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VIII. Fill in the proper preposition to complete the sentences:

1. Child abuse, intentional acts that result … physical or emotional harm … children.

2. The term child abuse covers a wide range of behavior, … actual physical assault by parents or other adult caretakers … neglect of a child’s basic needs.

3. The public often assumes that people who abuse their children suffer … mental disorders, but fewer than 10 percent of abusers have mental illnesses.

4. Stress brought on … a variety of social conditions raises the risk … child abuse within a family.

5. Child-welfare workers who confirm that a child has been abused or neglected usually have two options. These are (1) separate the child … the parents and place him or her with a relative, foster home, or state institution, or (2) keep the child with the parents and provide the family … social support, such as counseling, food stamps, and child-care services.

IX. Fill in the gaps with the proper word to complete the sentence:

1. Child abuse is also sometimes called child ….

2. Although the extent of child abuse is difficult to …, it is recognized as a major social problem, especially in industrialized nations.

3. Child abuse results from a complex … of personal, social, and cultural factors.

4. Certain characteristics of children, such as mental retardation or physical or developmental disabilities, can also … the stress of parenting and the risk of abuse.

5. In the United States many types of social programs, usually at the county or state levels, have attempted to … and prevent child abuse.

X. Continue the sentences:

1. Physical abuse includes …

2. Sexual abuse occurs when …

3. Emotional abuse destroys a child’s …

4. Physical neglect involves …

5. Emotional neglect occurs when …

XI. Translate the following questions into English and let your group - mates answer them.

1. Почему проблема жестокого обращения с детьми такая актуальная?

2. Какие типы такого поведения выделены учеными?

3. Каковы причины жестокого обращения с детьми?

4. Какие последствия жестокого обращения с детьми?

5. Какие шаги могут предпринять социальные работники, чтобы помочь таким детям?

6. Какие меры принимаются, чтобы сократить и предотвратить жестокое обращение с детьми?

Text VI Welfare

I. Practice the reading of the following words:

Welfare, recipients, private, society, technology, primary, boundary, scientific, research.

II. Learn the following derivatives:

To encourage – encouragement – to be encouraging - to be encouraged;

To discourage – discouragement – to be discouraging – to be discouraged;

1. My parents … always … me in my choice of career. 2. We …. greatly … by the positive response of the public. 3. Despite all these …, she refused to give up. 4. His parents try to … him from being an actor. 5. Don’t … by the first failure – try again! 6. Learners can feel very … if an exercise is too difficult. 7. Bank actively … people to borrow money. 8. Music and lighting … people to buy more. 9. She just needs a few words of … 10. An atmosphere of … and despair is not good for studies. 11. Your comments … me from any work. 12. In his speech he thanked everyone for their support and … 13. You could try being a little more …!

III. a)Translate the sentences and analyze the attributive infinitive (noun/pronoun + infinitive)

He gave me a passage to look through. = She gave me a passage which I was to look through.

b) Paraphrase the following so as to use the infinitive.

1. There are still a lot of things which must be packed. 2. There are so many letters that must be answered. 3. I have no money which I can spend. 4. There is nothing which we might record now. 5. There is nothing we should worry about. 6. Here is a list of medicines which are to be sold without a prescription. 7. He is not the man you can rely on. 8. He is not the man who can be easily impressed. 9. The next patient who was examined was my brother. 10. There is nothing that might keep him at home that night. 11. We’ve got no time that we can lose.