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3.To avoid oil spills and fight them by harmless chemicals and methods is merely a question of international laws and of a corresponding control to keep the seas clean.

4.Modern methods of underground storage diminish the contamination of ground water and even fight the “pollution” of the landscape by a series of enormous tank, which would be necessary to store the same quantity of oil and oil products.

5.Generally, the first stage in the extraction of crude oil is to drill a well into the underground reservoir.

6.Many wells (called multilateral wells) will be drilled into the same reservoir, to ensure that the extraction rate will be economically valuable.

7.Together primary and secondary recovery allow 25% to 35% of the reservoir’s oil to be recovered.

8.As oil prices continue to escalate, other alternatives to produce oil have been gaining importance.

9.It was a concept, pioneered in Nazi Germany when imports of petroleum were restricted due to war, and Germany found a method to extract oil from coal.

10.The barometer invented in 1643, was the first to measure the pressure of the gases in atmosphere.

11.It is a common practice of production engineers to stimulate wells with low permeability pays by hydraulic or chemical fracturing.

12.The easiest way to understand the properties of a pay, the accumulation and the production of oil and gas is to inspect granular pays like sands and sandstones.

13.The article to be translated at the lesson deals with the problem of oil extraction.

14.They were the last to use this equipment.

15.This method is the first to have been used for industrial drilling of oil wells.

XI. Translate the following sentences into English, using the active vocabulary of Unit II.

1.Образование гор является результатом вулканического воздействия.

2.Породы из остывшей магмы образованы эндогенными агентами.

3.Все остальные породы происходят из магматических пород.

4. Во внутренних областях литосферы породы подвергаются высоким температурам и давлению.

5.Различные геологические факторы формируют породы.

6.Породы, образованные из остывшей магмы, называются магматическими или вулканогенными породами.

7.К осадочным породам относятся известняки, песчаники, глины и т.д.

8.Под влиянием давления и высоких температур, породы могут частично или полностью изменить свой состав и текстуру.

9.Метаморфические породы включают гнейс, слюду, сланцы.

10.Внешние факторы разрушают породу.

11.Эндогенные факторы скрыты в недрах земли и включают вулканические явления.

12.Основным источником энергии внешних агентов является солнечный свет.


13.Магматические породы – первоначальный материал, из которого произошли все остальные породы.

14.Метаморфические породы – это результат химического воздействия на породу, а также результат внутреннего изменения составляющих породы. 15.К метаморфическим породам относятся гнейс, слюда, аспидный сланец.

XII. Retell the text “Rocks and Their Classification”.

XIII. Supplementary text. Translate the text, using a dictionary.

Đavolja Varoš (Devil's town) in Serbia.

The identification of rocks is easy when the rocks are made of minerals and when minerals are large enough to be identified. When the rock is fine-grained and when the minerals all look alike, it takes skill to identify them. The geologist cuts a piece of rock with a diamond saw and polishes one surface until it is perfectly smooth. He then cements the smooth surface to a glass slide, and polishes the rest of the rock until it is paper-thin. This thin layer of rock is examined under microscope, using polaroid light. As the light passes through the minerals in the rock, it is altered, producing beautiful colors. Those colors depend on the kind of minerals and on the angle at which the crystals have been cut. Such patterns aid much in the process of identification.

The identification of rocks involves much more properties. The texture, color, hardness and relative weight of the rock can also be used as clues. The geologist also looks for the geologic structures in which the rock occurs. Certain rocks are found only in volcanoes, others in caves. Others are likely to be found in valleys than on high ridges.


XIV. Professional translation.

Горные породы – это естественные ассоциации минералов, характеризующиеся близостью условий образования. Породы могут состоять из одного минерала (мономинеральные) или из нескольких (полиминеральные). По происхождению они делятся на три группы: магматические, осадочные и метаморфические.

Магматические породы образуются в процессе остывания и отвердения магматических расплавов на глубине или на поверхности литосферы.

Осадочные породы представляют собой результат разрушения ранее сформировавшихся пород, последующего накопления и преобразования продуктов этого разрушения. В образовании осадочных пород участвуют атмосферные агенты, гидросфера и органический мир.

