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zhurova_t_v_angliiskii_yazyk_dlya_studentovgeologov (1)

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V.a) Match the synonyms.



a) main



b) to affect



c) considerable



d) hard


to shatter

e) to demolish



f) material



g) pure


to influence

h) bulk

b) Match the antonyms to the words.



a) consolidated



b) pure



c) powerful



d) absence



e) hard



f) destructive



g) maximum



h) effective

VI. Translate into Russian the following words with the same stem.









VII. Answer the questions.

1.Are all the materials of the crustal portion of the earth subjected to change?

2.Why do most resistant rocks crumble or decay in the course of time?

3.What is weathering?

4.What is the destructive effect of rain influenced by?

5.Why does the rain wear away soil?

6.At what temperature does water become solid?

7.Under what conditions is water a powerful agent in shattering rock masses?

8.What is the principal effect of the wind?


VIII. Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets.

( decay, shattering, solid, density, subjected, weathering, cracks, resistant, transport, soil)

1.The destructive effect of the atmosphere on the lithosphere is called … .

2.All rocks are … to change.

3.In the course of time even most … rocks crumble or … .

4.Water reaches its maximum … as a liquid at 4 degrees C.

5.Water is a powerful agent in … rock masses.

6.The main effect of the wind is to … unconsolidated fine grained sediments over considerable distances.

7.The rain wears away the … if there is no vegetable cover.

8.Water freezes in … of the rock.

9.Water becomes a … at zero.

10.The destructive effect of the atmosphere on the lithosphere is called … .

IX. Grammar revision. The Modal verbs and their equivalents.




They must carry out the experiment today.

Should, ought to

You should (ought to) interpret the data obtained.

Have to

He has to investigate the results of well log.


They had to finish the experiment yesterday.


The geologists will have to turn to geophysicists for



Be to

The geophysicists are to employ new methods of




The log data were to be used for formation








Porosity can be determined by means of several logs.


They could use various types of logs in oil



be able to

They are able to provide quick evaluation of




The team of geophysicists were able to employ a new


tool for effective evaluation of formation.


The field computers will be able to develop a new


approach to the log data analysis.



May, might

You may examine the sample fossils.

be allowed to

The students are allowed to work in the lab.


He wasn’t allowed to carry out the experiment.






We shall be allowed to use the data obtained.



May, might

There may be various methods for formation




The methods under study might be effective in oil




This scientist must be carrying out the experiment in


the lab.

Need, needn’t

They needn’t interpret the data obtained.

Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to modal verbs and their equivalents.

1.During the earliest times petroleum may have been used for firebrands and fire darts only.

2.Not only geophysical but also geological methods had to be improved to fit the requirements of drilling site and oil field geology.

3.Theoretical results from laboratories had to be applied to the field work and could be controlled by the results of production.

4.If the rock is very porous it may store big quantities of petroleum in its pores and so form a reservoir.

5.The degree of magnetism varies from one type of rock to another, and the variations can be measured with highly sensitive instruments.

6.Crude oil may contain metallic elements.

7.Isotropic analysis of oil tars showed that they are of Mesozoic age and must have come from Mesozoic sediments that were lying above the metamorphic rocks before.

8.A pay is a porous and permeable formation which is able to gather and to produce petroleum hydrocarbons.

9.A good pay for producing oil should have porosity higher than 20% and permeability of more than 300 millidarcy.

10.Natural gases may be called sweet or sour, dry or wet.

11.For the exploitation it is much more important to know which types of reservoir are to be expected in a certain basis or major structure and how they may be found by geologic and geophysical methods.

12.The results are to be shown in a tabular form.

13.They ought to apply a computer for solving these problems.

14.Oilmen are to overcome a lot of difficulties while developing this oilfield. 15.Geologists will be able to use a new make of field computers.

