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37 Are translation approaches and devices similar in different translation varieties?

The comparison of translated varieties in different languages is quite clearly the prerogative of TS. However, it is essential that contrastive linguists pay attention to this type of this type of study. Failing to properly understand the nature of translated texts might lead them to attribute some difference between OL and TL to interference from OL when in fact the phenomenon may simply be a manifestation of a translation universal.

38.What are the principle differences between consecutive and simultaneous interpretation?

In consecutive interpretation, the interpreter waits for the speaker to finish a sentence or an idea, and then renders the speaker's words into the target language. Generally speaking, the more formal the setting, the longer the segments should be. Our interpreters are trained in special note-taking and memory techniques that enable them to render passages as long as 6-8 minutes faithfully and accurately.


Consecutive interpretation is best suited for situations involving a small number of people, or where a personal touch is required. Examples would be business meetings, press conferences, interviews, teleconferences, or any type of one-on-one exchange.


In simultaneous interpretation, the participants wear headphones, and the interpreter renders the speaker's words into the target language as he or she is speaking. Owing to the tremendous level of concentration required to perform this type of interpretation, simultaneous interpreters always work in teams of two. Usually, the interpreters work in a sound-proof booth that enables everyone involved to focus on their work without the distraction of hearing another language.


Because this mode of interpreting saves time, it is preferred for conferences and meetings in which a great deal of information has to be conveyed. The use of audio equipment also means that there is no limit to the number of people who can participate.


39.What are chuchotage and at sight interpretation?

Chuchotage, or whispered interpretation, is a mode that falls under the category of simultaneous interpretation. It is a form of simultaneous interpretation, that is done in a low voice, directly into the recipient’s ear. For this type of interpretation, the interpreter sits next to, or slightly behind, the recipient whilst whispering an interpretation of the original speech. This mode is usually only used when the use of technology is not possible due to the situation in which the interpretation is being conducted or in cases where there are only one or two recipients.

The interpreter is often forced to sit in an uncomfortable non-ergonomic position (leaning toward the recipient). They may also have difficulty concentrating in unfavorable or noisy conditions where there are distractions and people talking at the same time, while they try to adapt their posture and the tone of their voice so that they don’t bother the recipient or the other people around them that don’t need an interpretation.