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Ex. 1. Pronounce correctly:

safe, safety, safety engineering, safeguard; occupation, occupational safety; disease, occupational disease; health, healthy; accident, accidental; hazard, hazardous, health hazard; environment; protect, protection; prevent, prevention; psychology, psychological, psychological damage; technology; measures, social measures, technical measures, procedure.

Ex. 2. Find English equivalents in the text:

охрана труда и здоровья; техника безопасности; инженер по технике безопасности; профессиональные заболевания; несчастный случай на производстве; защита жизни и здоровья; производственная среда; рабочее место; предотвращать несчастный случай; разрабатывать средства защиты; умственное и физическое перенапряжение; риск для здоровья; ограничение рабочего времени; опасные профессии.

Ex. 3. Translate the word combinations with nouns in the function of an attribute:

safety engineering; safety engineer; traffic accidents; health risk; health hazard; work conditions; protection measures; employees health; time limitation.

Ex. 4. Complete the sentences:

  1. The object of safety engineering is…

  2. Safety engineers develop… to safeguard workers in hazardous occupations.

  3. The term… covers measures for the prevention of accidents.

  4. … is impaired not only by accidents and occupational diseases but also by a number of other strains.

  5. The national legislation on occupational safety and health is divided into two fields…

  6. Social measures include…

  7. …measures cover safety of equipment.

Ex. 5. Translate into English:

  1. Моя будущая профессия – инженер по технике безопасности.

  2. Главная задача техники безопасности – предотвращение несчастных случаев.

  3. Чтобы стать инженером по технике безопасности, необходимо получить какую-то основную техническую специальность.

  4. Чтобы знать, как предотвратить несчастный случай, нужно знать устройство машин и принцип их действия.

  5. Понятие «охрана труда и здоровья» включает в себя все меры, направленные на защиту здоровья и жизни трудящихся, а также меры по защите от несчастных случаев.

  6. Меры по защите труда и здоровья подразделяются на технические и социальные.

  7. Технические меры направлены на обеспечение надежности опасных установок и рабочих мест.

  8. Социальные меры включают в себя ограничение рабочего времени и специальные положения о людях, нуждающихся в особой защите.

  9. Важной задачей техники безопасности является предотвращение производственных травм и профессиональных заболеваний.

  10. Ущерб здоровью людей наносят не только несчастные случаи и профзаболевания, но и перегрузки, умственное и физическое перенапряжение.

Ex. 6. Answer the questions:

1. What is your future profession?

2. What is the object of this field?

3. Who usually specializes in this field?

4. What does the term “occupational safety and health” include?

5. What is the main purpose of safety measures at work?

6. What is the focus of these measures?

7. What is the health of working people impaired by besides accidents and occupational diseases?

8. What are the two main fields of legislation safety measures?

9. What aspects are covered by technical measures?

10. What do social measures include?

Ex. 7. Translate into Russian:

Safety Engineering Duties. The typical duties of a Safety Engineer will vary very considerably between types of activity.  As a worker in health and safety, you would spend time on the factory floor, looking for potential hazards, and developing procedures to eliminate them.

You would also ensure that personnel abided by the company’s safety regulations and that policies were in place which respected legal safety requirements.

Safety Engineering may be applied to the design stage of critical equipment1, and you would use your engineering knowledge to assess and reduce the risks of breakdown and failures in systems and machines which might prove disastrous. 

This might involve working with models and software to assess materials, structures, and performance in anything from aircraft fuselages to life-critical medical equipment2.

A life-critical system or safety-critical system is a system whose failure or malfunction may result in:

  • deathor serious injury to people, or

  • loss or severe damage to equipment or

  • environmental harm.

Risks of this sort are usually managed with the methods and tools of safety engineering. Safety-critical systems are increasinglycomputer-based.


1. …critical equipment…

2. …life-critical medical equipment

– жизненно важный

– медицинское оборудование для оказания экстренной помощи