинг нельзя приготовить за полчаса. 10. Обед должен быть приготовлен вовремя. 11. Мясо надо подавать с овощами.

2.Глаголы to call - to name, to recognize - to know - to learn - to find out.

Упражнение 1. Вставьте глаголы в подходящей по смыслу форме. a) to call, to name

1. I was given a kitten. I... it Pussy, but my little brother ... it Push. 2. My cousin ...

after his grandfather. 3. Do you know why Arthur Burton ... the Gadfly? 4. He was asked ... five kinds of fish.

b) to learn, to find out, to know, to recognize

1. I was introduced to him last week but I am afraid I shall not... him if I meet him again. 2. Please try... how to make marmalade. 3. We tried our best... the truth of the matter. 4. I was sorry... that they had already left. 5. We hadn't seen him for ages but still when we met him at the theatre we... him at once. 6. We haven't yet...

whether he arrived on Monday.

Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык и ответьте на вопросы используя подсказки в скобках.


1. Как называется то (блюдо), что ты ешь? (Yorkshire pudding) 2. Как называется этот материал? (nylon) 3. Как называется эта машина? (a printing press) 4. Как называются дома в30 этажей и более? (a sky-scraper) 5. Как называется перечень блюд (a list of...) в рестора-

не? (a menu-card) 6. Как называются блюда, которые подаются перед первым? (hors d'oeuvres) 7. Как называются машины (trucks), которые убирают снег на улицах? (а snow-plow). 8. Как называется эта ручка? (а ball-point pen)

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык, используя глаголы: a) to call, to name

1. Как называются эти ягоды? 2. Назовите самую длинную реку нашей страны. 3. Не называйте ее Машей. Она любит, когда ее зовут Мария. 4. Эта улица названа в честь(in honour of) летчика-героя (hero pilot) Савушкина. 5. Назовите еще один сорт мяса. 6. И ты называешь это супом?

b) to learn, to find out, to know, to recognize

1. Я сначала не мог узнать песню, которую она пела. 2. Вы можете узнать об этом в деканате. 3. Портрет так изменился, что Дориан едва мог узнать его. 4. Вы можете узнать, когда он приезжает? 5. Я сразу же его узнал, он совсем не изменился. 6. Мы хотим узнать больше об авторе этой книги. 7. Ты узнала его почерк? 8. Хотя я и не понимаю, что ем, но это вкусно.

3. Глаголы to forget – to leave.

Упражнение 1. Переведите на английский язык, используя глаголы to forget, to leave

1. Где я оставила свой зонтик (umbrella)? Днем дождь перестал, и я, конечно, забыла, что утром брала с собой зонт. 2. Должен ли учитель всегда верить ученику, который говорит, что забыл тетрадь дома? 3. Почему вы не были вчера на лекции? — Я совсем забыл о ней. 4. Не забудьте взять читательский билет, когда пойдете в библиотеку. 5. Приходи ко мне чаще. Не забывай старых друзей. 6. Кажется, я забыла деньги дома! Может быть, я их потеряла? 7. Я забыла зачетную книжку дома.


1. Особенности употребления страдательного залога в английском языке. Предложный страдательный залог

Упражнение 1. Выделите в предложениях простые глагольные сказуемые, выраженные глаголами в пассивном залоге, и составные именные сказуемые. Переведите на русский язык.

1. This cottage is built of wood. Cottages are generally built of wood. 2. The door is shut, so we can't come in. When the door is shut on the last visitor, the work is still continued in the museum. 3. These books are being sold out fast. This book is sold out. 4. This fence is painted every year. The fence is painted, don't touch it. 5. The door of our flat is locked at 11 p. m. The door is locked, so nobody is in. 6. I don't know who this play is written by. 7. This dress is made of silk. 8. This table is covered with green paper.