Метаморфические породы формируются из магматических и осадочных пород, подвергшихся в недрах воздействию высоких температур, давлений и химических активных веществ.


I. Vocabulary.

a) Translate the international words into Russian.

Magma, volcano, lava, laccoliths, batholiths, intrusion, mineral, to separate, crystal structure, extrusive, sediment, distance, organic.

b) Learn the vocabulary.



3.branching cracksразветвляющиеся трещины

4.to breakсдвигать, разрывать

5.to create-создавать, порождать

6.to consolidateтвердеть, затвердевать, застывать



9.to distinguishотличать, характеризовать


11.fossilископаемое, окаменелость


13.hugeогромный, большой

14.to hideпрятать, скрывать

15.to intrudeвторгаться


17.layerслой, пласт


18.to meltплавиться

19.to mineдобывать, разрабатывать


21.to permitпозволять

22.to relieveослаблять, понижать


24.strainнатяжение, деформация

25.to stretchрастягивать, вытягивать



28.sheetпласт, прослойка



c) Learn phrasal verbs.

To spew outвыливаться, извергаться

To cut acrossпересекать, рассекать

To force apartраскалывать

To push outвыталкивать, вытеснять

To wear downизнашивать (ся)

II. Translate the sentences. Put questions to the words in italics.

1.Earth movements create zones of weakness or actual breaks.

2.Magma flows up through cracks.

3.Magma may cut across layers of rock forming dikes.

4.Intrusive rock raises the upper layer like a blister.

5.These hidden structures can be studied and valuable minerals can be mined.

6.Such an intrusion is known as a sill.

7.Igneous rocks are very important because of the rich mineral deposits in them.

8.Igneous rocks were formed from melted magma.

9.Sometimes magma moves to the surface in huge lava flows.

10.If the cooling of extrusive rock is fast, magma does not form mineral at all.

III. Read the text.

Igneous Rocks

The large groups of rocksthe igneous rocksare those, which were formed from melted magma. Igneous rocks were once magma, a thick, hot liquid deep inside the earth.

The melted magma seems to have its beginning at least 20 or 30 miles down. Earth movements, relieving strains and pressures in the crust create zones of weakness or actual breaks. These permit some of the magma to find its way up into the crust either


through cracks or by dissolving the weakened rock around it. Sometimes magma moves to the surface, spewing out of volcanoes or spreading over the countryside in huge lava flows. Lava is only one type of igneous rock, but it is best known.

Inside the crust of the earth magma may flow into branching cracks, forming veins. It may cut across layers of rock, forming dikes. When magma flows between layers, it forces the rock apart. Such an intrusion is known as a sill.

Intrusive rocks are rocks, which formed out of the magma that consolidated at some depth below the surface. Intrusive rock, forced between layers, raises the upper layer like a blister. Such blisters are called batholiths, laccoliths, depending on their size. Magma that intrudes or pushes into other rock cools beneath the surface of the earth. Minerals separate out and crystals develop. Shrinkage may split the cooling rock into huge regular columns. Millions of years later the rocks above may be worn down and the igneous rocks are exposed at the surface. Then these hidden structures can be studied and valuable minerals in or near them can be mined. When magma reaches the earth’s surface, it cools more rapidly. The rock it forms is called an extrusive rock because it is pushed out into the surface.

Igneous rocks are distinguishable from sedimentary rocks; the latter generally form beds stretching over great distances and not infrequently contain large quantities of organic fossils. Magmatic rocks unlike those of sedimentary origin, form continuous sills, sheets and veins. They are not stratified; their mass generally presents either a granular or vitreous structure.

Igneous rocks are important to us because of the rich mineral deposits in them or in veins, which are found in them. From such veins, we get most of gold, lead, zinc, mercury, arsenic, antimony, nickel, cobalt, titanium.

IV. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations in the text.

