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Talking Points

Exercise 7. Read the list of regulations below concerning Customs channels at the airport. Then write an interview using the following information. Dramatize the interview.

There are three Customs channels in operation - blue, green and red.

A red channel (goods to declare)

You should choose the red channel (goods to declare) if you:

  • have to pay taxes on goods you are bringing in;

  • have to fulfil Customs formalities;

  • are not sure whether you have to declare something;

  • are in doubt;

  • have more than the allowances to which you are entitled;

  • have any prohibited or restricted goods;

  • are bringing in more goods than the goods on which you do not have to pay taxes;

  • have to lodge a declaration and pay taxes to Customs.

A green channel (nothing to declare)

You should choose the green channel if you:

  • do not have to pay taxes on goods you are bringing in;

  • do not have to fulfil Customs formalities;

  • are not carrying goods that are forbidden;

  • are not carrying goods to which restrictions apply in the country;

  • have more than the allowances to which you are entitled;

  • have no prohibited or restricted goods.

Blue channel

Passengers whose journey and flight commenced in another EU country do not have to make any declaration to Customs on arrival and may proceed directly through the Blue Channel.

Exercise 8. Act out the following dialogue:

Customs officer: Would you like to put your luggage on here? Thank you. Where have you just come from?

Traveller: From Madrid.

C.O: Madrid. Are you a resident in Spain, or do you live in the UK?

T: I live in Spain.

C.O: Can I see your passport, please? (checks the passport)

Thank you. How long are you going to stay in the UK?

T: For a week.

C.O: On holiday? Or, business?

T: Yes, on business.

C.O: Is this all your luggage?

T: This is all, yes.

C.O: Who is travelling with you?

T: I’m travelling alone.

C.O: OK, then. What types of goods have you got – cigarettes, cigars?

T: I’ve got just 200 cigarettes.

C.O: Nothing else at all in the tobacco line?

T: No.

C.O: Any drink at all? Spirits? Liqueurs? Wine?

T: Just this bottle of whisky.

C.O: Was that bought in the duty-free shop, or...?

T: Yes, at Madrid airport.

C.O: I see. Are you bringing any gifts for anybody in the UK?

T: Well, the whisky is a present, but that’s all.

C.O: I see. No other small items – watches, jewellery?

T: No, just personal things.

C.O: OK. Right, Sir. Can I have a look in there? Is the calculator going back to Spain with you?

T: Yes, it is. It’s mine.

C.O: Do you have a camera at all?

T: No, not with me.

C.O: OK, Sir. Thank you very much.

Exercise 9. Answer these questions:

1. Where does the passenger come from?

2. How long is he going to stay in the UK?

3. What personal things has he got?

4. Is he bringing any gifts?

5. Is he travelling alone?

Exercise 10. State the arguments for the following statements:

1. The dual-channel system provides a simplified Customs control.

2. The distance between the baggage delivery area and the entrance to the green/red channel is sufficient to allow passenger to choose the channel.

3. The Customs officer must make sure that the documents of the businessman relate to up-to-date transaction.

Exercise 11. State the arguments against the following statements:

1. The Customs officer always uses tools to examine contents of the baggage.

2. Every passenger is suspected during the Customs control.

3. Red/Green channel does not speed up the Customs clearance procedure.