Упражнение 2. Преобразуйте глаголы в пассивную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

a)1. You must write the answers on the left side of the paper. 2. He mustn't take these books of reference to the library. 3. I can arrange everything on time, I assure you. 4. The watchmaker cannot repair my watch. 5. She could tidy up her room in the evening. 6. We couldn't hand in our papers on Monday. 7. You may leave your hats and coats in the cloakroom. 8. She has to wind up her watch regularly. 9. They had to renew the book for another fortnight.

b)1. Everybody speaks well of this first-year student. 2. We must look into this matter. 3. Nobody has slept in that room for years. 4. She will look after the little girl well. 5. They left the book behind. 6. Somebody left the light on all the night. 7. Nobody has ever spoken to me like that before. 8. You must not throw your things about. 9. People will laugh at you if you wear that silly hat.

Упражнение 3. Дайте два варианта пассивной трансформации, где возможно.

1. They told us the time. 2. The director offered him a flat with all modern conveniences. 3. When I arrived at the camp they gave me some hot tea and sent me to bed. 4. They invited him to dinner. 5. This cover is keeping the teapot warm. 6. Who have they given the key to? 7. They will treat her well. 8. Sick people must take medicine regularly.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте подходящую пассивную форму глагола в скобках.

I am invited by my friend to her birthday party. Very many guests ... to come and I... to help her with the food. (to expect, to ask) Last night I ... a long list of things 1 had to buy. (to give) I went to the largest shop where I hoped to get everything I needed. There I... the best sorts of fruit, cheese, sausage, etc., but I couldn't make up my mind which to take. (to show) I ... by my friend to buy apples of the best kind, but which apples were the best? (to instruct) At one shop I ... by a shop girl to take big red ones. (to tell) At another shop I... still better apples. (to offer) At last I made up my mind and bought the red apples which ... to me in the first shop; they looked so nice! (to show)

I hope the guests will like them and I ... . (to praise) Other friends ... to help with the cooking. (to ask) Meat... by Nina, our best cook, and pies ... by Mary; they are both in the kitchen now. (to take care of, to look after) The guests ... in half an hour and the table ... not yet. (to expect, to lay) We must hurry.

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский язык, используя пассив.

1. Это лекарство можно принимать до или после еды. 2. Надо посмотреть произношение этого слова в словаре. 3. Больного нужно было оперировать немедленно. 4. Эту книгу можно достать в районной библиотеке. 5. Ему предложили место учителя в школе. 6. Мне обещали два билета в кино. 7. Его наградили часами. 8. Его пошлют за границу летом. 9. Мне показали дорогу в ближайшую деревню. 10. На эту статью не надо ссылаться. 11. Преподавателя слушали с большим интересом. 12. Над ним будут смеяться. 13. Если у вас температура, надо немедленно послать за доктором. 14. Об этой пьесе сейчас много говорят. 15. За детьми очень хорошо присматривают в


детских садах. 16. Надо положить конец этому спору(argument). 17. Вам надо обратить внимание на ваше произношение. 18. Можно ли положиться на его слово? 19. Я знаю, что против его предложения будут возражать. 20. Его искали всюду.

Упражнение 6. Составьте свои предложения с глаголами, данными ниже, и переведите их на русский язык.

Образец: to listen to

He was listened to with great attention.

Его слушали с большим вниманием.

Глаголы: to laugh at, to look for, to speak of, to speak to, to think of, to look after, to send for, to remind of, to ask for, to rely on, to take notice of, to take care of, to put an end to, to lose sight of, to refer to, to do away with, to object to, to pay attention to

2. Глаголы to say, to tell, to speak, to talk

Упражнение 1. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу глагол в правильной грамматической форме (to tell, to say, to talk, to speak.

1. He... us a very interesting story. 2. She had a feeling that they... not... her the truth. 3. This boy is, as he himself .... no credit to the teacher. 4. The proverb

"Choose an author as you choose a friend"

... a lot.



... not ...

English fluently.

6. It is not polite...

shop in other people's presence.


Can you ...

me who has writ-

ten this book? 8. I

... not... with him yet. 9. Strictly....


it is not a mistake at all. 10.

They ...

he ... three foreign languages. 11.

Karl Marx ...

many languages fluently.