1.ослаблять напряжение

2.создавать зоны неустойчивости

3.распространяться по округе (местности)

4.огромные потоки лавы


5.расплавленная магма

6.густая жидкость

7.раскалывать породу

8.вторгаться в породу

9.большие ровные колонны

10.зернистые структуры

11.стекловидные структуры

12.породы могут изнашиваться

13.скрытые структуры

14.породы, простирающиеся на большие расстояния

V. Match the synonyms.

1.to separate

a) to cool

2. huge

b) to divide

3. to mine

c) big

4. to permit

d) to split

5. layer

e) bed

6. to force apart

f) to allow

7. to stratify

g) quickly

8. to consolidate

h) to create

9. to wear down

i) long

10. rapidly

j) to extract

11. to form

k) to form layers

12. continuous

l) effusive

13. extrusive

m) to weather

VI. Word building.

a) Form the nouns from the verbs, using the suffix – ment.

Translate them.

E.g. to move – movement (двигаться – движение)

To equip, to develop, to arrange, to replace, to attach, to establish, to improve, to engage, to manage

b) Form the verbs and nouns from the adjectives, using suffixes – en, ness

E.g. weak – weaken - weakness (слабый – ослаблять –слабость)

Strong, wide, deep, fast, short, soft, dark, hard


с) Translate into Russian the following words of the same stem.

1.shrink – shrinkage – shrinkable

2.to cool – cooler – cooling

3.to mine – miner

4.volcano – volcanic

5.type – typical – typically

6.to consolidate – consolidation – consolidator

7.crystal – crystallic

8.to split – splitting

9.actual – actuality – actually – actuality – action

10.to distinguish – distinguishable

11.origin – original – originally

12.to stratify – stratification - stratum

13.to present - presentation

14.deposit – deposition - depository

VII. Answer the questions.

1.What do we call igneous rocks?

2.Where does melted magma have its beginning?

3.How are zones of weakness or breaks created?

4.What is the best known type of magmatic rocks?

5.What classes are igneous rocks divided into?

6.What do we call extrusive rocks?

7.What do we call intrusive rocks?

8.When does magma form dikes?

9.In what way are igneous rocks distinguished from sedimentary rocks?

10.Why are igneous rocks important to us?

11.When are laccoliths and batholiths formed?

VIII. Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets.

(Igneous, extrusive, consolidated, breaks, stratify, worn down, hidden, huge, beds, shrinkage)

1.Earth movements in the crust create zones of weakness or… .

2.Magma moves to the surface in … lava flows.

3.… may split the cooling rock into huge regular columns.

4.Troughout million of years, the rocks above are … … and the igneous rocks are exposed at the surface.

5.Intrusive rocks are rocks formed, out of magma, which … below surface.

6.The … structures can be studied and valuable minerals can be mined.

7.An … rock is pushed out into the surface.

8.Sedimentary rocks usually form … .


9.Magmatic rocks do not… .

10.The best known type of … rock is lava.

IX. Make up sentences from the given words.

1.magma, inside, veins, the, earth, the, of, crust, forms.

2.raises, layer, intrusive, like, rock, the, upper, a, blister.

3.rocks, distinguishable, are, rocks, igneous, sedimentary, from.

4.structure, either, present, magmatic, granular, or, rocks, vitreous, a.

5.rich, deposits, igneous, in, are, rocks, mineral.

X. Grammar revision.

Complex Subject with the Infinitive.

E.g. The economic value of oil fields is known to be determined to a considerable extend by the physical properties of reservoir rocks.

a) Известно, что физические свойства коллекторных пород определяют в значительной степени экономическое значение нефтяных месторождений.

b) Экономическое значение нефтяных месторождений в значительной степени, как известно, определяется физическими свойствами коллекторных пород.

1.The main objective of petroleum industry is known to be oil production.

2.Well logging is supposed to measure rock properties of surface formations.

3.The borehole fluid is likely to filtrate into permeable beds.

4.Drilling mud and formation water proved to affect the borehole measurements.

5.Borehole information seems to indicate gas-producing zone.

6.Geological logs turn out to have found other applications besides formation evaluations.

