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Vocabulary 2b

standing-room(-only) tickets (тж. SRO-tickets) – стоячие места (на концерты, спортивные состязания и т.п.)

to run for smth – побегать за чем-то, постараться

to sound (to look) good (bad, etc.) – звучать (выглядеть) хорошо (ужасно и т.д.)

to be due to start (to finish, to last…) – быть должным начаться (закончиться, продолжаться и т.п.)

for ages – (разг.) целую вечность

theatre-goer – поклонник (завсегдатай) театра

to say nothing of – не говоря уже о…

cast – отбор актеров, актерский состав

Dialogue 1.

John: Hi, Pete, that’s John speaking. How about going to a concert tonight?

Pete: Hm… Don’t know… Honestly, I’m a bit tired and besides today there is a new episode of House M.D. on the First Channel…

John: Come on, you can record your House on a videotape, can’t you! And tonight there is a great show of Radiohead at “New Theatre”! Only one performance and I was lucky to get two standing-room tickets.

Pete: Oh, my god, that’s unbelievable! You must be kidding, right? How did you do that? You must have run for them, haven’t you?

John: Oh no, my cousin work in New Theatre and now we have a good reason to use it.

Pete: Sure! Radiohead have just released a new album and I’ve heard a couple of songs from it. They sounded incredible! His voice, this strange and hypnotic music, these verses…

John: Trust your word, as I haven’t heard anything so far. But I’ve heard enough of Thom York to know he is a genius.

Pete: When does the show start?

John: It’s due to start at nine, but I suppose we’d better come a bit earlier to find the best possible places.

Pete: Sounds reasonable. Let’s meet at the entrance at half-past eight, shall we?

John: Agreed. See you then.

Dialogue 2.

Mary: It’s finally the week-ends. Any ideas?

Jennifer: Well, let’s see… We could go to the theatre for example – we haven’t been there for ages! And I hear there is some new show on with Konstantin Khabenskiy. They say it’s worth seeing.

Mary: Oh, no, please. I’m not a theatre-goer, you know it well – it’s all so boring and unnatural. Besides I am not a fan of Khabensky.

Jennifer: Ok, how about a cinema then?

Mary: Good idea! On Sunday there is “Wanted” on in Mir, with Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy starring. They say it’s a real hit.

Jennifer: Oh, I heard about it. If I’m not mistaken the director is Russian?

Mary: Abolutely right, it’s Bekmambetov.

Jennifer: Isn’t it the one who shot “Nightwatch”?

Mary: Yeah, and “Daywatch” too. And I think he is very talented. His films are usually so dynamic.

Jennifer: Totally agree. And the cast is usually very good – and that means acting is good, to say nothing of the special effects which his films are especially known for. Remember how the car was racing vertically along the wall of the hotel? Oh, that looked fantastic!

Mary: True. What struck me most was that everything looked so real. I hope, “Wanted” will be at least not worse. So, shall we go to the day performance or the evening one?

Jennifer: Let’s go to the day one and in the evening we can go to a café for example or have a walk.

Mary: No objections. Can’t wait!

g) Ask your friend:

– Много ли у него обычно свободного времени?

– Как он предпочитает проводить свое свободное время?

– Любит ли он активный или пассивный отдых?

– Любит ли он театр?

– Что ему больше нравится кино или театр?

– Какие книги он любит читать и почему?

– Какой фильм он видел недавно, понравился ли он ему и почему? Что ему (не)понравилось больше всего?

– Любит ли он слушать музыку?

– Какую роль в его/ее жизни играет искусство?

– Кто его любимый актер/актриса/писатель/певец?

– Хотел ли он когда-нибудь стать знаменитым?

h) Make up your own dialogs on the situations using Vocabulary 2 and emotional expressions:

1) Your friend from the other city came to you for a week vacation. Discuss how you can spend the time.

2) You read a book (watched a film, listened to some music). Discuss it with a friend who has an opinion opposite to yours about it.