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2. Пользуясь словарем уточните значение и произношение слов:

Relatively, to seek (sought), to bar commerce, balance, expansion, to persuade, to promote, to ensure, to consign (to), supplier, domestic.

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3. Hайдume эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний в тексте, выпишите их.

В период правления; где-либо; несмотря на; в целом; подобно; внутри; по своему усмотрению.

4. Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы:

1. What were the interrelations between Britain and America in the 18th century?

2. What was a leading industry with American colonists?

3. What was a source of capital for the expansion of American industry?

4.Who encouraged the development of business in the early United States?

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  1. Прочитайте текст. Расскажите об экономических идеях Кейнза. Озаглавьте текст.

Although Adam Smith wrote Wealth of Nations in 1776, mainstream economic thinking had changed little by the 1930s. Most agreed with Smith: the best thing the government could do to help the economy was to keep hands off. They reasoned that as long as the economy operated without interference, the forces of supply and demand would balance. Then the total supply and demand in equilibrium, everyone looking for work could find a job at a better wage, and every firm could sell its products at the market price.

But the 30th introduced the Great Depression. Despite the assurances of classical economists, the fact was that employment and business failure had reached record proportions in the United States and the rest of the industrialized world. It was at that time (1936) that Keynes’ General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money was published. His book transformed economic thinking in the 20th century in much the same way as Wealth of Nations had in the 18th century.

Keynes demonstrated that it was possible for total supply and demand to be at equilibrium at a point well under full employment. What is more, he showed that unemployment could persist indefinitely unless someone stepped in to increase total demand.

The “someone” Keynes had in mind was government. He reasoned that if government spent money on public works, the income received by formerly idle workers would lead to increased demand, a resurgence of business activity, and the restoration of full employment.

The suggestion that government abandon (give up) the philosophy of “laissez faire” in favour of an active role in economic stabilization was regarded as revolutionary in the 1930s. Since then, the ideas advanced by the “Keynesian Revolution” have become part of conventional wisdom. Now, whenever a nation appears to be entering into a period of recession or inflation, economists and others who support Keynes’ ideas -“Keynesians”- immediately think of the steps the government might make to reverse the trend.