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2. Substitute the words in italics with the words from the active vocabulary of the text:

1. Requirements to the contents, scope and level of the educational and speciality preparation in Ukraine are fixed by the Law of Ukraine “On Education”.

2. The dissertation for the Doctor of Sciences degree must bring something original into a certain scientific sphere.

3. The first postgraduate qualification level is the Candidate of Sciences.

4. The Diploma proves the attainment of the appropriate higher educational level.

5. The persons who graduate from HEEs are granted diplomas of the state format.

6. Graduates after five year studies receive a Diploma of a specialist.

3. Choose the correct proposition according of the given in brackets (to (3), of (5), by, in, at, for, on):

1. Requirements … the contents, scope and level … the educational and professional training in Ukraine are determined … the Law of Ukraine “On Education” of 1991.

2. The legal profession is very prestigious and much … demand

3. … the postgraduate level the first qualification is the Candidate …Sciences

4. The dissertation … this degree must make an original contribution … a certain field …science.

5. HEEs … the third and the fourth degrees (depending … the results …accreditation) are institutes, academies, universities and other establishments equal … them.

4. Find in the text the nouns derived from the following verbs and make up your own sentences with them:

to educate, to require, to train, to contribute, to qualify, to establish, to certify.

5. Complete the table:

Higher education

Postgraduate education

professional training, junior specialists, bachelor degree holders, master degree holders, the Doctor of Sciences, certificate of a specialist, scientific degree, make an contribution, a four level system, scientific debates, basic higher education, complete higher education, a two-degree system, the Candidate of Sciences, a thesis, higher educational level, public defence.

6. 1) Give English equivalents:

встановлювати кваліфікаційні вимоги, захищати дисертацію, готувати юристів, включати в себе, представляти на розсуд, проводити захист, робити внесок, вимагати, отримувати, підтверджувати.


2) Give Ukrainian equivalents:

field of science, level, scientific degree, professional training, professional licence, higher education, qualification requirements, junior specialists, bachelor’s degree,

master’s degree, legal profession, legal educational institutions, certificate of a specialist, scientific research, graduate, appropriate educational-proficiency level.

7. Make up sentences using the following words and word-combinations:

1. Requirements to determine;

2. To include postgraduate education;

3. A large network to establish;

4. The higher educational establishments to include;

5. Legal education in Ukraine to centre;

6. Higher education graduates – appropriate educational-proficiency level;

7. The qualification of the Candidate of Sciences – to defend.

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