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4. Complete the sentence with must or mustn’t. They are all strange but true laws.

1. In New Hampshire, USA, you ............ pick up seaweed from the beach.

2. In Louisiana, USA, schoolchildren ............ call their teachers Sir or Ma’am.

3. In Canada you ............ let a llama eat grass in a national park.

4. In Italy, a man ............ wear a skirt in public.

5. In Illinois, USA, you ............ use the steering wheel when you drive a car.

6. In Michigan, USA, people ............ swear in front of women and children.

7. In Baltimore, Maryland, USA, you ............ take a lion into a cinema.

8. In Kentucky, USA, everyone ............ take at least one bath every year.

5. Choose the correct form.

1. There are more than a thousand sheep / sheeps on this farm.

2. Please accept my thank / thanks for your beautiful present.

3. Helen is the only person / people I know with three cars.

4. There are two knife / knives in the top drawer.

5. Alan hurt his leg when he fell down the stair / stairs.

6. Kate decided to change her style and bought new cloth / clothes.

7. Paul found his belonging / belongings outside in the street.

8. Would you like to try a chocolate mouse / mice?

9. World Airways has bought 20 new aircraft / aircrafts.

10. We have already sent the good / goods you ordered.

6. Choose the correct option. This may include a space (-) for zero article.

1. The / - Republic of Slovenia lies at a / the heart of the / - Europe.

2. It is where the / - Alps face the / - Pannonian plains and the / - Mediterranean meets the / - Karst region.

3. To the north is the / - Austria and the / - Hungary is to the / - east.

4. To the south is the / - Croatia and to the west is the / - Italy.

5. A / The / - weather here is ideal for the / - holidays.

6. There are approximately 2,000 hours of a / the / - sunshine per year, and there is plenty of the / - snow in winter.

7. There are many woods and forests covering more than half of a / the / - country.

8. In the / - Kocevje area in one of a / the / - oldest forests in the / - Europe, it is possible to walk among the trees for days.

7. Complete the text with many, much, few, lots, none and little.

a) ............ people nowadays try to follow a healthy diet, although not b) ............ experts agree about what this is. in fact c) ............ of people assume that ‘diet’ is something connected with losing weight. That simply refers to the kind of food and how d) ............ of it we eat. There are very e) ............ foods that we can describe as completely ‘unhealthy’, and not.

f) ............ foods have zero nutritional value. However, if you eat g) ............ of chocolate and fried food and take h) ............ exercise, then your diet would probably be described as ‘unhealthy’. I) ............ experts recommend that we all eat j) ............ of fruit and vegetables, and eat very k) ............ fatty food. People are often surprised when they discover how l) ............ fat there is in popular fast foods such as burgers and pizzas, or how m) ............ calories there are in soft drinks. Unfortunately n) ............ of us can resist this kind of food, and there are not o) ............ people who are prepared to give up chocolate or chips. There are p) ............ easy answers to the question ‘what is a healthy diet?’ However, if we eat q) ............ of different kinds of food, drink r) ............ of water, and make sure we take s) ............ of exercise, then we will be going in the right direction. After all, t) ............ of us are perfect!

Practice 9.

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