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Магистры ВМИ, ММ.doc
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5. Answer the questions using the information in the text:

  1. What is a Pennsylvanian school district accused of?

  2. Why does Harriton High School provide laptops to all of its students?

  3. Can the Webcams be activated remotely?

  4. Do district laptops contain a security feature?

  5. Were the security features capabilities limited?

  6. What did the assistant principal tell the boy at school?

  7. The boy’s parents knew the webcam could be accessed remotely, didn’t they?

  8. Did the agreement explain the school’s ability to control webcams remotely?

  9. What is the role of FBI?

  10. Do you still want to have a webcam at home?

6. Work in groups and retell the text from the point of view of: a. The student; b. The school administration; c. The judge:

You can use the information from the table below to prove your point of view.


  • bring a laptop at home

  • work on projects and research

  • have an access to the software I use at school

  • laptops are provided with webcams

  • be caught in some kind of "improper behavior" in my home

  • activate the computer's Webcam and observe me without my knowledge

  • not to know the computer’s webcam can be accessed remotely and used in such a seemingly invasive manner

  • violate privacy laws

  • sign an agreement

  • the agreement doesn’t go into any detail about the webcam


  • be accused of using a school-issued laptop to spy on a student in his home

  • provide laptops to all of the students as part of an initiative that started last fall

  • let the students work on projects and research both at school and at home with 24/7 access to the software that they use in school

  • have the ability to remotely monitor hardware

  • contain a security feature intended to track lost, stolen and missing laptops

  • be limited to taking a still image of the operator and the operator's screen

  • never activate the security feature for any other purpose

  • not to tell the student about any kind of "improper behavior" in his home


  • not to add up

  • present misleading information

  • violate privacy laws

  • conduct a full criminal investigation to figure out what really happened

Text 6. Interactive whiteboard (iwb)

1. Discuss the following questions:

  1. Have you ever had lessons with the usage of IWB? Share your impressions.

  2. What is the difference between IWB and ordinary chalkboard?

  3. Do you think that IWB is suitable for all the disciplines?

  4. Will IWB replace chalkboard in the classrooms?

  1. Read the following words and their definitions and translate them into Russian:

a chief executive - the person with overall responsibility for the efficient running of a company, organization; to be tech-savvy - to be able to handle with modern technical devices; multi-tasking - the ability of a person to perform more than one task at the same time; to desperate - having lost all hope; to shut off - to stop operating; to raise - to move to a higher position; to dim - make dark or darker; evident - easily seen or understood; to reinforce - to give more force or effectiveness.