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XIV. Professional translation.






Что же такое лава?






представлениям, происходит


она из очага расплавленного









верхней части


мантии на глубине 50 – 150


км. Пока расплав пребывает


в недрах












к поверхности, он начинает










(Вокруг Света, февраль 2007г)

стремятся вверх и двигают



трещинам в


земной коре. Не всякому расплаву, или магме суждено увидеть свет. Та же, что находит выход к поверхности, изливаясь в самые невероятные формы, как раз и называется лавой. Почему? Не совсем понятно. В сущности, магма лава – одно и то же. В самой же “лаве” слышится и “ лавина” и “ обвал,” что в общем соответствует наблюдаемым фактам: передний край текущей лавы часто действительно напоминает горный обвал. Только с вулкана катятся не холодные булыжники, а раскалённые обломки, отлетевшие от корки лавового языка.

В течение года из недр выливается 4 км³ лавы, что совсем немного, учитывая размеры нашей планеты. Будь это количество существенно больше, начались бы процессы глобального изменения климата, что не раз случалось в прошлом. В последние годы ученые активно обсуждают следующий сценарий катастрофы конца мелового периода, примерно 65 миллионов лет назад. Тогда, из – за окончательного распада Гондваны, в некоторых местах раскалённая магма подошла слишком близко к поверхности и прорвалась огромными массами. Особенно обильные её выходы были на индийской платформе, покрывшейся многочисленными разломами длиной до 100 км. Почти миллион кубометров лавы растеклось на площади 1,5 млн. км². Местами покровы достигали толщины два километра, что хорошо видно по геологическим разрезам Деканского плоскогорья. Специалисты подсчитали, что лава заполняла территорию в течение 30 000 лет – достаточно быстро, чтобы из остывающего расплава успели отделиться большие порции углекислых и серосодержащих газов, достичь стратосферы и вызвать уменьшение озонового слоя. Последовавшее резкое изменение климата привело к массовому вымиранию животных на границе мезозойской и кайнозойской эр Земли исчезли более 45% родов разных организмов.



I. Vocabulary

a) Translate the international words into Russian.

Erosion, agent, to transport, deposition, process, porous, conglomerate, composition, uniform, isotropic, to constitute, history, mass, to produce, material, physical, formation, organism, sediment, mineralogical composition, cementation, compaction, direction, lithology.

b) Learn the vocabulary.

1.to adhere - прилипать

2.clay - глина

3.to consolidate - твердеть, застывать



6.dolomite – доломит

7.dense - плотный, густой

8.evaporation - испарение

9.framework - структура, основа

10.frequently - часто, обычно

11.gravel - гравий, крупный песок

12.gypsum - гипс

13.grain - гранула, песчинка, частица

14.hard - твёрдый

15.lignite - лигнит, бурый уголь

16.logging - каротаж

17.limestone - известняк

18.overburden pressure - горное давление

19.otherwise - иначе, по-другому

20.precipitate – осадок

21.to refer to - ссылаться, опираться на что-л., кого-л.

22.remainsорганические осадки, окаменелости

23.sandstone - песчаник

24.to settle – оседать

25.shale - сланец, глинистый сланец

26.siltил, илистые отложения

27.size – размер

28.softмягкий, рыхлый

29.to subject to – подвергать воздействию, влиянию

30.tight – плотный, компактный

31.throughout – повсюду, на протяжении


c) Translate the word combinations into Russian

Calcareous remains

To be subjected to erosion

The overburden pressure

The result of evaporation of water

To be frequently referred to

The mineralogical composition of rocks

To change with the direction

To constitute a formation

A layer of rock of one kind

II. Translate the sentences. Put questions to the words in italics.

1.The transported material settled in the water as gravel, sand and clay.

2.The gradual deposition of these sediments produced sedimentary rocks.

3.The grains of a rock may be nearly uniform in size.

4.Coal and lignite result from gradual changes produced by pressure and heat in beds of vegetable materials.

5.The rocks of the land masses were subjected to erosion by wind, water and other agents.

6.Some limestones and dolomites were formed during evaporation process.

7.The mineralogical composition of rocks is referred to as “lithology.”

8.Unconsolidated rocks are rocks which do not adhere to each other.

9.A layer of rock of one kind is a bed.

10. A thick bed or a series of beds constitutes a formation.

III. Read and translate the text.

Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rock is one of the three main rock groups (the others being igneous and metamorphic rock). Rock formed from sediments covers 75-80% of the Earth's land area, and includes common types such as chalk, limestone, dolomite, sandstone, conglomerate and shale.