X. Retell the text “Rock Weathering”.


XI. Supplementary text. Translate the text, using a dictionary.


In recent years, the destructive effects of wind and rain in removing loose material have been tremendously accelerated in many parts of the world. Areas of unconsolidated rocks, without a vegetation cover, are being ripped very rapidly into gullies by rainstorms and occurred by strong winds. The deep-cut valleys separated by sharp ridges composed of unstable sliding material form badlands, which are often extremely difficult to cross on foot. In the past badlands were restricted to semi-arid areas, mainly in the central United States, but within the last century their extent has been enormously increased by man’s ill-advised activities.

Forests have been felled, grassland ploughed up and then rained by over-cultivation and as a result soil erosion is now a very serious menace over vast areas of China, the United States and Africa. A vegetation cover not only helps soil particles together with its roots, and by the sheltering effect of its leaves, it greatly reduces the removal material by rain and windstorms. However, if the cover is stripped off, then the loose soil can be blown away and the whole country occurred down to the bare rock.

Weathering is a slow process and the formation of a fertile soil from bare rock, even with all modern aids, takes many years. Even if soil erosion can be stopped, and this is a difficult and costly matter it will be a very long time before the affected areas can be properly cultivated again.

XII. Professional translation.


Совокупность процессов физического разрушения и химического разложения минералов и горных пород, обнажающихся на поверхности под действием атмосферных факторов называется выветриванием. Различают физическое, и химическое выветривание. К физическому относится разрушение горных пород, связанное с колебаниями температуры. Периодическое расширение и сжатие пород приводит к образованию трещин, параллельных нагреваемой поверхности, а затем к отчленению верхнего слоя.

Другим видом физического выветривания является механическое разрушение пород. Примером может служить морозное выветривание, при котором породы разрушаются под действием замерзающей воды, проникающей в поры и трещины. Механическое разрушение пород совершают корни растений, а также роющие животные.

Химическое выветривание обычно обладает более глубокой проникающей способностью и часто приводит к коренным преобразованиям породы. Химическое выветривание заключается в химическом разложении породы под действием атмосферных факторов. К числу таких факторов следует отнести воздействие кислорода, углекислого газа и воды, содержащихся в атмосфере, а


также активных органических веществ, являющихся продуктами жизнедеятельности (или разложения) растительных или животных организмов.


I. Vocabulary.

a) Translate the international words into Russian.

Mixture, chemical elements, carbon, hydrogen, combination, distillation, organic origin, to accumulate, horizontal.

b)Learn the vocabulary.

1.to be associated with-связывать с чем-л.

2.to appear to-оказываться

3.crude oil-сырая нефть

4.to consist of-состоять из



7.cap rock-покрывающая порода

8.to derive-извлекать


10.to point to-указывать на что-л.

11.oil-pool – нефтяная залежь



14.to scatter-рассредоточивать, рассеивать

15.to be saturated with-быть насыщенным

c)Translate the word combinations

Organic matter, common rock, horizontal stratum, to be saturated with, porous rock, to be irregularly scattered.

II. Translate the sentences. Put questions to the words in italics.

1.Crude oil or petroleum is made up of the two chemical elements: carbon and hydrogen.

2.The chemical composition of crude oil points to the organic origin of petroleum.

3.Under proper conditions below the earth’s surface, oil accumulates in porous or fractured rock.

4.The most common porous rock is sandstone.

5. Oil is usually found with gas.

6. Oil and gas are usually irregularly scattered if the strata are horizontal.


7.There is no actual pool or underground lake of oil.

8.The oil is obtained by boring through the overlying rocks.

9.Oil and gas usually collect at the highest points of strata.

10. Oil and its products are of great importance in the everyday life.

III. Read the text.


Crude oil or petroleum is an organic substance consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons, that is, it is made up of the two chemical elements: carbon and hydrogen in rather complex and variable combinations. It is practically certain that petroleum has been derived by a slow process of distillation from organic matter - animal or vegetable, or both - in stratified rocks within the earth.

The chemical composition itself, the kind of rocks with which petroleum is associated, and certain optical (microscopic) tests-all point to the organic origin of petroleum.

Under proper conditions below the earth’s surface, the derived oil accumulates in porous or fractured rocks. The most common porous rock is sandstone and the most common cap-rock is shale.

