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II. Match the words and their definitions


to hide ideas, thoughts, feelings.


knowing smth, being interested in smth


to check that smth is true or accurate

to verify

the state of being aware of smth

to overwhelm

a part of your mind that contains feelings that you are not aware of

to encompass

the careful examination of your own thoughts, feelings, and reasons for behaving in a particular way

to submerge

the part of a person’s mind with thoughts, feelings that they are not aware of and can not control but which can sometimes be understood


to have such a strong emotional effect on smb that it is difficult for them to resist or know how to react


to include a large number or rage of things

III. Give the synonyms to the following words.

To monitor, to ignore, to register, to overwhelm, to verify, consciousness, advance

to disregard, to check, to watch and to check, to check, to inundate, achievement, awareness

IV. Read the text “Conscious Awareness: Subjective and Objective” and say what is the difference between subconscious, preconscious and unconscious? conscious awareness: subjective and objective

Traditionally, consciousness is regarded as a private world, accessible mainly through introspection. For this reason, many psychologists once rejected consciousness as a topic for scientific study. Modern advances in research and theory have restored researchers’ interest in the study of consciousness.

As knowledge about attention, perception, memory, thought, emotion and other areas of mental experience accumulated, it became possible to study consciousness in new ways. By examining the physiological activities that accompany changes in awareness, such as those produced by dreaming, meditation or drugs psychologists have learned more about the working of consciousness.

As a result, consciousness refers to our personal experience of the world – that is, to the way things seem to us. It includes the way a sunset looks or the way a waterfall sounds. Yet, our awareness is not awareness of the world itself but of our perception of it, because we experience an integrated world, and the brain’s integration of our perceptions produces the “unity of consciousness”.

Another aspect of subjective consciousness is awareness of the self. Without self-awareness, we could not deal effectively with the world.

Objective consciousness refers to those aspects which can be verified by others. We can study various processes of consciousness, such as attention, perception and memory. We can obtain objective evidence of consciousness by measuring the physiological changes that accompany changes in awareness, such as brain waves and eye movement.

An important feature of consciousness is that we have some control over it. We can deliberately focus on anything we choose – an object’s color, shape or function; the fact that we are categorizing objects in a certain way; or the sounds made by a particular instrument that we pick out from the orchestra.

So many sensations, feelings, thoughts and memories are accessible at any given moment that attending to all of them would overwhelm us. That is why, we can be conscious only of those things we wish to attend to. This aspect of consciousness – attention – is an important area of cognitive research.

Consciousness appears to operate on a number of different levels. We can use Freud’s terminology and speak of them as being subconscious, preconscious and unconscious.

Some cognitive processes are subconscious: stimuli are monitored but not registered in subjective awareness. For example, it is possible to listen to a conversation at a crowded party, ignoring background music and voices that surround us; this cocktail party phenomenon is an act of selective attention. During this attending, however, the brain receives and records the background sounds.

A different kind of nonconscious awareness involves information that we are not thinking of at the moment, but that we can produce if we choose to do so. Such memories are preconscious. At the moment you are reading this text and thinking about psychology, but if someone asks you what you did last summer, or what other courses you are taking, or what your phone number is, the information would quickly enter your consciousness so that you could answer them. Preconscious memories encompass your entire store of general knowledge from your vocabulary to everything you know about chemistry, computers and literature, for example.

Thoughts and images that we keep submerged, perhaps because they are painful or produce psychological conflict, reside in the unconscious.