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III. Complete the text with the words and phrases from the list below.

a – facilities/ b – transportation loops/ c – owners/ d – motor bridge/ e – enterprises/ f – celebrities / g – round about highways/ h – inhabitants/ i – disposal/ j – architecture/ k – equipment

1 History of Barnaul is connected with the life of many __.

2 Barnaul was the city of wooden __.

3 Barnaulers are proud of their __ and __.

4 Specialized medical centers use modern __ and __.

5 The swimming pools are popular with the __.

6 More than forty thousand families are the __ of the private gardens.

7 The main industrial __ produce chemical and textile goods.

8 Dozens of sport buildings are at the __ of our sportsmen.

IV. Underline the correct word or phrase.

1 Barnaul stands/ lies on the left bank of the greatest Siberian river Ob.

2 In 1917 the fire disordered/ destroyed the greatest part of the town

3 Lenin prospect runs/ stretches through the city for nine kilometers.

4 Several special medical centers operate/ arose in Barnaul.

5 The main industrial enterprises provide/ produce tyres, engines, electric pumps, etc.

6 The eternal fire was burnt / lit in memory of those, who perished in October revolution.

7 Five hotels render/ deliver services to visitors of Barnaul.

8 Four stations combine/ connect our city with different parts of our country.

V. Underline the correct grammar form of the verb.

Barnaul was founded/ is founded in 1730.

1. Since 1771 it got/ has got the city status.

2. The development of Barnaul was influenced/ has been influenced by the culture of St. Petersburg.

3. History of Barnaul is connected/ was connected with the life of many celebrities.

4. Barnaul burnt/ has burnt twice.

5. Some wooden buildings were preserved/ have been preserved after the fire.

6. The city has been divided/ is divided into five administrative districts.

7. The Local Administration, the Central Hotel, the Central Department Store is situated/ are situated there.

8. Barnaulers proud of/ are proud of their new motor bridge across the river Ob.

9. The eternal fire has been lit/ was lit in the memory of those who perished in the Civil war.

10. Regional Competitions, Exhibitions, City Celebrations held/ are held in the Palace of Sport.

11. The Glory Memorial on Victory Square is dedicated/ has been dedicated to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

VI. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1.

– Excuse me, I am lost. Can you tell me the way to Central Hotel?

– I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm new here myself

– Thank you, anyway.

Dialogue 2.

– By the way, what are your plans for tomorrow morning?

– Nothing special.

– Would you like to take a walking tour of the city?

– Thanks. I'd love to. What shall we start with?

– Let's start with the Glory Memorial on Victory square. We'll take an hour walking tour from there to the October Square and then down Lenin prospect to the River station.

– Is the museum of Fine Arts far from there?

– It's only a few blocks north. We'll be able to visit it tomorrow.

Dialogue 3.

– What should I see first, N?

– You should start with the Museum of Local History. I'll stop by and pick you up at your hotel tomorrow morning. Will nine o'clock be all right?

– Yes, it suits me fine. Will we see the Pockrov Cathedral tomorrow?

– Sure. It's not so far from the museum.

Dialogue 4.

– What should I see next?

– Have you been to the art gallery?

– No, I haven't.

– You should visit it. They have a rich collection of modern painting there.

– Can I go there tomorrow?

– Sure. Moreover you can go to true Musical Comedy theatre in the evening.

– Is it far from here? How can I get there?

– Oh, it's quite easy. Go down this street for three blocks, turn left and then go straight ahead for one block. You can't miss it.

– Thank you very much.