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Baron Odo d’Outremer and Suliman le Saracen

Odo was one of the many Bretonnian Knights who set out for the wars in Araby against the evil Sultan Jaffar. Odo took part in the routing of Jaffar’s army in Estalia and joined in the great pursuit to the sea. When the Bretonnian Knights ultimately followed Jaffar into his own parched desert lands, Odo was there. No matter how hot the sun, and despising both thirst and flies, Odo relentlessly sought out champions of Araby to challenge and slay. Though they hid in their isolated oases, Odo tracked them down and forced them to do battle under the merciless sun.

Odo was as chivalrous as he was determined, and he honoured bravery and courage in a foe. When he met and defeated Suliman, he was so impressed by the Saracen’s courage that he spared his life. The two warriors became firm friends, especially since Suliman, a man of honour, had no love or respect for the despot Jaffar. When Odo returned from Araby he brought Suliman with him as his faithful brother in arms.

Suliman has a blood-curdling war cry, unique to the tribe of Araby from which he comes. Any opponent in hand-to-hand combat with Suliman must test against his Leadership. If he fails, it means that Suliman's war cry has shaken him to the core allowing Suliman to strike first with his scimitar, regardless of relative Initiative values, who charges, or magic weapons.

Tristan le Troubadour & Jules le Jougleur

When Tristan le Troubadour took up the grail quest, Jules his faithful jongleur begged to go with him. Together they roam Bretonnia accepting hospitality in the castles of dukes and barons where they provide entertainment in return for a feast. As they journey through Dragon-infested country, Tristan sings his songs of noble valour to give him courage. The quest has taken Tristan to many battlefields where his talents have been greatly welcomed by the embattled Knights. Their spirits are raised and their hearts made bold by Tristan's songs.

Reynard le chasseur

Reynard is known far and wide throughout Bretonnia for his passion for hunting. Reynard has become so expert with his great boar spear that he prefers to use this in battle rather than the traditional Knightly lance. He rides with a hawk perched on his wrist and he is always accompanied by his faithful wolf-hounds Groffe and Griffe, whose savagery and loyalty is unmatched by any hunting hounds in Bretonnia. Reynard likes nothing better than to track down a warband or Ore raiders and set the dogs on them!

Armand d'Aquitaine

The Battle Standard Bearer of Bretonnia is always a Knight of exceptional valour because he has the honour of carrying the sacred Battle Standard of Bretonnia. The standard depicts the Lady of the Lake herself and it is claimed that this is the very same banner that was carried by Gilles le Breton over a thousand years ago.

Armand d'Aquitaine won the honour of bearing this holy and venerable banner by beating all the other contending Knights in the great Tournament of Couronne. Armand is one the youngest Knights ever to become a Grail Knight having gone on the Quest directly after his errand of Knighthood and relinquishing all claim to the dukedom of Aquitaine held by his elder brother. Armand guards the banner night and day in the grail chapel of Couronne and sleeps upon the threshold with his shield as a pillow.

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