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5. Complete the text with in, at and on.

Many archaeologists had searched for the tombs of Pharaohs a) ………… the Valley of the Kings b) ………… Egypt. Only Howard Carter believed he knew where the tomb might be. He had a map of the valley, and c) ………… he had marked all the excavations until he discovered a space. d) ………… the ground there was a pile of stones and earth of earlier excavations. Some steps were uncovered, and e) ………… the bottom of the steps was a door. f) ………… the door was the symbol of Tutankhamun. Cartrer had to wait for Lord Carnarvon, who was g) ………… home h) ………… England, to arrive. Carnarvon was paying for the work. When he arrived i) ………… the excavation, after digging some more, Cartrer and his workers broke through a door and found themselves j) ………… the tomb. k) ………… this point they thought they had failed, because the tomb was empty. Then they found another door, which led to an undisturbed room. There were many beautiful things l) ………… this room, and wonderful paintings m) ………… the walls. Most of the objects from the tomb are now displayed n) ………… a local museum.

6. Complete the sentence with in, at, on or to.

  1. Columbus and his three ships started on the voyage ……… America in August 1492.

  2. They stopped first ……… one of the Canary Islands.

  3. On 12 October they came ……… the coast of the Bahamas.

  4. From there they went ……… Cuba, where one of the ships. The Pinto, left in search of gold ……… an island called ‘Babeque.’

  5. Columbus continued with the other two ships and they came ……… Hispaniola on 5 December.

  6. Unfortunately, the flagship Santa Maria ran aground ……… a reef on Christmas Eve, and sank the next day.

  7. Columbus built a fort ……… the shore and left some of his men there, because there was not room for all the men ……… the tiny Nina, the other ship.

  8. While he was on his way back ………… Spain, Columbus found the Pinto again.

  9. The two ships left together, but were parted by a storm ……… the North Atlantic.

  10. Both ships arrived ……… Lisbon on 15 March within a few hours of each other.

7. Complete the sentence using why, when or where.

1. Most of us at some time have wanted to know why leaves change colour and fall in autumn.

2. It is difficult to predict exactly ............ this will happen, as it depends on autumn weather.

3. It also depends on ............ exactly the tree is growing, since some trees may receive more light than others.

4. The leaves start to change colour ............ the tree stops making chlorophyll, the substance which gives them a green colour.

5. The trees stop making chlorophyll ............ there is not enough light for the process of photosynthesis to work.

6. Other colours in the leaf are hidden by the chlorophyll, and this is ............ we only see these colours when the tree stops making chlorophyll.

7. Red colours in the leaves are made by food trapped in the leaves ............ the tree stops making food.

8. Deciduous trees have adapted to survive the winter without leaves, which is one reason ............ their leaves fall off in autumn.

9. They are less likely to be damaged ............ strong winds blow.

10. Many deciduous trees also produce flowers ............ they have no leaves, as this makes it easier for them to pollinate.

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