7.Field computers appear to provide quick evaluation of formation.

8.This type of log is expected to be cheaper.

9.Oil is likely to accumulate in domes beneath an impermeable layer.

10.The task of the geologist searching for accumulation of oil is first to decide whether oil is likely to have been formed in the area, and secondly to find structures in which the oil may have accumulated.

11.The main objective of petroleum industry is known to be oil production.

12.The economic value of oil fields is known to be determined by physical properties of reservoir rocks.

13.Oil extraction is said to be influenced by many factors which should be carefully studied.

14.Oil is supposed to have been used as medicine many years ago.

15.The oil is known to be transported to many parts of the country.

16.Hot solutions are likely to transport more minerals than hot gases.


17. Good well logs may be said to be cheap, but the wrong log for existing well conditions turns out to be a waste of money.

b) Complex Object with the Infinitive.

E.g. Scientific evidence indicates the Earth to be about 4-6 billion years old.

Научные данные указывают, что Земле около 4-6 миллиардов лет.

1.We want these problems to be discussed at the conference.

2.Geologists know these methods to be employed in the oil fields.

3.Most scientists think oil to be of organic origin.

4.They expect this problem to be of great interest for oil men.

5.They would like them to be present at the dismantling of this derrick.

6.They know the received data to have been necessary for further exploration in this area.

7.The scientists suppose oil to occur at great depth in this area.

8.They expect this method of drilling to be the best one.

9.I have heard the professor speak about a new method of oil extraction.

10.We know magma to flow into branching cracks and form dikes.

в) Translate into English, using Objective or Subjective Infinitive constructions.

1.Нефть, как известно, органического происхождения.

2.Несомненно, определение породы будет легче, если порода состоит из минералов и когда минералы большие для определения.

3.Мы знаем, что определение породы включает многие свойства.

4.Как известно, породы образуются под воздействием многих геологических факторов.

5.Общеизвестно, что магма содержит большое количество газа.

6.Геологи знают, что породы изменяются после их формирования.

7.Геологи хотели бы, что бы этот метод применили в бурении.

8.Считается, что осадочные породы составляют верхнюю часть коры земли и занимают огромную территорию.

9.Нефть, как известно, в большинстве случаях находят с газом.

10.Все знают, что нефть состоит из двух химических элементов – углерод и водород.

XI. Translate the following sentences, using the active vocabulary of Unit IV.

1. Извергаясь из вулкана, магма движется по поверхности земли большими потоками.

2.Лава может вторгаться в пласты пород, образуя дайки. 3.Магма растворяет непрочные породы.

4.Интрузивная порода-это порода, которая застыла ниже поверхности земли. 5.Эффузивная порода образована из магмы, которая достигает поверхности земли и выталкивается из неё.


6. В недрах земли магма поднимается к поверхности по трещинам.

7.Порода, вторгшаяся между пластами, поднимает вышележащие пласты подобно пузырю.

8.Сжатие может расколоть охлаждающуюся породу на большие правильные колонны.

9.Из обнаженных пород добываются ценные минералы.

10.Магма может рассекать слои и образовывать дайки.

XII. Retell the text “Igneous Rocks”.

XIII. Supplementary text. Translate the text, using a dictionary.

When magma reaches the earth’s surface, it cools much more rapidly. The rock it forms is then called an extrusive rock because it is pushed out into the surface. The cooling of an extrusive rock may be so fast that magma does not form mineral at all, but a kind of natural glass or obsidian. This natural glass, usually dark brown or black, is the same as the glass used for window-glasses or bottles.

Magma may contain a great deal of gas. As it reaches the surface, this gas escapes, causing the magma to bubble and froth as the rock cools. When there are so many bubbles that the natural glass is whipped into froth, the rock is called pumice-a rock usually light in color and so light in weight that it floats on water. When the gas bubbles are larger, the volcanic rock looks like coarse cinders. Dark, heavy basalt is one of the most abundant lavas, but there are also light colored lavas rich in silica. Some lavas, thrown high in the air, cool as they fall, forming rounded or twisted volcanic bombs.