12. I ...

Alec I didn't want to go to the theatre without him. 13. I shall... to you to-

morrow. I'm very busy now. 14. John ... me all about his trip. He...

he had enjoyed

himself very much. 15. Please... me about the film you saw last night. Is it worth seeing? 16. My parents... me that I began... very late, at the age of two. 17. Ask Petrov ... at the meeting. He is a good speaker. 18. Mary is so talkative! She even

doesn't stop ...

when the teacher comes into the classroom!


2. Переведите на английский, используя глаголы to say, to tell, to talk, to



1. Я не расслышала, что вы сказали. Повторите, пожалуйста. 2. Сказать по правде, мне никогда не нравился этот писатель. 3. Все говорят, что это чудесный фильм. 4. Строго говоря, такие романы не в моем вкусе. 5. Он говорит по-английски так же бегло, как и по-французски. 6. Скажите это поанглийски. 7. Мы ведь договорились(to agree) разговаривать о делах(на профессиональные темы) только на работе! 8. Говорят, что он завтра будет рассказывать нам о своей поездке(trip) в Англию. 9. Перестаньте болтать! Вы мне мешаете (to disturb).


1. Согласование времен (Sequence of Tenses)


Упражнение 1. Преобразуйте простые предложения в придаточные дополнительные, которые подчиняются следующим главным предложениям: they knew; I found out; she was sure; we decided; I promised; it was clear, etc.

Образец: These figures will speak for themselves.

I was sure that those figures would speak for themselves.

1. I shall celebrate my birthday on Saturday. 2. It was no fault of hers. 3. I shall not be late for the film. 4. My daughter has fallen ill. 5. Petrov is a very good actor. 6. Stephen and his friend are sitting in the reading hall and studying English. 7. Stephen and his friend have been staying in the reading-room for three hours already. 8. We shall be watching the football match from six till eight. 9. They will have finished their translation by the end of the week. 10. In her group the students help one another.

Упражнение 2. Определите тип придаточного предложения, заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола в скобках..

1. He was not able to translate the article because he ... some technical terms. (not to know) 2. We decided that we ... to the Crimea next week. (to go) 3. The doctor told me about the medicine which you ... now. (to take) 4. My friend was interested to know if I ... ever ... by air. (to travel) 5. He told her that she ... be at home. (must) 6. The teacher told the children that water ... at 100 degrees Centigrade. (to boil) 7. I thought that she ... that he „. the first place in the chess tournament. (to know, to take) 8. She refused to go to the theatre as she ... in a few days. (to have an examination) 9. It was not so windy yesterday as it ... today. (to be)

Упражнение 3. Измените форму глагола в главном предложении на Past Indefinite и сделайте необходимые изменения в придаточном предложении.

1. I see that I have to go to the dentist because I have a bad toothache. 2. She doesn't work as much as she must. 3. The teacher says that we have written our papers well. 4. The student sees that he is wrong. 5. The teachers are informed that the lecture will not take place.

Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Катя сказала, что ее подруга поступила в школу с математическим уклоном. 2. Из этого текста мы узнали, что выпускники школ в Англии часто не могут найти себе работу. 3. Учитель спросил нас, какую специальность мы выберем после окончания школы. 4. Меня спросили, какие профессии могут выбрать наши женщины. 5. Знаете ли вы, что вы можете приобрести специальность медсестры в этом техникуме? 6. Мой друг сказал, что в будущем году он получит аттестат о школьном образовании. 7. Декан рассказал о новых правилах приема в вузы в этом году. 8. Он напомнил о том, что студенты должны пройти медицинский осмотр. 9. Они заверили нас, что к будущему году повысят свою квалификацию. 10. Докладчик сказал, что в настоящее время в нашей стране уделяется большое внимание профессиональному обучению. 11. Анна сказала, что Петя обещал навестить нас завтра. 12. Сестра спросила, какой подарок я собираюсь сделать маме завтра. 13. Мы собираемся навестить бабушку и дедушку завтра. 14. Когда я пришла домой, мама ска-


зала, что полчаса тому назад мне звонил мой друг. 15. Ты работал или учился три года назад? 16. Я попросил друга помочь мне перевести текст, но он сказал, что не может это сделать сейчас, и обещал сделать это через два дня. 17. Петя говорит, что в городе была хорошая погода сегодня. 18. Бабушка хотела знать, когда я опять приеду сюда.

