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3 Learn the idioms and match them with the definitions below. Use these idioms in sentences of your own.


a ballpark figure

Приблизительная цифра


face value

Номинальная стоимость


in the red

Убыточный, в долгах


to be hard up (informal)

Быть в затруднительном финансовом положении


to be rolling in it (informal)

Купаться в роскоши


to sell/go like hot cakes (informal)

Быть нарасхват, иметь большой спрос

  1. a number which is approximately correct

  2. in debt

  3. to have very little money

  4. to be sold quickly in great quantities

  5. something that is shown on the front of a stamp, coin, ticket, etc

  6. to be very rich

3A Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the idioms from the box given above:

  1. В это время года мы обычно в затруднительном финансовом положении.

  2. На новый альбом этой группы сейчас большой спрос.

  3. Он проработал управляющим 10 лет и сейчас должно быть купается в роскоши.

  4. Хотя номинальная стоимость марки была очень низкой, она была продана с аукциона за большие деньги.

  5. Я знаю, что мы еще не обсуждали расходы, но не могли бы вы дать мне примерную цифру?

  6. В те дни наше финансовое положение было столь плачевно, что мясо для нас было невиданной роскошью.

  7. Наша новая продукция идет нарасхват!

  8. Финансовый директор сообщил мне, что ваш проект в настоящее время убыточен. Что вы намерены делать, чтобы исправить ситуацию?

  9. Вы можете приблизительно сказать, сколько американцев сейчас находится в этой стране?

  10. Представители больницы N, которая последние четыре года работает себе в убыток, весь прошлый год вели переговоры с потенциальными покупателями.

4 Writing tips

Appreciation Letter

An appreciation letter is written to appreciate some ones work and encourage him or her. Writing an appreciation letter is a good gesture and it motivates the recipient. This letter is used to say thank you to people who have helped you in your bad times. You express your gratitude towards them through your letter. Writing as well as getting this type of letter is special. This sort of letter helps you in building a strong bond both in personal as well as professional life.

People respond positively when treated kindly. Employees work harder when they feel appreciated. With a sincere, well-written appreciation letter you can make someone feel special or improve relations. Focus on words of admiration, gratitude and recognition. This letter always uses positive and soft tone. You begin the letter by appreciating a person's work and good deeds. You have to be brief while writing this letter. You have to be prompt in writing. The letter should be addressed to a specific person.

4A Study the letter below.

4b What is the purpose of the letter?

4c What type of a letter is it?

4d Underline useful expressions and use them in your own letter.

Victoria Spencer 250 7th Street East, St Paul, MN, United States (651) 227-7888

December 12, 2008

Margaret Collins 6528 Penn Avenue South, Richfield, MN, United States (612) 861-9550 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (612) 861-9550 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Dear Ms. Collins:

It gives me great pleasure to write this letter. You have been a valuable customer of our store for such a long time. You have adorned your home with our furnishings for last 12 years. You are one of our privileged customers and we need to honor you for this contribution in building a brand for our store.

You are special customer for us as mentioned above. We are offering you a gift to say a warm thank you. You can drop in our store before New Year and take your gift. We have managed to get exclusive set of upholstery for you couch. One of the set is reserved in your name. You just need to come and pick it up with no strings attached.

In addition to the gift, we are offering a scheme wherein you can shop for $ 1000 and get a product up to $ 200 absolutely free in the months of January and February. This scheme is limited to our privileged and special customers. You should take benefit of the scheme.

We are delighted to get an opportunity to serve you in the past and look forward to do the same in future. When you come to pick up your gift from store, please feel free to drop in my cabin. I want to personally say thank you to you. I am waiting to see you.

Yours sincerely

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