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5. Look through the text again. Describe the types of robots choosing the correct word. Complete the sentences if necessary.

There are two (basic, basis) types of industrial robots from the control standpoint. They are ... . Some robots work in the (angle, angular) coordinate system. There are also robots working in the (cylinder, cylindrical), (sphere, spherical) and cartesian systems. Drive is a (type, typical) feature of robots. Robots can be driven by (pneumatic, pneumatically, hydraulic) and (mechanics, electro-mechanical) drives.

6. Translate sentences into English using words and word combinations from the Vocabulary Notes.

1) Промислові роботи виконують велику кількість задач на підприємствах. 2) Роботи можуть завантажувати деталі на станки або на штампувальні преси. 3) Роботів з контурним сервоуправлінням можна використовувати для точкового та дугового зварювання. 4) Тип приводу та системи контролю, число ступенів вільності та координаційна система конфігурації є типовими рисами промислового робота. 5) Кожна вісь двоточкового робота може рухатись лише у двох положеннях. 6) Роботи з сенсорними зворотнім живленням використовують для складальних операцій.

7. Make up sentences from the following words and word-groups:

Model: to use, operations, to be, in, robots, manufacturing. - Robots are used in manufacturing operations.

1) The, PTP, simplest, robots, case, of, to be, the, robot, "two-point". 2) Two, there, industrial, to be, robots, of, types, basic. 3) Robots, of, drive, to be, feature, a, typical. 4) Control, to have, most, systems, of, electrical, robots. 5)Second, to occupy, in, hydraulic, application, robots, place, industrial. 6) Casting, robots, from, to unload, and, parts, injection, die, machines, moulding, machines, plastic. 7). Used, drilling, for, robots, to be, grinding, and.

Grammar in Use Direct and Indirect Speech

1. Supply the correct form of the verb

1) The teacher said that the word “robot” (to come) from the Old Slav word "robu", which (to mean) a servant. 2) We hope that robots (to fill) the gap between special-purpose automation and human endeavour. 3) She supposed that handling operations (to occur) in practically all production processes. 4) Everybody knows that a major advance in the twenty-first century manufacturing (to be) the development of mass production techniques. 5) People believe that each manufacturing process (to be) automated in the nearest future. 6) I always thought that automation (to be) first applied to industry in continuous-process manufacturing.

2. Change direct speech into indirect

1) I asked: “What is the major development in manufacturing in the twenty-first century?”. 2) They said: “The present day stage of automation is based on the revolution in computer technology, in computerization of the whole national economy.” 3) The scientists promised: “In the ultimate automated factory there will be few, if any, operators or quality control inspectors.” 4) The students asked: “What was a later development in industrial automation?” 5) He concluded: “The necessity of some form of automated handling processes became obvious.” 6) They declared: “According to available data, our industry receives annually thousands of robots of different types and purposes.”