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Ex.1. Pronounce correctly:

cadastre, cadastral, cadastral survey; surveying, surveyor;

restriction, description, describe, responsible, responsibility;

establish, establishment; tax, taxation; tenure;

value, valuation, valuable; equitable;

convey, conveyancing; environment, environmental;

identity, identify, identification; maintain, maintenance; mortgage;

ease, easement, easy; lease, leasehold;

urban, urbanization; occupy, occupant, occupation.

Ex.2. Find English equivalents in the text:

регистрация земельных прав; стоимость участка; устойчивое развитие; защита окружающей среды; увеличить скорость; снизить стоимость; квалифицированный персонал; регистрация собственности; определение местоположения с помощью спутников; идентификационный номер участка; справедливое налогообложение; разные формы землепользования

Ex.3. Complete the sentences:

  1. A cadastre is normally a parcel-based … .

  2. … enables environmental protection.

  3. Land tenure is concerned with the rights, restrictions and responsibilities that people have with respect to … .

  4. The surveyor undertakes different roles in relation to … in different countries.

  5. Computer technologies provide better access to … .

  6. … is a physical description of the land and real estate tenure in a city.

  7. Wherever there are registered titles there is … .

Ex.4. Say whether the sentences are true or false:

  1. The cadastre doesn’t describe the value of the parcel.

  2. Land tenure is concerned with the rights, restrictions and responsibilities that people have to the land.

  3. The surveyor is not responsible for cadastral information recording.

  4. Textual information includes topographic features.

  5. Integration of the cadastre with the registry creates legal cadastre.

  6. A unique identification number links the parcel to its value.

Ex.5. Translate into English:

  1. Кадастр – это свод сведений о земельных участках, их местоположении, правовом положении и целевом назначении.

  2. Кадастр способствует устойчивому развитию и защите окружающей среды.

  3. В разных странах геодезисты выполняют разные функции, связанные с кадастром.

  4. Благодаря современным технологиям создаются новые возможности для ускорения проведения кадастровых реформ.

  5. Городской кадастр даёт описание земли и недвижимости на территории города.

  6. Кадастровая информационная система включает в себя графическую и текстовую информацию.

  7. Каждый участок земли и каждое здание имеет соответствующий идентификационный номер.

  8. Компьютерные технологии облегчают доступ к кадастровой информации.

  9. Кадастр имеет дело c регистрацией недвижимости и оформлением прав на неё.

Ex.6. Answer the questions:

1. What is cadastre?

2. What are the purposes of cadastre?

3. What kind of information does land cadastre provide?

4. What is land tenure concerned with?

5. What kinds of land tenure are there?

6. What is a surveyor responsible for?

7. What is urban cadastre?

8. What are the two types of information included in urban cadastre?

9. What is cadastre normally integrated with?

10. What kinds of modern technologies are used for cadastral reforms?

Ex.7. Translate the text into Russian:

Cadastral surveys are used to document land ownership, by the production of documents, diagrams, sketches, plans(plats in USA), charts, and maps. They were originally used to ensure reliable facts for land valuation and taxation. Napoleon established a comprehensive cadastral system for France which is regarded as theforerunner1 of most modern versions. Cadastral survey information is often a base element in Geographic/Land Information systems used to assess and manage land and built infrastructure. Such systems are also employed on a variety of other tasks, for example, to track long-term changes over time for geological or ecological studies, where land tenure is significant.

A cadastral map is a mapshowing theboundariesand ownership of land parcels. Some cadastral maps show additional details, such as survey district names, unique identifying numbers for parcels, and their respective areas, adjacent street names, selected boundary dimensions and references to prior maps.

In most countries legal systems have developed around the original administrative systems and use the cadastre as a means of defining the dimensions and location of land parcelsdescribed in legal documentation. This leads to the use of the cadastre as a fundamental source of data in disputes andlawsuits2 between landowners.

GIS in cadastre


1. forerunner– предшественник, предвестник;

2. lawsuit– судебный процесс.