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5A Discuss these questions as a class.

How similar are the four company values to those of your company? If your company doesn't have written values, what types of values would you expect in your company? Would you add anymore?

5B Now read the rest of the text. Complete sentences 1-3 about the text with answer a, b, or c.

1 The example of Enron illustrates that...

a all companies with values need investigating.

b having denned values doesn't guarantee that a company lives by them, c defining company values is a waste of time.

2 The author thinks that the cynicism many people have about companies claiming to have values is...

a out of proportion.

b the result of bad journalism.

c not surprising.

3 The author believes that Patagonia's values have contributed to its success because...

a its activities reflect its values.

b its values are the same as its customers.

c both answers a and b.

5C Without looking at the text, work together to summarize the main points. You must include all the words and phrases below in your summary.

core values and beliefs


public cynicism

fraud and corruption

cornerstone of success

environmental projects



customer values

environmental impact

5 Work with a partner. Discuss these questions.

  1. What do you think is the cornerstone of your company's success?

  2. How well do you think your company's beliefs or values reflect those of its customers? Do you think it matters?

  3. How much does your company give back to the community or into ethical projects? Can you give any examples of how it does this?

UNIT 12 Persuasion

If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect.” - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American statesman, scientist and philosopher.

1 Vocabulary

to appeal to

Привлекать кого-то, нравиться кому-то


Ford could be an aspirational brand in car accessories.

Амбициозный, мечтающий добиться более высокого социального положения



to buy into

Верить во что-то

cash cow

Action films are the cash cows in the movie business.

Надёжный источник дохода, «дойная корова»


Заметный, бросающийся в глаза

consumer profile

Характеристика, профиль потребителя

to distinguish

Отличать, различать




Фигурально, метафорически

to generate a demand for

Вызывать, порождать спрос на что-то


Гуру, эксперт

to hold out for

Настаивать на чём-то, добиваться чего-то

in the pipeline

На подходе


There’s an Italian dessert called tiramisu, which literally means ‘pull me up’.

Буквально, в прямом смысле слова

to live up to

Оправдать, быть достойным

market penetration

Завоевание рынка


Christmas has become materialistic and commercial.

Материалистичный, меркантильный



to be phased by

Быть в растерянности, в замешательстве

to pick up on

Понять, уловить что-то

to play on

Играть на чём-то (слабостях, чувствах)

to promote the consumption of

Способствовать увеличению потребления чего-то

to put across

Объяснить что-то

rare commodity

Редкий товар


It takes time to readjust after a divorce.

Поправлять, приспосабливать

to reinforce an association between

Усиливать ассоциации между чем-то и чем-то

to ring alarm bell

Бить тревогу


Пайщики, участники в совместном деле


Озабоченность своим статусом

to tailor towards a need

Приспособить что-то в соответствии с потребностями

to be taken in by

Быть обманутым чем-то

to tap into

Воспользоваться чем-то

to tend to do sth

Иметь тенденцию

the other end of the spectrum

Полная противоположность


Suddenly she had an overwhelming urge to be with her son.



Уникальное торговое предложение

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