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Англиский язык.doc
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9. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод Passive.

1. I wasn’t told about your decision. 2. The guests were shown the places of interest in the city. 3. I must go. I’m being waited for. 4. The children will be looked after. 5. The sea is perfectly calm and you won’t be sea-sick. 6. We have a speed limit of thirty miles an hour in towns and build-up areas. So be careful not to exceed it, and remember to keep an eye on the traffic lights.

10. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на английский язык.

1. В мире спорта не существует языковых барьеров. 2. Весной становится теплей, а осенью холодней. 3. Мне не понравилась зима в прошлом году. Было мокро и сыро. 4. На вечере мы пели, танцевали, играли в различные игры. 5. За городом мы загораем, играем в футбол, волейбол, теннис.

11. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 1- 4.

American Customs

1. Americans are very punctual. It is important to be on time at business, social and public events. If you must miss an appointment for any reason, call to the person you were supposed to meet, saying that you won’t be able to come.

When you are invited to a home where food will be served, it is best to let your host or hostess know in advance if you are on diet or not. It is all right to say: “ No, thanks”, if you would rather not eat or drink what is being served. No further explanation is needed but id you would like to explain, people are interested.

2. In some homes the atmosphere is quite formal. In others, it is informal and you may sit at the kitchen table to eat dinner. Informality is a way of taking you into the warmth of the family circle. It is always customary to sit at dinner table as we do in Russia. When you are at the party you may be walking from one sitting-room to another, talking to the guests with a glass of wine in your hand. Food is served in one of the rooms and you can help yourself to whatever and whenever you like.

3. The Americans may have a party on one occasion in several houses at a time. The party starts in one house where they have some light wine and snacks, and then move on to another house and still another, traveling from house to house, so 3 or 4 houses are involved in the party. Such a party is called progressive dinner.

4. Generally Americans tend to be fairly informal and they often address each other by their given names on the first meetings. They also tend to abbreviate a lot. Mass.Ave, for example, means Massachusetts Avenue. So, don’t be surprised and you may ask what these abbreviations mean.

5. New Year’s Day has traditionally been the occasion for starting new programs and giving up bad habits. People talk about “turning over a new leaf”. Many Americans make New Year’s resolutions, promising themselves and their families to improve their behaviour. Typical New Year’s are to spend less money, give up smoking, begin a diet or control one’s temper. For Americans it is a very serious but rather happy occasion to start New year.

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