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4. Find English equivalents for the following phrases in the text:

  1. постоянные или переменные данные

  2. отобразить картинку

  3. основная масса современного ПО

  4. приложения по созданию искусственного интеллекта

  5. «бегло» пользоваться несколькими языками

  6. получить широкое распространение

  7. оставаться в узнаваемой форме

5. Answer the questions using the information in the text:

1. What languages are further subdivided into procedural, functional, logic programming languages according to their nature?

2. What is the main feature of procedural languages?

  1. How do object-oriented languages differ from procedural ones?

  2. What is a functional language? Can you give example of such a language?

  3. What are logic programming languages based on?

  4. What examples of tried-and-true codes are mentioned in the text?

  5. Why has the way programmers use programming languages changed?

6. Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones:

  1. COBOL and FORTRAN belong to the class of functional languages.

  2. Object-oriented languages are a variant of procedural languages, that’s why they have much in common.

  3. LISP is a language mostly used in artificial intelligence applications.

  4. Java is the best known logic programming language nowadays.

  5. Despite the fact that there exist many tested programming languages, programmers prefer to create wholly new ones.

  6. Various languages for data management, interfacing Web pages, and system administration have been developed recently.

7. A) Find additional information about any of the languages mentioned in the text and complete the table below:

1. What class does the language belong to?

2. When and where was it created?

3. Who was the developer of this language?

4. What was the purpose of designing this language?

5. What are the basic features of this language?

6. What is it used for today?

B) Present the information to the rest of the group without naming the language itself.

Text 24. Wearable computers become the ‘sixth sense’

1. Discuss the following questions in pairs:

  1. What is a wearable computer? Can you give a Russian equivalent to this word combination?

  2. Is there any difference between a wearable computer and other small-sized devices (hand-held computers, palmtops, PDAs)?

  3. How can you comment upon the title of the text “Wearable computers become the ‘sixths sense’”?

2. A) Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents:

1. a dawn

2. to embed smth into smth

3. a fascination with smth

4. supplemented

5. tactile

6. visually impaired

7. to overlay smth onto smth

8. mediated

9. situational awareness

10.to pave the way

a) слабовидящий

b) опосредованный

c) прокладывать путь, подготавливать почву

d) накладывать на что-либо

e) дополненный

f) встраивать во что-либо

g) осведомленность о происходящем вокруг

h) рассвет

i) восхищение чем-либо

j) осязаемый

В) Translate the phrases from the text using the words and word combinations given above:

  1. since the dawn of the computer age

  2. to suggest embedding computers into people

  3. public’s fascination with computer-supplemented humans

  4. to transfer images into a tactile grid for visually impaired

5. to overlay graphics onto special glasses

  1. to create a form of mediated reality

  2. to give the user increased situational awareness

  3. to pave the way for more advanced product in the future