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2A Match words 1-8 with their synonyms in the box, translate and memorize them. Think of sentences with the words from the box:

1. aspiring

a) representative

2. painstaking

b) traditional

3. ambassador

c) ambitious

4. conventional

d) developing

5. hindsight

e) to fight

6. to enhance

f) diligent

7. emerging

g) to improve

8. to struggle

h) retrospective

2B Match a word from the box with one of the definitions below:

1.stay ahead of

6.take a step backwards

2.move horizontally

7.go beyond the scope of

3.take the initiative

8.put yourself in a better position

4.keep in with

9.grow into your position

5.broaden your horizons

10.follow less conventional paths

  1. to return to a lower level or to an activity that you did in the past

  2. to do things outside the range of things that an organization, an activity etc. includes or allows

  3. to act before other people do, or without waiting for sb to tell you what to do

  4. to always be prepared to deal with sth / sb because you know what is likely to happen

  5. to become better at the job you do, so that you feel more confident and satisfied

  6. to make sure that you stay friendly with sb, because they can give you an advantage

  7. to increase your experience and knowledge

  8. to improve your situation so it is easier for you to do sth

  9. to change to another job on the same level, rather than changing to a more senior or junior job

  10. to have an unusual career or achieve things in an unusual way, compared to most ordinary people

2C Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words from the box in and translate these sentences into Russian:



to be sidelined

to notify

to come up with

to cling on to

to get on with

to move on to (x2)

to stand up to

to stand up for

to stick up for

to broaden horizons

in pursuit of

to take the initiative

  1. The vice-president is increasingly ____________.

  2. He came from a(n) __________ working-class background.

  3. Competition winners will ___________ by post.

  4. After several __________, he finally got to the point.

  5. She __________ a new idea for increasing sales.

  6. Throughout the trial she had ___________ the belief that he was innocent

  7. This trip to the Far East has certainly _________ our family's __________.

  8. Be quiet and __________ your work!

  9. The government is selling off the railways, ___________ its policy of privatization.

  10. Can we ___________the next item on the agenda?

  11. His argument simply does not ___________ close scrutiny.

  12. When everyone else was criticizing him she was the only one who __________him.

  13. She ___________ my proposals during the discussion.

  14. It was up to the US ____________ in repairing relations.

  15. My boss has ____________ higher things; he’s become a politician.

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