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2.5. Consumption and accumulation of national income

As a result, the distribution and redistribution of national income are trailing earnings, which are used for consumption and accumulation. Accumulation is a necessary condition of expanded reproduction of all elements of the economic system: the technological process (in the unity of the productive forces and the relations of feasibility), property relations, organizational and economic relations and the economic mechanism. The material basis of the reproduction is the production of the growing volume of goods and services.

It is important to note the fact that the sum of consumption and accumulation of national income is not equal to the value of national income. This is due to the fact that all sectors are losses associated with natural disasters, improper storage conditions of the produced goods, reduction in the cost of production, human factors.

Naturally such losses primarily reflected on the part of the national income, which is to build up a reserve.

In addition, used national income may differ from the value created by the national trade balance. If the country in terms of money importing more goods and services than it exports, the national income will be used more than created, and vice versa. But it does not say in favor of that country more profitable to import more goods and services than to export or produce. After all, purchasing goods abroad, we provide the employment of citizens of the exporting country, thereby financing their production, as well as increasing their national income (after taxes from enterprises producing and selling products, taxes on the employed population engaged in the production of exported goods) and m . etc.

Of great importance for increasing the national income, accelerate economic and social progress and the expanded reproduction of the economic system is a balance between consumption and accumulation of national income. There is a contradiction between these two variables has a significant impact on the development of the economy and its specificity as a whole. On the one hand, an excessive consumption fund does not allow the expanded reproduction, ie build new factories, power plants, introduce new equipment and technology, to develop science, education, etc. On the other hand, excessive accumulation of national income created by constraining the consumption of the population, the growth of his personal income, which in turn undermines the incentives to work, forming a type of economy is not based on the needs and interests of the population, ie wasteful economy.

The main source of national income stands surplus products. It is used for advanced manufacturing, construction of social and cultural facilities, as well as for the creation of insurance reserves and community reserves. Advanced manufacturing requires not only the manufacture of such a number of means of production, which will be used to update worn throughout the year means and objects of labor (replacement fund), but their specific surplus for the construction of new factories, plants, etc.

New Company will provide employment of large numbers of people, and thus of the accumulation fund will need the funds necessary for the production of additional commodities. Thus, due to the accumulation fund made production and non-accumulation. The first allows the construction of new enterprises and households, as well as their equipment and training of supply routes, thanks to the second is the construction of residential buildings, educational institutions, health care and culture. It also provides for the production of additional commodities for workers who will work in this area, as well as the cost of their training and retraining.

As you can already understand the lion's share of the accumulation fund is drained of capital accumulation, so it is the norm - the most important part of the gross (total) accumulation and hence the most important role in the accumulation is discharged amortization. In the USSR, it was considered normal when the depreciation of 10-12% of GDP. After the collapse in Kazakhstan depreciation rate fell to 4.3%, and that is still very important, short-sighted economic policies of these fees paid to the state budget. As a result, by the mid 90s the depreciation of fixed assets in industry amounted to about 65%, and moral - almost 95%.

Considering in more detail the problem of national income, it should be noted that to achieve the optimal rate of accumulation is of great importance reduction of material, energy, carrying out state policy of active suspension, etc. Modern method of accelerating scientific and technological development, optimization of the accumulation fund is the extensive use of leasing.

Leasing - a long-term lease of machinery and equipment, vehicles, etc. In today's world, the rental form of exports and imports of machinery and equipment is extensive.

In addition to leasing the government of our country is important to the restructuring of the country's industry. Kazakhstan being a part of the largest countries in the world provided their needs at a rate of 20 to 50% in various industries, but with the acquisition of the sovereignty of such large-scale production was simply unnecessary, and many enterprises dead weight hung on the state budget. Unfortunately, over the years of inactivity most of them became unusable because of moral obsolescence, theft, or uneconomic production of a product, but as practice restructuring of old enterprises to manage often cheaper than building a new one. The most important thing now supports choosing the right economic direction in the development of industry, agriculture and service sectors. The main criteria for selection of these industries is their export potential, or its extension, the accelerated development of these industries, which would help to improve the competitiveness of most other industries (their modernization and increased efficiency), the replacement of imports.

The most promising sectors in Ukraine include: electronics, machinery, iron and steel, shipbuilding, pipeline transport, aerospace industry, transport, agriculture, food industry, health and the environment.

Once again it is important to note how important it is to revive its own production capacity for our country, because as we know the import of goods ultimately leads inhibition of domestic production, depriving him of opportunities for development and production of competitive products, and other than that starts to "eat" the share of national income that could be directed to the development of not only this, but also other essential industries. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the need to reduce the cost of the state apparatus and the other controls, reduced pension benefits and to ensure public servants, the gradual reduction of the armed forces, etc.

The main source of accumulation - the surplus product. It is used for advanced manufacturing, construction of social facilities (such as schools, hospitals) and cultural facilities, as well as for the creation of insurance reserves and community reserves.

To expand production to be produced not only the amount of the means of production, which will be used to update worn throughout the year means and objects of labor (replacement fund), but their specific surplus for the construction of new factories, plants, etc. Since built new factories, new mines and other facilities necessary to attract additional workers, from the accumulation fund of the funds should be directed to the production of additional commodities.

Due to the accumulation fund is productive and non-productive accumulation. The first type of storage used for the construction of new plants, power plants, railways, machinery equipment of existing enterprises, etc. This is played on an expanded scale ownership of the means of production (the quantitative aspect of this category). Non-productive accumulation is for the purpose of construction of residential houses, institutions of education, health and culture. It also provides for the production of additional commodities for workers who will work in this area, as well as the cost of their training and retraining.

The main element of the accumulation fund is productive accumulation. Therefore, it is the norm - the most important part of the gross (total) accumulation. In the structure of capital accumulation leading role belongs to the sinking fund.

A role in improving the structure of the accumulation fund played reduction in the proportion of war savings, a reduction of the state apparatus, etc.

To improve the structure of the consumption fund are important to improve the quality of products, reduce the cost of its storage and consumption, expanding the range of products, etc.

Solve this problem by importing food and other commodity groups is impossible, as it inhibits the national production, and government can fully develop a market for foreign goods.

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