Oil is rarely found without gas. If the containing strata are horizontal, the oil and gas are usually irregularly scattered, but if tilted or folded and the beds are porous, they appear to collect at the highest point possible. It is of course, necessary that oil-bearing stratum should be capped by a practically impervious one.

Although the term “oil-pool” is commonly used, there is no actual pool or underground lake of oil, but rather there is porous rock saturated with oil.

III. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations in the text.

1.органическое вещество

2.смесь углевородов

3.при подходящих условиях

4.самая распространённая пористая порода

5.полученная нефть

6.нефтеносный пласт

7.порода, насыщенная нефтью

8.вмещающие пласты

9.раздробленная порода

V. Match the synonyms.

1. to consist of

a) to disperse

2. to derive

b) general

3. to scatter

c) to obtain


4. combination

d) sure

5. pool

e) name

6. term

f) to make up

7. common

g) structure

8. composition

h) changeable

9. variable

i) mixture


j) deposit

VI. Word building.

Translate into Russian the following words of the same stem.

1.stratum – stratification – to stratify

2.to collect – collector – collection

3.possible – possibility

4.necessary – necessity

5.distillation – to distillate – distillatory

6.chemical – chemistry – chemist – chemically

7.horizon – horizontal – horizontally

8.regular – irregular – regularity

9.porous – porosity

10.to derive – derivative - derivation

VII. Answer the questions.

1.What do we call crude oil?

2.What is petroleum made up?

3.How has oil been derived?

4.What points out to the organic origin of petroleum?

5.When does oil accumulate in porous or fractured rocks?

6.What is the most common cap-rock?

7.What is oil usually found with?

8.Where is oil collected if the strata are tilted or folded?

9.What term connected with oil is commonly used?

10.Is there any pool or underground lake of oil below the surface?

VIII. Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets.

(porous, matter, tests, fractured, irregularly, mixture, sandstone, shale, oil-pool)

1.Crude oil consists of a … of hydrocarbons.

2.Oil is usually found in … rocks.

3.Certain optical … point to the organic origin of petroleum.

4.Under certain conditions oil accumulates in porous or …rocks.

5.The most common porous rock is … .


6.… is the most common cap rock.

7.Although the term … is commonly used, there is no actual pool or lake of oil.

8.Oil is formed by a slow process of distillation from organic … .

9.In horizontal strata the oil and gas are … scattered.

IX. Form the opposites of the following words by omitting the prefexes. Translate them.












X. Grammar revision. The Gerund.

a) Translate the sentences with the Gerund and Gerundial construction.

1.Every oil well after drilling and completion has a restricted time of production in average about 30 years.

2.Storing, assorting, controlling, reworking and retrieval of so many data in a reasonable way cannot be done laboriously by hand.

3.Constant physical controls of producing wells, fed by radio or telephone lines into computers, enable companies to run fields with all installations for treating and separation without any human involvement in the process.

4.Planetary geologists are also interested in studying interactions among planetary bodies.

5.The simplest way of trapping oil or gas is within the so – called cap rock in the uppermost part of a salt dome.

6.The young geologist was proud of having been spoken of as a promising scientist.

7.Everyone congratulated professor on having carried out the experiment successfully.

8.He apologized for having discussed the question in their absence.

9.Before being carried out, the experiment was carefully prepared.

10.On discovering commercial oil a development program can be commenced.

11.On bringing the cores to the surface, geologists examine them carefully in the laboratory.

12.In analyzing samples of rocks traces of petroleum were detected.

13. Newer sondes are capable of recording two types of resistivity curves as well as the spontaneous potential of the formations.


b) Make up and translate the following sentences into Russian.

Model: There are many ways of … (to increase oil production).

There are many ways of increasing oil production.

Существует много способов увеличения добычи нефти.

There are many ways of …

To find oil; to give people greater mobility; to provide electricity; to transport oil and gas; to produce oil; to obtain different kinds of fuel; to deliver oil products to consumers; to improve standards of life; to be competitive.

XI. Supplementary text. Translate the text, using a dictionary.

Oil is very apt to migrate from its place of formation. Oil is of less density than water, and tends to move up the dip of the rocks until it either reaches the surface or is trapped beneath an impermeable layer.

