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Focus on Grammar

Exercise 12. Choose the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. The dual channel system (allow) the passengers to choose between two types of channels: “green” and “red.”

  2. Customs officers (be) responsible for the prevention of the illegal importation of such items as drugs, guns, etc.

  3. Passengers who select the green channel (not be) subject to any other Customs formalities except a spot check.

  4. He (pass) through Customs already.

  5. They (get) an entry visa in two days.

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

  1. Помогите мне, пожалуйста, заполнить этот бланк.

  2. Эти вещи подлежат обложению таможенной пошлиной.

  3. У меня проблемы. Вы не могли бы мне помочь?

  4. Система двойного коридора упрощает таможенный контроль.

  5. Он все еще досматривает багаж пассажира из Турции.

  6. Вот мой паспорт.

  7. Поставьте мне, пожалуйста, штамп в паспорт.

  8. Таможенник был вынужден конфисковать эти вещи.

9.Я хотел бы позвонить в посольство.

10.Формальности в аэропорту занимают много времени.

11.Сейчас туристы проходят через металлоискатель.

Exercise 14. Choose the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Tomorrow I (fill in) an exit Customs declaration form.

  2. Look, the passenger (put) his suit-case into X-ray machine.

  3. Jane and Ann (be) friends for five years.

  4. Two hours ago they (show) their passport, visa and Customs declaration at this counter.

5. He already (check) the passenger’s visa.

6. They (sign) all the documents by 5 p.m.

7. When I rang him up, he (read) a book.

8. Molly lives in Scotland. She (live) there all her life.

9. She (work) there for three years. She left last year.

10. They (be) friends for five years.

11. We just (go) to the Customs Academy.

Exercise 15. Translate the following phrases into Russian. Make up sentences of your own.


This route is twice as long as that one. – Этот маршрут вдвое длиннее, чем тот.

His car is four times as expensive as mine. – Его машина вчетверо дороже моей.

A. three times as wide, four times as deep, five times as narrow, twice as big, ten times as clever, twice as strong, ten times as fascinating, ten kilometres longer, some kilos heavier, a kilometre wider;

B. half as strong, half as large, half as wide, half as good, half as long, half as heavy;

C. three times as old, many times as slow, twice as slow, twice as hot, ten times as witty, several times as good.

Exercise 16. Give the correct form of the adverbs in brackets.

1. This sportsman runs (fast) of all.

2. I like this novel (well) of all.

3. My grandmother always asks me to come (close) to hear me (well).

4. My sister speaks English far (well) than I do.

5. The (much) we read the (soon) we enlarge our vocabulary.

6. These sportsmen jump (high) than any other sportsmen in the world.

7. I live (far) from the University than my friend.

8. Please, give me some (much) tea.

9. This student works at her English (little) than that one.

10. My nephew attends theatres (often) than my niece.

For more information turn to Grammar reference section.

Grammar test №2

1._____ you filled in a declaration form _____?

  1. Are; now

  2. Did; yesterday

  3. Have; yet

  1. He ______ at the Customs control since 8 o’clock a.m.

    1. is being

    2. has been

    3. is

  2. I ______ you for ages.

    1. don’t see

    2. haven’t seen

    3. has seen

  3. I am afraid, we ______ the plane.

  1. have missed

  2. have been missing

  3. has missed

  1. He _______ all his money by the end of the week.

a) was spending

b) had spent

c) spent

  1. They _______ through the Customs examination _____.

a) has gone; already

  1. haven’t gone; yet

  2. are going; just

  1. Petrov and Smirnov ______ in the baggage crew ____ five years.

    1. has been; during

    2. are being; still

    3. have been; for

  2. Have you _____ a visa ____?

    1. got; yet

    2. get; already

    3. getting; just

9. My friend _______ on a business trip. He will be back soon.

a) went

b) have gone

c) has gone

10. Our company _______ two new offices last summer.

    1. have opened

    2. opened

    3. open

11. _____ you ever flown in a jet plane?

a) Have

b) Did

c) Are

12. They _______ to the seminar last week.

    1. have gone

    2. are going

    3. went

13. He _______ to the briefing on security measures twice this week.

    1. was

    2. was being

    3. has been

14. I am looking for Mike. ________ him?

  1. Did you see

  2. Have you seen

  3. Do you see

15. _________ the news on television last night?

    1. Have you seen

    2. Did you see

    3. Are you see

16. Their flight just ________.

  1. has landed

  2. landed

  3. have landed

17. By the end of the month George _______ his English exam.

  1. was passing

  2. passed

  3. will have passed

18. Have you ______ a holiday recently?

  1. had

  2. has

  3. have

19. Suddenly I remembered that I _______ my ticket at home.

  1. left

  2. had left

  3. was leaving

20. It’s the first time I ______ by plane.

    1. travelled

    2. have travelled

    3. am travelling

21. The number of passengers at international airports _______ recently.

a) had been increasing

b) increased

c) has increased

  1. Pete and Mike _____ to become Customs officers.

  1. always wants

  2. have always wanted

  3. has always wanted

  1. She ______ a telegram by 10 o’clock tomorrow.

  1. sends

  2. will have sent

  3. has sent

  1. _______ this bag into X-ray baggage scanner?

      1. Are you going to put

      2. Will you puts

      3. Do you putting

  1. What time will your friends __________ tomorrow?

  1. are arriving

  2. arrive

  3. be arriving

Module 3

Customs Declaration

UNIT 3.1 Passenger Customs Declaration