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Working with legacy code

ous component metrics. For example, you could easily create a query that reports on all components that have a private constructor.

You can get NDepend from http://www.ndepend.com.

9.4.8Use ReSharper to navigate and refactor production code

ReSharper is one of the best productivity-related plugins for VS.NET. In addition to powerful automated refactoring abilities (much more powerful than the ones built into Visual Studio 2008), it’s known for its navigation features. When jumping into an existing project, ReSharper can easily navigate the code base with shortcuts that allow you to jump from any point in the solution to any other point that might be related to it.

Here are some examples of possible navigations:

When in a class or method declaration, you can jump to any inheritors of that class or method, or jump up to the base implementation of the current member or class, if one exists.

You can find all uses of a given variable (highlighted in the current editor).

You can find all uses of a common interface or a class that implements it.

These and many other shortcuts make it much less painful to navigate and understand the structure of existing code.

ReSharper works on both VB.NET and C# code. You can download a trial version at www.jetbrains.com.

9.4.9Detect duplicate code (and bugs) with Simian

Let’s say you found a bug in your code, and you want to make sure that bug was not duplicated somewhere else. With Simian, it’s easy to track down code duplication and figure out how much work you have ahead of you, as well as refactoring to remove duplication. Simian is a commercial product that works on .NET, Java, C++, and other languages.

You can get Simian here:


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