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Unit 14 – safety engineering

This field of engineering has as its object prevention of accidents. In recent years safety engineering has become a speciality adopted by individuals trained in other branches of engineering. Safety engineers develop methods and procedures to safeguard workers in hazardous occupations. They also assist in designing machinery, factories, ships and roads, suggesting alterations and improvements to reduce the possibility of accident. In the design of machinery, for example, safety engineers try to cover all moving parts or keep them from accidental contact with the operator, to put cutoff switches within reach1 of the operator and to eliminate dangerous sharp parts. In designing roads the safety engineer seeks to avoid such hazards as sharp turns and blind intersections2 that lead to traffic accidents.

Occupational safety and health

The term “occupational safety and health” is very comprehensive. It includes any measures aimed at the protection of life and health of people at work or of their capacity to work as well as humane working environment3. It also covers measures for the prevention of accidents.

The main purpose of measures for protection of safety and health at work is to protect employees against health risks at work and through their work. Thus the focus lies on the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. This is done especially by: – the safe design of technical equipment;

  • application-based protective measures4 (e.g. for hazardous installations and dangerous substances or rays);

  • sound organization5 of work from a safety point of view;

  • comprehensive information.

People recognized that the health of employees is impaired not only by accidents and occupational diseases, but also by a number of other strains possibly leading to health hazards, bodily wear-and-tear and psychological damage6. The most important aims are prevention and reduction of strains at the working place as well as the humane use of new technologies.

The national legislation on occupational safety and health is divided into two fields: – technical measures for the protection of safety and health at work;

  • social measures taken for the protection of safety and health at work.

Social measures include limitation of working time and regulations for specially protected groups7 such as young people, mothers, handicapped people and home workers. Technical measures cover the following aspects:

  • safety of hazardous installations;

  • safety of equipment;

  • places of work.

These measures deal mostly with aversion of dangers for life and limb of the employee caused by the technologies applied.


1. …within reach…

2. …as sharp turns and blind intersections…

3. …humane working environment

4. …application-based protective measures…

5. …sound organization…

6. …bodily wear-and-tear and psychological damage

7. …specially protected groups…

– под рукой (близко)

– крутые повороты и перекрестки с плохой (недостаточной) обзорностью

– производственная среда

– профессиональные средства защиты

– правильная организация

– физический износ и психологическая усталость

– группы людей, нуждающиеся в особой защите