The sedimentary rocks are formed from the deposition of particles, eroded from older rocks, from precipitates, from solutions or from calcareous remains or organisms. Throughout the history of the earth the rocks of the land masses were


subjected to erosion by wind, water and other agents. Having been transported by some of these agents to lakes and seas, the broken down material settled in the water as gravel, sand and clay, extremely fine particles being silt. The gradual deposition of these sediments on lakes and sea floors and their compaction by overburden pressure produced sedimentary rocks. In the process, sand and clay became porous, granular rocks, forming conglomerate, sandstone and shale, respectively. The framework of

porous granular rocks is generally called the “matrix” or “skeleton.”













anhydrite, salt, coal and lignite.



were formed



by the deposition of calcareous


materials in seas or lakes, most



resulting from



depositional alteration of limestone.







being deposited as a result of


evaporation of water from restricted


lakes and seas are called evaporates.


Some limestones and dolomites were


also formed during this evaporation


process. Coal and lignite result from


gradual changes produced by pressure


and heat in beds of vegetable







mineralogical composition of rocks is


frequently referred to as“lithology.”


Rocks made up of particles that


do not adhere to each other are said to

Sedimentary-rock formation, Karnataka,

be unconsolidated or soft. When held


together into





cementation or by compaction, these

rocks are called consolidated or hard. A rock with no compaction is called unconsolidated or soft. The grains of a rock may be nearly uniform in size, distribution and mineralogical composition, the rock being called ‘uniform’ or “homogeneous”, otherwise it is ‘non-uniform.” If the physical properties of a rock do not change with the direction, the rock is “isotropic”, if there is variation with direction; it is “anisotropic.” A layer of rock of one kind is a bed. A thick bed or a series of beds constitutes a “formation.

IV. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1.на протяжении истории земли

2.обломочный материал

3.очень мелкие частицы


4.постепенное отложение осадка

5.известковый материал

6.пористая порода

7.процесс испарения


9.почти одинаковые по форме и по размеру

10.замкнутые озера

11.слой породы одного вида

V. Match the synonyms.

1. throughout

a) mainly

2. to transport

b) to carry out

3. extremely

c) force

4. agent

d) to consist of

5. sea floor

e) very


f) bottom



7. compaction

g) to sink

8. principally

h) package

9. to make up

i) a plant

10. to settle in

j) during

VI. Word building.

a) Translate the pairs of words, paying attention to negative prefixes and suffixes.

To formto deform















b) Translate into Russian the following words with the same stem.

1.sediment – sedimentation – sedimentary

2.erosion – to erode – eroded

3.to transport – transportation – transporter

4.extremely – extreme – extremes

5.gradual – graduation – gradually

6.to settle – settlement

7.to evaporate – evaporation – evaporator

8.to refer – reference

9.mass – massive

10.thick – thickness - to thicken

11.grain – granular

12.to restrict – restrictive – restricted

13.agent – agency

14.a pore – porous - porosity

VII. Answer the questions.

1.What do we call sedimentary rocks?

2.By what agents were land masses subjected to erosion?

3.How were sedimentary rocks formed?

4.What are the examples of sedimentary rocks?

5.What sedimentary rocks are the result of evaporation of water from lake and seas?

6.What do we call “soft” or “unconsolidated” rocks?

7.What do we call “uniform” or “homogeneous” rocks?

8.What constitutes a “formation”?

9.What do we call “isotropic” rocks?

10.What do we call a “bed”?

VIII. Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets.

(granular, adhere, subjected, evaporation, vegetable, erosion, lithology, settled, bed, overburden, gradual)

1.Some dolomites were formed during the … process.

2.Water, wind and other agents are responsible for … .

3.The transported material … in the water.

4.Sedimentary rocks were formed by the … deposition of sediments, by the … pressure.

5.“Skeleton” is the framework of porous … rocks.

6.Soft rocks are made of particles that do not … to each other.

7.The land masses were … to erosion by different agents.

8.The mineralogical composition of rocks is known as … .

9.A … is a layer of rock of one kind.


10. Coal is a result from changes produced by pressure and heat in beds of … material.

IX. Make up sentences from the given words.

1.Deposition, the, sedimentary, rocks formed, from rocks, gradual, of, eroded, particles, are.

2.Different, to, subject, rocks, erosion, agents.

3.Compaction produces, of, sediments, by, overburden, sedimentary, rock, pressure.

4.With, unconsolidated, is, rock, no, compaction, rock.

5.Some, evaporation, were, during dolomites, process, formed.

X. Grammar revision. The Participle.

a) Translate the sentences, paying attention to Participle I, II.

1.Extrusive rocks are rock formed from consolidated magma below surface.

2.Magma intruded or pushed into other rock, cools beneath the surface.

3.Igneous rocks are rocks formed from melted magma.

4.Magma moves to the surface spewing out of volcanoes or spreading over the countryside in huge lava flows.

5.Magma may flow into branching cracks, forming veins.

6.Rocks changed so that their characters are altered, are known as metamorphic rocks.

7.Rocks made up of particles that do not adhere to each other are unconsolidated or soft rocks.

8.The valleys separated by sharp ridges, composed of unstable sliding material, form badlands.

9.Crude oil or petroleum is an organic substance consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons.

10.Under proper conditions below the earth’s surface, the derived oil accumulates in porous or fractured rocks.

11.A series of beds constituting a formation is of a uniform nature.

