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3. The verbs below can all be used to form nouns. Find in the text the words which have related meanings. Pay special attention to the stress.

Example:: To govern (v.) – government (n.)

To act, to enforce, to state, to adjudicate, to formulate, to broadcast, to immigrate, to decide, to review.

4. Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

Адміністративне право, урядова установа, регулятивна програма, винесення судового рішення, оподаткування, нормотворчість, судовий перегляд, формулювати (анулювати) норму.

5. Translate into English:

Державне управління – це частина державної діяльності, що має своїм основним призначенням здійснення виконавчої влади. Державний характер такого управління полягає в тому, що в його процесі реалізується завдання, функції та інтереси держави. Для його здійснення створюють спеціальні органи (встановлюють посади), які діють у рамках законів і в межах своїх повноважень. У той же час державне управління здійснюється і за межами функціонування виконавчої влади, наприклад, на рівні державних підприємств, установ і організацій. Поняття "державне управління" за змістом є ширшим, ніж поняття "виконавча влада". Для визначення змістовно поєднаних сфер або галузей суспільного життя, що потребують державного управління, використовується термін "сектор державного управління".

IV. Grammar focus

1. Point out sentences with Gerund in the text and explain the use.

2. In the following sentences substitute the infinitive with the gerund according to the model.

Model: There are three ways that an individual can attain the right to a (to hear) in an adjudicative proceeding.

There are three ways that an individual can attain the right to a hearing in an adjudicative proceeding.

1) Many of the independent agencies operate as miniature versions of the tripartite federal government, with the authority to "legislate" - through (to make rules) - , "adjudicate" - through administrative (to hear) -, and to "execute" administrative goals – through agency enforcement personnel.

2) A State or Federal Administrative Procedure Act prescribes procedures only for formal (to adjudicate).

3) Formal rulemaking, which is (to make rules) for which the organic statute requires that rules be "made on the record after agency opportunity for (to hear)," and for which the APA prescribes particular procedures.

V. Speaking

1. Speak on the Administrative law, its notions and functions.

2. In groups discuss the major directions of the Administrative and Civil Law reforms:

1)      Formation of the system of unified legal concepts, which means elaboration of system for improvement of legal terminology;

2)      Dissociation of Civil Law from the Administrative Law. Тhe theory of subjects belongs to the history and it is expedient to assume measures in order to avoid irrelevance on legislative stage and to ensure settlement of  dissociation standards in practice.

3)      Improvement of the Civil Code. The improvement of the Civil Code was prioritized by the experts. They consider that the Civil Code should be freed from unfamiliar institutes of public law. Gaps made in the process of regulation of particular institutes should be eliminated. The policy of consecutive reforms should be elaborated according to particular  section and the policy of spontaneous and segmental regulation should be excluded as possible.

4)      Development of special fields of Private Law.  System approach should be elaborated in order to develop each direction of Private Law. The Civil Code should regulate relations based on equality of persons. The special rules established on the objective criteria should be elaborated on liberal values, by taking into consideration principles of minimal regulations and maximal support for business development. Also it should be elaborated social standards adequate to the international ones. Gaps should be eliminated, new normative acts should be elaborated especially in the fields which are negative samples of translational activities.

Unit 3 Administrative Law

Section 2 Administrative Law in the USA and UK

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