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Pegasus Knights

Most Pegasus Knights hail from around the border city of Parravon, hard on the slopes of the Grey Mountains where many of their noble mounts can be found. Their numbers are made up almost exclusively of Knights of the Realm, and then only the richest and most influential knights can boast of owning a battle-trained Pegasus, for the creatures are difficult to capture and harder still to train. Accordingly, to own such a beast is the ultimate symbol of wealth and success for their owners, but in truth a Pegasus is also a great practical boon for any knight fortunate enough to acquire one.

A Pegasus is stronger and faster than even the mightiest warhorse, easily able to crush a man's skull with its flailing hooves and cover great distances swiftly. Indeed, in the more wild and inaccessible domains of Bretonnia there is real merit to a steed that is not prone to becoming mired in mud or entangled in thorns. On the battlefield, small groups of Pegasus Knights will group together, often outstripping the rest of the army as they search for honourable combat.

The purest of all Pegasus, legend has it that these creatures are descended from Glorfinial himself, the steed of Agilgar, first Duke of Parravon and Grail Companion of Gilles le Breton. Noble and proud, these creatures are amongst the most intelligent of beasts, often displaying exceptional loyalty for their masters. Most famous of all was the steed of Fandrallan the Flamboyant which loyally tried to defend his severely wounded master from an angry dragon. Though the dragon was at first unperturbed as the Pegasus gamely attacked it with flailing hooves, the giant beast lost all interest in Fandrallan after it had suffered several wounds. It turned its attention to the Pegasus, thus saving the wounded knight. Bretonnian folklore is filled with many other such tales and it is said that only death will separate a Royal Pegasus and his master.

Only the richest and most powerful nobles own a Royal Pegasus, for they are incredibly rare. Those fortunate enough to own one treat it with the greatest respect, almost as if it were their peer. Each lord will have a handful of Knights Errant in his retinue whose responsibility it is to care for this, his prized possession and noblest of steeds. Peasants are never allowed near these beasts, lest their stench or clumsiness causes the Pegasus harm — indeed, tales tell of the obsessive Volstall of Quenelles who executed any peasant that even gazed upon his steed.

Bretonnian Tournaments

Bretonnian Knights like nothing better than a tournament except perhaps a just and righteous war! Many tournaments are held in Bretonnia. The greatest of these are the royal tournaments held at Couronne twice or four times a year to mark the opening of a new season. Then there are the tournaments held by the various dukes and countless local tournaments held by barons. It is possible for a Knight to roam the kingdom entering one tournament after another and if successful, being followed by a baggage train of prizes such as armour, treasure and warhorses not to mention admirers, minstrels singing his praises and would-be grooms and squires hoping for a placement in his retinue.

Tournaments are often held in order to find a Knight worthy to wed the daughter of a duke or baron or even the king. Thus winning a tournament can be made the errand of knighthood for any Knights Errant who care to take part. If the tournament prize is not a lady's hand or a domain and castle it may be a magic weapon or a special honour.

The highlight of the tournament, which lasts several days and includes much feasting, hunting and carousing, is of course the jousts. Pairs of contenders challenge each other and fight on the jousting field. It is the custom to use blunted lances unless the joust is a trial by combat, or the rivalry between contenders is particularly bitter! Even so, wounds inflicted by being unhorsed can be severe. Sometimes retinues of Knights joust together in groups giving a spectacle like a small battle. This provides excellent training for the Knights and keeps them at the peak of fighting fitness.

It is common custom for young and lusty Knights Errant to ride around the spectator stands asking ladies for their favours. These of course are not favours of the magical kind! The ladies attach various items of their apparel to the Knight's lance. The more a Knight's manly bearing and brave manner delight a lady, the more intimate the item of clothing she is moved to attach to his lance. If he wins his round of combat, the Knight may find himself honour bound to wed the lady! By the time the contest begins, many ladies are feeling the cold somewhat, especially in the midwinter tournaments! All this makes for good bawdy ballads sung by the minstrels around the feasting fires after the tournament.

Discipline and honour among Knights is maintained by the custom of trial by combat. If a Knight accuses another of dishonour, the accuser and accused are required to fight a single combat. This can be fought to the death or until one Knight decides to spare his defeated opponent having proved his honour. The contest may begin as a mounted joust at lance point and end with both Knights dismounted and battering each other with hand weapons.

The field of combat is ringed with men-at-arms forming a wall of shields who will not allow either contender to leave the field until the matter is decided and honour is satisfied. A superior lord, either a baron, duke or even the king presides over the trial, depending on the rank of the contenders. Magic items are banned from the contest and as in a tournament, it is a serious offence to strike an opponent's warhorse. If a defeated contender is spared and not slain he is punished with exile from the realm and may only redeem himself by pledging himself to a second Errand of knighthood. This is known as a Task of Redemption. Such tasks are usually extremely perilous!

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