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы в скобках в правильной форме.

In a week's time the answer from Mr Murdstone came, and my aunt ... me that he

... to speak to her in person the next day. (to inform, to come) It ... to imagine with what beating of the heart I ... for the day. (to be easy, to wait) I ... badly at night and ... early in the morning, trembling with fear. (to sleep, to wake up) Yet I ... to wait. (to have) Mr Murdstone ... in the morning but ... only in the late afternoon. (not to come, to arrive) He ... with his sister who ... even more cruel to me than her brother. (to come, to be) I asked my aunt if I ... to go away but my aunt asked me to stay. (to have) Words ... describe the feelings with which I ... again the harsh faces of my stepfather and Miss Murdstone. (can neg., to see) Mr Murdstone said that I ... him a lot of trouble and that I... a bad temper. (to cause, to have) He added that they ... to do what they ... for me but ... to cure me. (to try, can, to be able neg.)

(An extract from David Copperfield by Ch. Dickens. Adapted)

2. Глаголы различных коммуникативных типов, вводящие косвенную речь

Упражнение 1. Передайте в косвенной речи следующие утверждения, используя глаголы различных коммуникативных типов.

1. Mother said: "For the first course we shall have chicken soup and rissoles with mashed potatoes for the second." 2. "Peter must be at a meeting of the Scientific Society," Father said. 3. "Oh, I hate sewing," said Mary. 4. "The train stops at every station," she said. 5. "I can speak six languages fluently," he said. 6. "This is mine," he said. 7. "This is certainly true," he said. 8. "Many thanks for the lift," she said. 9. "It was you who started the argument," said the brother. 10. "It is all my fault," she said. 11. "But that's not my fault," he said. 12. "I did it," he said. 13. "Look, you've missed out an item," she said. 14. "Yes, she is very charming," Sonya said. 15. "You are getting yourself mixed up with the wrong lot," I said. 16. "I mean to pay off my debts," Bob said. 17. "I have very important news of our uncle," he said. 18. "I owe a great deal to my parents," she said. 19. "Sorry, I am engaged," he said. 20. "I have lost my appetite, and I don't sleep very well," said the patient. 21. "All right, that will do," he said.

Упражнение 2. Передайте в косвенной речи следующие просьбы, приказы, вопросы и восклицания, используя подходящие по смыслу коммуникативные глаголы.

1. "May I have another helping, please," said Alec. 2. "No more, thank you," Father said. 3. "The soup is delicious today!" Alec said. 4. "Make sure you haven't left anything," the driver said. 5. "Good luck for the rest of your holiday," the travelling companion said. 6. "Look at that! What a wonderful view!" the girl said. 7.


"Was he well brought up?" the inspector said. 8. "What made you say that?" the husband said. 9. "Where did you run across him?" the boy said. 10. "Run for a doctor, please!" the wife said. 11. "Where's John?" Mrs G. said. 12. "Good morning. What a lovely day!" the neighbour said.


Согласование времен в косвенной речи (заключение)

Упражнение 1. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную, используя глаголы в скобках в качестве сказуемых гдавного предложения.

a)I. She says to me, "The Hermitage has the biggest collection of pictures in the world." (to assure) 2. He has just said to his friends, "I am leaving for Moscow on Wednesday." (to inform) 3. He will say, "I shall not be able to do my work in such a short time." (to reply) 4. My friend says, "Most shops are closed on Sunday." (to think) 5. She says, "Peter did not go in for his examination." (to say) 6. The teacher has just said, "Two students of your group were awarded prizes for their poems." (to announce) 7. She will say to the teacher, "I could not hand in my composition on Thursday because I was ill." (to explain)

b)1. The Chairman said, "On the 8th of March we pay tribute not only to women in this country but also to women the world over." (to declare) 2. He said, "I am going to work on my paper in the public library." (to remark) 3. Father said to Peter, "I have bought wonderful presents for Mother and the two girls." (to answer) 4. The patient said, "I haven't been losing weight." (to reply) 5. She said, "Yes, you were right yesterday." (to admit) 6. He said, "I met her at the self-service canteen where I was having my dinner." (to say) 7. Mother said to her son, "Your favourite dishes will be served on your birthday." (to promise) 8. She said to her friend, "Oh, no, I shan't go anywhere tomorrow, I shall be watching a new film on television at 5 o'clock." (to assure, to add)

Упражнение 2. Передайте следующий диалог как рассказ в прошедшем времени.

