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Bretonnian chivalry The Origins of Knighthood

When the High Elves abandoned the lands of the Old World and sailed into the west, their ancient cities and palaces fell into ruins and the land reverted to a wilderness of wild woods, windswept plains and mysterious marshes. Savage and primitive human tribes, ancestors of the Bretonnians, battled with Ores and Goblins for possession of the land. Sometimes the Ores gained the upper hand, burning settlements and enslaving the humans. Sometimes the humans would press the Ores back into the forests and mountains, claiming new lands to cultivate and building high watchtowers of stone from which to keep a look out for Ores and provide a refuge if they should return.

From the few Dwarf smiths who still roamed the land, the ancestors of the Bretonnians learned how to forge weapons and armour of iron and steel. At the same time they learned how to tame and harness the horses that roamed the vast forests. They bred them strong and powerful to draw the plough and haul the heavy wagons laden with stone and great oak timbers to build tall watchtowers. Such steeds c^uld bear the weight of a fully armoured warrior enabling him to ride down the Ore boar riders and v f-riding Goblins and pursue them from his lands.

While Sigmar was forging the Empire from among the tribes east of the Grey Mountains, the ancestors of the Bretonnians fought with Ores for the lands west of the mountains. This struggle continued for many centuries. Wherever people settled, there was the constant threat of Ore raiders burning their crops or enslaving the people. Although the Bretonnians were ultimately to unite and build a strong and powerful realm, the struggle continues to this day. The realm endures and prospers only as long as there are warriors to defend it against its many and terrible foes.

Among the tribe of the Bretonni it became the custom for the best and bravest young man in the village to be armed and ready at all times to fight off the foe. Everyone else in the village toiled to provide for themselves but also to feed and equip the warrior and his warhorse. The warrior lived off the fat of the land, ate the best meat and drank the best wine. This together with constant training and practice with arms set him apart from ordinary men. He was physically bigger, fitter and more robust, standing a head and shoulders above an ordinary peasant!

The chosen warrior took up residence in the village watchtower, a wooden structure which would in later times evolve into a stone castle, and would take for his wife the fairest maiden in the village. In return for all this, the warrior was honour bound to defend the village against any foe, no matter how terrible. If necessary he would take on a horde of marauding Ores single-handed!

These warriors became known as Knights, and as the centuries passed both Knight and warhorse became exceptional examples of their kind. Although Knights were known among other human tribes of the Old World, it was among the Bretonni tribe that the tradition of knighthood was perfected.

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