12.Having reached the depth of 10.000 feet, we began to examine drill cuttings.

13.The igneous rocks resulting from solidification of magma are mostly tight and hard.

14.Metamorphic rocks formed by considerable mechanical and chemical changes, causing recrystallization, acquire new physical properties.

15.The process mentioned changed the texture and composition of original rocks.

b) Translate the word combinations with participles.

1.Water displacing oil Water displaced by oil


2.Factors controlling formation pressure Factors controlled by geologists

3.Additives removed from the mud Additives removing sulphur from oil



preventing the loss of drilling mud



prevented from the sloughing


following the mapping of the area



followed by the drilling of a well


Formation pressure

affecting the rate of oil production


Formation pressure

affected by weighting materials


Borehole measurements

influencing the choice of the log


Borehole measurements

influenced by well conditions

c) Translate into Russian, using different forms of participle

1. полученная информация

получая информацию to obtain получив информацию получаемая информация

2. порода, образованная

порода, образующая to form образовав породу образуя породу

после того, как порода образовалась

3. изменённые свойства

изменяющиеся свойства to change изменяя свойства изменив свойства изменяемые свойства

после того, как свойства были изменены

d) Find in the text sentences with Participle I or II.

XII. Retell the text “Sedimentary Rocks”.


XIII. Supplementary text. Translate the text, using the dictionary.

Sedimentary-rock formation, Karnataka, India

Sedimentary rocks compose the uppermost part of the earth’s crust and occupy an enormous area. They are formed in marine basins and on the surface of land as a result of three processes: (1) accumulation or deposition of detrital material derived from the destruction of earlier formed rocks (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary); (2) chemical precipitation of dissolved substances; (3) life activity of organisms.

Accordingly, by origin sedimentary rocks for a long time were classified under three headings: detrital, chemical and organogenic. In nature, however, there exist rocks that have formed through the combined action of accumulation of organic sediments and chemical or biochemical precipitation of certain compounds from solutions (some limestones and siliceous rocks).

Very widespread, on the other hand, are rocks, which in a way constitute a transitional link between detrital and chemical. Such, for instance, are clays, derived for the most part by precipitation of substances from colloidal solutions, but containing an admixture of fine and small detrital particles. Therefore, the following division of sedimentary rocks has been suggested: (1) detrital: (2) clayey: (3) chemical and organogenic.

Sedimentary rocks have a number of features that distinguish them from igneous and metamorphic rocks. Most important of these is laminated structure observed in most sedimentary rocks. Incidentally, the character of lamination often indicates the conditions of sedimentation. Horizontal lamination, for instance, bears evidence to the accumulation of sediments in calm bodies of water, whereas oblique lamination is usually associated with moving water. Another feature of sedimentary rocks is that they usually contain fossil remains of animals and plants, characterizing the environment in which sedimentation took place.


Sedimentary rocks give a clue to the kinds of life and conditions, which existed millions years ago when the rocks were formed. Fossils are the remains or evidences of life buried in the rock. Sometimes the actual remains are buried; sometimes fossils are impressions, molds or casts.

Tough parts of plants and hard parts of animals produce the best fossils. Shells, bones, teeth, leaves, wood and bark are often preserved. Fossils tell the history of the earth and the development of life. In the oldest rock, only the simplest kinds of plants and animals are found. In more recent rocks the plants and animals are different and more complex, showing a great range of adaptations to many environments. It is mainly through the study of fossils that scientists have come to understand how the plant and animal life of today came to be.

XIV. Professional translation

Накопление осадков

Кроме продуктов разрушения берегов в Мировой океан поступает с суши огромная масса минеральных веществ, сносимых реками и в меньшей степени ледниками и ветром. Эти вещества, находящиеся в виде обломков, а также в составе истинных и коллоидных растворов, осаждаются в различных участках моря, подчиняясь особенностям гидрохимического режимов бассейна.

Вобразовании морских осадков помимо принесённого материала принимают участие скелетные остатки организмов, населяющих морской бассейн. Небольшая доля материала, осаждающегося в морях и океанах, приходится на продукты вулканической деятельности (лавы при подводных извержениях; пепел, переносимый ветром), метеориты и космическую пыль.

Морские осадки чрезвычайно разнообразны. Они различаются размерами обломочных частиц, количественным соотношением обломочного материала и материала химического происхождения, минеральным составом тех или других компонентов, а также фаунистической характеристикой. В одних районах остатки фауны и флоры содержатся в морских осадках в изобилии, в других присутствуют в виде единичных экземпляров, в - третьих отсутствуют вообще. Различие характера морских осадков является следствием исключительного разнообразия физико-географических условий, в которых происходит их накопление.

Взависимости от происхождения (генезиса) осадочного материала выделяются осадки терригенного, органогенного и хемогенного типов.

Unit VI

I. Vocabulary

a) Translate the international words into Russian.

Metamorphism, character, atmosphere, effect, contact, gas, deposit, to produce, to transport, regional.