The task of the geologist searching for accumulations of oil is first to decide whether oil is likely to have been formed in the area, and secondly to find structures in which the oil may have accumulated. He must consider the paleography of the area and its geological structure, both of which depend on as complete knowledge as possible of the succession and lithology, i. e. the stratigraphy of the region.

Reservoir rocks in which oil may accumulate must be either strongly fissured or of high porosity, conditions most commonly met with either in massive limestones or sands and sandstones, while the migration of oil will be stopped by a fine-textured stratum such as clay or shale.

Oil is likely to accumulate in domes beneath an impermeable layer. In any of the structures in which oil may be trapped, it is usual to find a gas zone immediately below the cover rock overlying the oil-bearing zone beneath which the reservoir rock is usually saturated with water, often brackish.

The oil is obtained by boring through the overlying rocks; but if boring is located too near the crust of the structure, it may only yield gas, which may, however, be of value either for the by-products or directly for illumination or other purposes.

But usually such a “gas well” is sealed off, for the expense to pumping oil to the surface will be avoided if the gas pressure in the reservoir rock is great enough to force the oil to the surface. A well located too far down the flank of the structure will yield only water. It is therefore a question, not only of locating a suitable structure, but also of sinking the wells in a narrow belt on the structure.

XII. Professional translation.


Пока не достигнуто еще полного согласия исследователей в отношении того, как образуется в природе жидкая нефть. Нефтеподобные вещества могут


быть синтезированы в лабораториях, как из неорганических, так и из органических веществ, но залегание нефти и газа почти исключительно в осадочных породах, которые одновременно содержат остатки древних растений и животных, является важным доказательством того, что исходный материал был органическим по своей природе. В основном предполагается, что остатки растений и животных, которые захоронились в иле, преобразуются в восстановительной среде, которая предохраняет органическое вещество от окисления. С погружением в глубину Земли температура и давление возрастают. Соответствующее время (вероятно, не менее 500 000 лет), умеренные температуры (вероятно, 35-40? С) и давления (вероятно, ок. 10 атм) ведут к преобразованию органического вещества в низкомолекулярные легкие углеводороды, обычно находящиеся в сырой нефти.



Сырая нефть – природная легко воспламеняющаяся жидкость, которая находится в глубоких осадочных отложениях и хорошо известна благодаря ее использованию в качестве топлива и сырья для химического производства. Химически нефть – это сложная смесь углеводородов с различным числом атомов углерода в молекулах; в их составе могут присутствовать сера, азот, кислород и незначительные количества некоторых металлов.

Природные углеводороды чрезвычайно разнообразны. Они охватывают широкий круг минералов от черных битумных асфальтов, таких, какие находятся в асфальтовом озере Пич-Лейк на о. Тринидад и битуминозных песчаниках Атабаски в Канаде, до светлых летучих нефтей (последние обнаружены, например, в районе Кетлмен-Хиллс в Калифорнии), которые могут быть непосредственно использованы как бензин в качестве моторного топлива. Между этими крайними случаями нефти имеют различный цвет и запах и значительно различаются по своим химическим и физическим свойствам. Встречаются залежи парафинового воска, и для таких твердых битумов как минерала имеется собственное название – горный воск (озокерит).

Поиски нефти идут непрерывно во всех частях света. Геологические исследования показали, что нефть обычно находится в пористых осадочных породах (таких, как известняки и глины) невулканического происхождения, хотя обнаружены исключения из этого общего правила: известны промышленные месторождения и в магматических породах (месторождение Белый Тигр во Вьетнаме, где нефть добывается из гранитов) и ряд месторождений Якутии, где газоносны вулканические и вулкано-осадочные породы. Среди осадочных нефте- и газоносных пород ведущее место – порядка 50–60% – занимают песчаники, 40–45% – известняки и доломиты, а залежи в глинах скорее исключение.

Из сырой нефти различными физико-химическими методами производится более 3 тыс. продуктов. Эти продукты включают горючие газы, бензин,