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246CHAPTER 9 Working with legacy code

9.4Important tools for legacy code unit testing

Here are a few tips on tools that can give you a head start if you’re doing any testing on existing code in .NET:

Isolate dependencies easily with Typemock Isolator.

Find testability problems with Depender.

Use JMockit for Java legacy code.

Use Vise while refactoring your Java code.

Use FitNesse for acceptance tests before you refactor.

Read Michael Feathers’ book on legacy code.

Use NDepend to investigate your production code.

Use ReSharper to navigate and refactor your production code more easily.

Detect duplicate code (and bugs) with Simian.

Detect threading issues with Typemock Racer.

Let’s look at each of these in a little more detail.

9.4.1Isolate dependencies easily with Typemock Isolator

Typemock Isolator was introduced in chapter 5, and it’s the only com- mercial-grade isolation framework (which means it allows stubs and mocks) of the frameworks currently on the market. It’s also different from the other frameworks in that it’s the only one that allows you to create stubs and mocks of dependencies in production code without needing to refactor it at all, saving valuable time in bringing a component under test.

NOTE Full disclosure: While writing this book, I also worked as a developer at Typemock on a different product. I also helped to design the API in Isolator 5.0.

In its latest version (5.2 at the time of writing this book), Isolator uses the term “fake” and removes completely the words “mock” and “stub” from the API. Using the new framework, you can “fake” interfaces, sealed and static types, nonvirtual methods, and static methods. This

Important tools for legacy code unit testing


means you don’t need to worry about changing the design (which you may not have time for, or perhaps can’t for testability reasons). You can start testing almost immediately. There’s also a free version of Typemock Isolator for open source projects, so you can feel free to download this product and try it on your own.

Listing 9.1 shows a couple of examples of using the new Isolator API to fake instances of classes.

Listing 9.1 Faking static methods and creating fake classes with Isolator


public void FakeAStaticMethod()




.WillThrowException(new Exception());



public void FakeAPrivateMethodOnAClassWithAPrivateConstructor()


ClassWithPrivateConstructor c = Isolate.Fake.Instance<ClassWithPrivateConstructor>();




As you can see, the API is simple and clear, and uses generics and delegates to return fake values. There’s also an API specifically dedicated for VB.NET that has a more VB-centric syntax. In both APIs, you don’t need to change anything in the design of your classes under test to make these tests work, because Isolator uses the specialized extended reflection (or profiler APIs) of the .NET Common Language Runtime to perform its actions. This gives it much more power than other frameworks.

Isolator is a great framework if you want to start testing, you have existing code bases, and you want a bridge that can help make the hard stuff more agile. There are more examples and downloads at www.Typemock.com.



Working with legacy code

Figure 9.5 Depender is simple and easy to use.

9.4.2Find testability problems with Depender

Depender is a free tool I’ve created that can analyze .NET assemblies for their types and methods, and can help determine possible testability problems in methods (static methods, for example). It displays a simple report for an assembly or a method, as shown in figure 9.5.

You can download Depender from my blog: http://weblogs.asp.net/ rosherove/archive/2008/07/05/introducing-depender-testability-prob- lem-finder.aspx.

9.4.3Use JMockit for Java legacy code

JMockit is an open source project that uses the Java instrumentation APIs to do some of the same things that Typemock Isolator does in

Important tools for legacy code unit testing


.NET. You don’t need to change the design of your existing project to isolate your components from their dependencies.

JMockit uses a swap approach. First, you create a manually coded class that will replace the class that acts as a dependency to your component under test (say you code a FakeDatabase class to replace a Database class). Then you use JMockit to swap calls from the original class to your own fake class. You can also redefine a class’s methods by defining them again as anonymous methods inside the test.

Listing 9.2 shows a sample of a test that uses JMockit.

Listing 9.2 Using JMockit to swap class implementations

public class ServiceATest extends TestCase



private boolean serviceMethodCalled;



public static class MockDatabase



static int findMethodCallCount;



static int saveMethodCallCount;



public static void save(Object o)












public static List find(String ql, Object arg1) {










return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;









protected void setUp() throws Exception





MockDatabase.findMethodCallCount = 0;

MockDatabase.saveMethodCallCount = 0;



The magic




happens here



public void testDoBusinessOperationXyz() throws Exception { final BigDecimal total = new BigDecimal("125.40");

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