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Dialogue 2

Служащий таможни: У Вас есть какой-либо алкоголь, вино или табак, кроме того, что не облагается таможенной пошлиной?

Daniela: No, I’ve got this bottle of whisky and these cigarettes.

Служащий таможни: Хорошо. У Вас есть какие-либо подарки, которые Вы собираетесь оставить в Британии?

Daniela: Yes, I’ve got this camera – it cost two hundred pounds. I bought it in Italy.

Служащий таможни: У Вас есть чек на камеру?

Daniela: Yes, here it is.

Служащий таможни: Спасибо. Если Вы подождете минуту, я скажу Вам, какую пошлину Вы должны заплатить за нее.

Daniela: Thank you.

Focus on Grammar

Exercise 21. Study the table below then use each word once to complete the regulations.



can’t / cannot



necessary or

have to


don’t have to

not necessary


prohibited or forbidden

  1. Passengers ____make sure their luggage is clearly labeled.

  2. Passengers ____take a small bag on the plane with them.

  3. Passengers ____carry dangerous articles such as compressed gases, weapons, explosives, or fireworks.

  4. Passengers ____check in 60 minutes before departure on international flights.

  5. Passengers ____check in 60 minutes before departure on domestic flights, 30 minutes is sufficient.

  6. The airline ____accept responsibility for delays due to bad weather.

Exercise 22. Note the difference between mustn’t (prohibition) and dont have to (lack of necessity).

Decide which to use in these sentences.

  1. They transfer our baggage to the next plane. We ________carry it.

  2. Passengers ________use radio telephones because they interfere with the planes, electronic equipment.

  3. Passengers _________smoke when the plane is taking off or landing.

  4. You __________take out travel insurance, but it’s a good idea.

  5. This meeting is very important. We _________be late.

  6. We’ve got plenty of time. You __________hurry.

  7. You ________return the car to the place you hired it. You can return it to another Hertz garage.

  8. If you haven’t got an international licence, you __________drive.

  9. You ______________pay to drive on motorways in England.

10. We can buy a ticket at the station. We _________book in advance.

Exercise 23. Choose the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. They (buy) their tickets for flight to Paris last week.

2. The Customs officer (look) through the passenger’s declaration at the moment.

3. He (be) a Customs officer. He (work) at the Customs for eight years.

4. The Petrovs / the Petrov family (come) into the airport an hour ago.

5. Where is Ann? She (put) her suitcase on the scales now.

6. They (discuss) this matter tomorrow.

7. We just (go) through the Customs control and now we (present) our visas to the Immigration officials.

8. He (wait) for the flight call since 10 o’clock.

9. My friend (apply) to the Customs Business faculty of the Customs Academy last year.

10. She (register) already her luggage at the Check-in.

Exercise 24. Use the model to ask different people at the airport.

-Where is Mr. Brown?

-He has just entered the gift-shop.

  1. Mrs. Blake ____the souvenir shop.

  2. The Greens ____the restaurant.

  3. Miss Smith ____the café.

  4. The British tourists ____the Lost Property Office.

  5. The senior Customs official ____this room.

  6. The French businessmen ____the Air France office.

  7. Mr. White’s wife ____the hairdressing salon.

  8. The Customs officers ____the conference-hall.

  9. Filatov ____the bar.

Exercise 25. Translate into Russian.

  1. Покажите, пожалуйста, Ваш паспорт.

  2. Какова цель Вашего приезда?

  3. Как долго Вы предполагаете здесь находиться?

  4. Сколько долларов Вы имеете при себе?

  5. Есть ли у Вас иностранная валюта?

  6. Имеется ли у Вас что-нибудь, подлежащее декларированию?

  7. Есть ли у Вас вещи, подлежащие обложению таможенной пошлиной?

  8. Это мой багаж и моя ручная кладь.

9. У меня с собой только личные вещи.

10. Я захватил с собой всего лишь несколько подарков.

11. Пожалуйста, откройте свой чемодан для досмотра.

Exercise 26. Open the brackets and use the proper tense form.

I (have) a busy day yesterday. I (meet) a friend at the airport, because he (say) he (have) a lot of luggage, and he (want) some help. But his plane (be) two hours late. I (have to) wander around the airport terminal doing nothing. I (find) many services at the airport. I (go) to the nearest coffee-bar for a cup of coffee and a sandwich. The arrival lounge (be) full of passengers. Some of them (read) newspapers; others (watch) films on the TV in the centre of the hall. I (get) tired and annoyed. At long last my friend (arrive).

For more information turn to Grammar reference section.

UNIT 2.3 Red and Green Channel