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VII. Fill in the proper preposition.

1. Social work is a profession … people with a strong desire to help improve other people’s lives.

2. Social workers assist people … helping them cope … issues … their everyday lives, deal … their relationships, and solve personal and family problems.

3. Some social workers conduct research, advocate … improved services, engage … systems design or are involved … planning or policy development.

4. Social work is aimed … enriching and enhancing individual and group development or … alleviating adverse social and economic conditions.

5. Formerly, all forms … philanthropic and charitable activities, including those of untrained, civic-minded individuals, were regarded … social work.

6. The activities of social workers are now coordinated in an effort to achieve the maximum possible benefit both … those individuals who are … need and … the entire community.

VIII. Continue the sentences.

1. Social workers assist people by …

2. The range of problems social workers deal with includes …

3. Social work practitioners work …

4. Formerly, all forms of …

IX. Render the following in English:

Социальной работой занимаются люди, которые хотят помочь другим людям решить проблемы повседневной жизни: взаимоотношений между людьми в семье, малых социальных группах и обществе в целом. Специалисты в области социальной работы пытаются улучшить психологическое самочувствие, оказать психологическую помощь детям, подросткам и взрослым, а также помочь им восстановить психолого-физическое самочувствие. Ранее любая благотворительная общественная деятельность рассматривалась как социальная работа. Однако сейчас у нее другие цели и задачи. Важно не только решать ближайшие проблемы, но и найти и причины этих проблем и попытаться изменить ситуацию.

Text II From the History of Social Work

I. Practice the reading of the following words.

Concern, cause, community, pursuit, ancient, major, feudalism, threat, purpose, technological, scientific, urban, society, legal.

II. A) Study the difference in through, though, thorough (thoroughness, thoroughly) and fill in the gaps with the right word.

1. The burglar got in … the window. 2. Ann was fond of Tim, … he often annoyed her.3. The bullet went straight … him.4. He’ll probably say no, … it’s worth asking. 5. The police carried out a … investigation. 6. The sand ran … my fingers.7. The doctor pushed his way … the crowd. 8. … it may sound strange, I was pleased it was over. 9. I’m … with my test. 10. She asked us to look … the text.11. They are very different, … they seem to get on well. 12. I admire his …. 13. You have a … knowledge on this subject. 14. They studied the data …

b) Fill in the gaps with the proper word.

To achieve – achievement – achiever – achievable;

1. I … very much today. 2. All you … is to upset my parents. 3. This goal is quite … 4. It was a remarkable … for such a young player. 5. They were proud of their children’s … 6. Even a small success gives you a sense of … 7. Everybody admits that he is a high …