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3. Conclusion

Having set out the theme of the course work, you can once again see how much important in our time is to examine the question of "national income", as we now need to properly harness the power of our geographical location, the available natural resources, industrial base and employment potential, as well as to properly distribute the resulting revenues from manufactured products to ensure the continued production and development of new promising sectors of industry, agriculture and service sectors.

Of course studying the history of the world it is safe to say that the map has no modern state with a developed economic system, which in the past to some extent not survived the economic crisis.

As you know, the national income is a part of the total social product which remains after replacing use of means of production. In his motion, he is at the stage of production, distribution and use. The distribution of the national income covers the relationship between the state and a member of society, between the state and the enterprise, between the enterprise and its employees, between the owner of the means of production and wage-workers. Taken to distinguish between the primary distribution of national income and its redistribution. The primary distribution of national income is between its direct producers and owners of the means of production. In the role of the latter may be the state, the collective, individual personality.

Now we need to use all the features of our geographical location, the available natural resources, industrial base and employment potential, properly allocate the revenues from manufactured products to ensure continued production, the development of new promising sectors of industry, agriculture and services.

Structure of gross domestic product is completely determined by the structure of the national income, or the distribution of money between the three groups of consumers - the public, producers, state. If the bulk of the money passes through the hands of the population, account for the bulk of GDP consumer goods, and the economy is considered to be socially oriented. In developed countries, consumer goods (services) account for up to 70 percent in the GDP.

Money in the hands of the population fall in the form of wages, salaries of civil servants, pensions, benefits and welfare payments from the budget. This is the main source of income, which in developed countries is up to three-quarters of all income. One-quarter revenue - is the interest and earnings on savings, rent from property and income of private households dividends. The foregoing suggests that the socially oriented economy and should have high levels of wages and social benefits to the population, as required to produce a lot of consumer goods is not enough, it must be purchased by the public!

If the large of the money passes through the hands of the state in the form of taxes on production and taxes on income and profits, the production begins to focus on increasing public contracts, which are closely consumer goods, and reduce the amount of money from the public. Excessive profits are declining production manufacturers to produce capital goods. The task of politicians - through the mechanisms of the monetary system and the tax mechanism to achieve a reasonable balance of all kinds of products as part of GDP, affecting the distribution of national income.

Socially oriented economy in the first place always puts the consumer sector of the population, paying particular attention to the production of consumer goods and services, bread, potatoes, irons, refrigerators, televisions, computers, cars, clothing and shoes, and for utilities: electricity, gas, electricity , cleanup, etc. In addition the population spends considerable sums to meet the cultural and information needs, recreation, education and parenting. From the same income population should create savings - the main source of investment in the real economy, without which the latter can not only develop but also to stay on Accomplishments.

According to statistics, the rate of GDP per capita in Kazakhstan 28-30 times less than in the United States. Based on the mechanism of communication between the GDP, national income and the income of the population can be assumed that in Kazakhstan, household income, and above all, their main part - the salary and pension should be the same times less, that is, within the 3,3-3, 6 percent of the average in America. But even here, we have managed to reach the size of salaries and pensions (benefits) at the level of 2.2-2.5 percent of American!

Everyone knows, however, that the statistics - the sly thing! Especially domestic statistics! The fact is that our domestic GDP denominated in rubles, which is known to be undervalued relative to the currencies of other countries, including in relation to the dollar. And when there is a restatement of the tenge's GDP into dollars at the established exchange rate of the National Bank of the country, then we too understated the value of the actual performance. According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States, our domestic dollar GDP should be at least 3.7 times higher! The calculation of GDP kazazstanskogo CIA made on the basis of another economic indicator - the cost of purchasing power parity - that is, on the basis of equality of value "basket of goods and services," a wide range in Kazakhstan and the United States. It turned out that kazahsanskie tenge in Kazakhstan, we can purchase almost four of those baskets! And by moving the tenge to dollars at the exchange rate of the Central Bank, in the U.S. you can buy only one such shopping cart!

All this brings Kazakhstan huge losses when trading with other countries, we are talking about the loss of not one of the national budget ... and it is not clear for which accept such a loss? But let it remain on the conscience of the great and wise politicians, Bank of Kazakhstan and the Government!

International experience that wages in the cost of production of goods must be at least 40-50 percent! If we assume that 70 per cent of GDP consists of consumer goods (services), and the citizens of the country 90 per cent of their income is spent on consumption, 10 percent - savings, despite the fact that three-quarters of all incomes are wages, pensions and benefits, the very easy to make sure that the wages of employees of the real sector of the economy (which is a lot more payments of salaries to state employees and retirees) as part of the goods must be in the range of 40-50 percent! Otherwise, the national income starts to fall, and the production expected to stagnate.

Our main findings are described below.

National income - calculated in monetary terms, the value of the newly created country within a year of the total product, which represents income generated by all factors of production (land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship), now - is a common macroeconomic indicator, which gives an indication of the well-being of the a country.

National income - is the main and most complete official measure of social welfare. It gives an idea of ​​the overall material well-being of the nation, because the higher the level of production, the higher the well-being of the country.

We now turn to the conclusions that we did by examining the distribution of national income. So the distribution is closely linked to the problem of inequality of well-being. The inequality of income and wealth can reach enormous proportions and pose a threat to stability in the country. Therefore, almost all the developed countries of the world are constantly implementing measures to reduce such disparities.

Thus, the contradiction between the declared goal of the government's economic policy, which consists in the constant improvement of national income on the one hand, and on the other in a forced policy of government to solve social and economic problems of inequality of income and wealth, is highly relevant to modern macroeconomic situation in Kazakhstan.

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