M r s S m i t h: John, Aunt Linda is coming to tea. She hasn't seen you for a long time so she wants to meet you.

J o h n: There is a good film on at the cinema, Mother, and George and I were going to see it today.

M r s S m i t h: You can go another day, John. Your aunt will be in town for one day only and it will be very rude if you don't see her.

J o h n: All right. We shall go to the cinema on Wednesday instead.

M r s S m i t h: I am glad, because Aunt Linda is a kind woman and she has always been very good to you.

Упражнение 3. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную, используя глаголы в скобках в качестве сказуемых главного предложения.

1. He said to her, "How long will it take you to read this book in the original?" (to want to know) 2. She said to him, "May I keep your Oxford dictionary till Monday?" (to ask) 3. He said to her, "Why does she speak so loudly?" (to wonder) 4. She said to him, "Is it the right way to the centre of the city?" (to inquire of) 5. She


said to her friend, "When are you beginning your holiday?" (to wish to know) 6. He said to her, "Who called while I was out?" (to be interested to know)

Упражнение 4. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную, варьируя глагол в функции сказуемого главного предложения.

M o t h e r: What is the matter, Mary? Why are you looking so surprised? Has anything happened to you?

M a r y: Who went out of the room just now? Was it George?

M o t h e r: Did anyone really go out of the room? How did you see? Weren't you up in your bedroom?

M a r y: Didn't you see me come downstairs?

M o t h e r: No, I didn't. I was busy cooking. Why do you want to know who went out? Do you want to find George?

M a r y: Why should I want to find him? Can't I just be interested to know who went out?

Упражнение 5. Переведите прямую речь в косвенную. Поставьте глаголы, вводящие косвенную речь в прошедшее время.

1. Do you like this? — Yes. 2. Did anybody call during my absence? — No. 3. Did he ring you up last night? — Yes. 4. Can you meet me tomorrow? — Yes. 5. Are you going away for the week-end?— No. 6. Do you think this medicine will do me good? — Yes.

Упражнение 6. Переведите прямую речь в косвенную.

1. He said, "I must go at once." 2. She said, "You mustn't cross the road against the red light." 3. She said to him, "Must the door be kept shut?" 4. He said to her, "Must we be here by six or can we come a little later?" 5. The doctor said to the patient, "You mustn't smoke so much."

Упражнение 7. Переведите следующие побудительные предложения в косвенную речь, используя глаголы в скобках.

1. She said to her friend, "Have a cup of tea." (to offer) 2. She said to me, "Work at your sounds and intonation if you want to speak well." (to advise) 3. She said to her friend, "Please come and see me whenever you have a few hours to spare." (to beg) 4. He said to his little sister, "Don't switch on the TV." (to forbid) 5. The teacher said to the student, "Don't write too close." (to tell) 6. Mother said to her daughter, "Don't go shopping today if you are busy." (to allow) 7. He said to her, "Stop talking." (to order)

Упражнение 8. Переведите следующий отрывок из диалога в косвенную речь с вводящими глаголами в прошедшем времени. Варьируйте вводящие глаголы.

Mrs Smith: Come in, children — and please shut the door. Sit down, please, Mary, bring the tea, and don't forget the milk and sugar! (Mary goes out.) Please don't wait, children— take some bread and butter first and eat it nicely! Please don't drop any crumbs on the carpet. (Mary returns with the tea.). Please pour the tea out, Mary. Pass the cups to the others, Elizabeth, and don't spill the tea. Take some