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2.4. Distribution and use of the redistribution of national income

It is recognized that national income generated in industry, agriculture, construction, transport, trade and catering (in part) in the field of communication (the last few years, revenues have increased significantly due to the active implementation of mobile, digital and satellite communication systems). Created in society national income is also called the "national cake", to be split between different soybeans society, social groups and individuals.

It is important to note that the distribution of national income covers all spheres of social production: direct production and distribution of commodities, their exchange and consumption. It is the distribution of national income in the direct impact on the production of obtaining the necessary and surplus products. It is this division of the best shows of use and characterizes the rate of surplus value.

In microeconomics, in connection with the distribution of national income are specific forms of income such as wages, profits, interest, dividends, rent, rent. All of these types of income are the main or as they are called - the primary, since they characterize economic entities that receive such income, but they are not completely at the disposal of the production entities, as a result of redistribution of partially transformed into secondary and derivative gains. Primary income, in turn, divided into a mainly non-labor and labor. It includes labor income generated by workers in businesses and industries and incoming orders in the form of wages and income urban and rural workers from self-employment and part-time farms.

For unearned income, which is the source of the surplus product, are part of the profits of entrepreneurs, interest, rents, profits of owners of commercial capital, etc. The part of the profit that create a productive work entrepreneur, is the source of value, refers to the earned income of the entrepreneur. For unearned income entrepreneur can be attributed only a fraction of them appropriated profit that exceeds the quantity and quality of their administrative work, the costs associated with organizational activities. As for the rent, the unearned income can be attributed only to absolute rent. Other forms of rent to a large extent related to labor tenants. In this case, the source of the differential rent is the work of hired farm workers.

It should be noted that the Western economic system is also used in addition functional and vertical distribution of income. In the first case, the distribution is carried out in the markets of the various factors of production - labor market, industrial equipment, natural resources, etc., that is, everything that directly affects the cost of production, and thus affect the supply and demand ratio. The vertical distribution shows the distribution of income between the home and the different individuals. An example of how important it is to consider the distribution may be that the increasing interest in the workers a certain profession, causes an increase in wages of this category of workers, and of course increases the material well-being of their families, can also be a reverse process.

The next step is to get the redistribution of national income. It is made through the pricing mechanism in the field of goods, payment of various taxes to the state budget, state social programs, the various contributions of citizens in the religious, social and charitable foundations and organizations. It was formed during the redistribution of secondary or derivative income. The main types of income payments are various scholarships, pensions, wages of military, law enforcement, and control of, assistance to large families, etc.

The redistribution of the national income is the official (visible) and informal (or hidden) channels. In the first case, it happens through the mechanism of taxation, voluntary contributions to the various funds, as well as through the pricing mechanism, where the state or the company officially reported that the price of a certain group of goods and services will be increased by such and such a percentage. In the second case, the policy of price changes are not made available to the public, and the price increase takes place in several stages. Such a policy is detrimental to the welfare of the population, gradually reducing its standard of living.

Underground or as it is now more likely to say "shadow" economy - a collection of unrecorded and illegal activities: tax evasion, illicit manufacture of products and services. The same can be most relevant to our country's actions, such as the export of goods abroad for profit, illegal export of currency, reduction of prices for exported products and drive on imported, fraudulent activity, corruption and so on. Although Kazakhstan has been removed from the list of countries with a high level of the shadow economy, but its presence still affects the development of the state. Huge wine in this situation in the first place is on the administrative apparatus, as most of the underground plant for the production of illegal products are covered with high-ranking officials. An example would be a scandal erupted in 2002 when the international financial organizations appealed to the government of Kazakhstan to the claim relating grown flow of "pirate» CD-disk products in the markets of Europe, the main sources of which they believe are in the territory of our state. The answer was accused of trying to reduce the export drive of Kazakhstan, but although a number of measures to combat the production and the sale of illegal products on the territory of the state and prevent its export abroad, the number of "pirate" CDs on the shelves has not decreased.

By shady activities can also be considered and the activities of commercial banks, which carried out the pumping bank money in cash, creating artificial demand for cash. To a certain extent this was due to imperfect legislation. At the same time, one aspect of the national income is precisely the fact that proper use of the revenue helps to avoid the influence of artificially created crises in a particular area on the economy as a whole and at the same time protecting the interests of citizens.

In 2002, Kazakhstan received a huge profit from the sale of crops abroad. Severe drought in most parts of Europe and Russia, has led to low yields, which caused a strong boom and a sharp rise in prices. However, to the fact that to get the maximum profit on the sale were displayed, even those stocks of grain, which the state is obliged to keep to the cases of bad harvest (by the standards of Soviet state had to have a supply of grain for 5 years, in Kazakhstan such a reserve is usually 1 - 1.5 years), the result was that in 2003, due to a bad harvest the state was forced to buy grain abroad. The result was a rise in prices of grain products and the loss of part of the budget that are needed for the purchase of grain, that is, short-sightedness has led to a decrease in funding for other sectors of the state. This case shows how often it's important to use the resulting national income does not matter, that what is expressed in this income, whether it is a manufactured goods or agricultural products.

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